Thursday, April 15, 2021

Generation NXT UK - NXT UK recap for April 15, 2021

Nathan Frazer beats Saxon Huxley.

In footage from earlier this week, Sha Samuels says it winds him up when Noam Dar works hard every single day to ensure NXT UK is on top only for Moustache Mountain Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) to be handed every single opportunity on a silver platter. Noam Dar says they play chess while Moustache Mountain plays checkers, and next week, he and Sha Samuels have a tag team match against Moustache Mountain.

It's time for SPRNVA Sessions. After mentioning next week's match with Sha Samuels against Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven), Noam Dar introduces tonight's guests: Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang), who help themselves to the couch, forcing Noam Dar to sit on the fold-out metal chairs. Mark Coffey says they have taken time to re-train and re-focus, and have realized they are held to a higher standard in the tag team division and have picked themselves back up. Wolfgang says he is trying to keep his temper under control, not let anyone get under his skin and focus on the Gallus goals. Joe Coffey says he wants to go on a rampage, then Eddie Dennis shows up and addresses Mark Coffey's statement of Gallus being held to a higher standard in the tag team division, and says the only reason they had championships to lose to Pretty Deadly (Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley) is because they got involved in his business. Joe Cofey confronts Eddie Dennis, who says that if he wants to go on a rampage, then he can face the one person he has avoided since NXT UK started: him. Joe Coffey says he is ready to go next week, then T-Bone and Primate attack Gallus from behind. This leads to a brawl between Gallus and the team of Eddie Dennis, T-Bone and Primate that referees have to quickly break up; all the while, Noam Dar enjoys a carrot stick and a glass of orange juice.

In footage from earlier this week, Sam Gradwell is not in the mood for an interview. He finds out that the UK Performance Center is locked, and "Bomber" Dave Mastiff refuses to let him in.

We hear from Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) in footage from earlier today. After they take a look at BT Sports Stadium, Tyler Bate talks about his road to the NXT UK Heritage Cup before Trent Seven announces they are back in tag team action next week against Noam Dar and Sha Samuels.

Isla Dawn beats Emilia McKenzie.

We hear from Jinny and Joseph Conners. Jinny says she knows what Piper Niven is capable of, due to her being one of the strongest women on the brand, yet she acts like she does not want to be here. Jinny says Piper does not deserve to be here, as she is a small fish in a big pond who wears the same dirty outfit each and every week, and next week, when Piper steps in the ring with her, she will end up another fashion victim.

Next week: Eddie Dennis vs. Joe Coffey!

In backstage footage from last week, Meiko Satomura meets up with Aoife Valkyrie, and tells her that she accepts her challenge.

Jack Starz beats Ashton Smith with a folding press pinfall attempt, earning him his first one-on-one victory in NXT UK.

We see a video package chronicling the breakdown of the friendship between "The Lucky Yin" Lucky Williams and Amir Jordan.

"The Lucky Yin" Kenny Williams beats Amir Jordan after slamming Jordan shoulder-first into an exposed turnbuckle with the turnbuckle pad tilted downward.

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