Saturday, April 10, 2021

Hardcore Justice 2021 - The Results

"The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander and Petey Williams beat the team of TJP and Fallah Bahh and the team of "Inevitable" Ace Austin and Madman Fulton in a three-way tag team match.

Shera beats Hernandez in a Chairly Legal Match after Rohit Raju shows up from out of nowhere and hits Hernandez with a chair.

At Swinger's Palace, "The Cowboy" James Storm and Chris Sabin have the night off when XXXL (Larry D and Acey Romero) show up to get in on the betting action after trying to start something only for Storm to propose a "drinking match." When Matt Cardona shows up, Johnny Swinger is jealous of Cardona's success, but Cardona says Swinger is upset he doesn't have his own action figure. When Matt Cardona shows up, Johnny Swinger is jealous of Cardona's success, but Cardona says Swinger is upset he doesn't have his own action figure. Tommy Dreamer pops up and puts Cardona and Swinger in a "Crate American Bash Match."

"The Big LG" Doc Gallows beats Black Taurus following the distraction by "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson.

We hear from Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering, Deaner, Rhino). Eric Young calls Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Edwads, Willie Mack and Rich Swann pillars of Impact Wrestling, but he will smash those pillars because they have the disease while Violent By Design sees the truth. Young says Violent By Design are absolute believers of violence, and that the world belongs to Violent By Design.

Matt Cardona beats Johnny Swinger in a Crate American Bash Match. After the match, Cardona takes the one crate that is not utilized during the match - after having looked in it before the end of the match - and carries it with him to the back.

We look back at Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu from Hardcore Justice 2010.

At Swinger's Palace, "The Cowboy" James Storm, Chris Sabin and XXXL (Larry D and Acey Romero) are still at the blackjack table, and Storm is outdrinking XXXL. Larry D is wondering when the match will be.

Sami Callihan heads to the ring. Callihan says there is a common misconception about him that he is a bad guy, but Callihan says he just wants the best out of people like Trey Miguel, and that he brought passion out of him after beating him within an inch of his life. He goes on to say that under his mentorship, he can take Trey Miguel to the next level, and he plans to teach another lesson in passion by getting an opportunity on tonight show, and issues an open challenge to anyone in the back. The open challenge is answered by - of all people - Sam Beale.

Sami Callihan beats Sam Beale.

Jake Something beats Brian Myers in a Hardcore Blindfold Match. During the match, Myers grabs and clotheslines the referee in order to remove his blindfold for a cheap shot, then Matt Cardona shows up with the crate from earlier. After faking out Myers, he passes the crate to Jake, who uses it as a weapon to win the match. Inside the crate is various action figures.

We hear from Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Edwards, Rich Swann and Willie Mack. Dreamer says he knows Eddie, Willie and Swann will have his back, and Swann says that when Dreamer needed friends and knew what he was capable of, he was in. He says that Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering, Deaner, Rhino) may think they are violent, but they have fire and they will beat Violent By Design tonight.

Tennille Dashwood beats Havok, Alisha, Rosemary, Su Yung and Jordynne Grace in a weapons match to become #1 contender to the Impact Knockouts Championship. Before the match, Susan shows up, but Su Yung's theme plays and Susan is attacked and enveloped into Su Yung, who takes part in the match. Later on in the match, Tenille has to be helped to the back, but she returns from out of nowhere after Nevaeh throws powder into Havok's face and Jordynne Grace takes out Havok only to be dragged out of the ring and superkicked by Kaleb to pin Havok for the win.

At Swinger's Palace, Acey Romero is so drunk that he is woozy on his feet and falls down on a chair. James Storm tells Larry D it is now time for a drinking match, then he and Sabin have a drunken game of Beer Pong with XXXL. Acey Romero misses, Sabin throws his ball at the cup as opposed to into it, Larry D misses, and Storm throws his all into Larry D's eye before he and Sabin throw Larry D into the blacjack table before Storm puts his ball in the cup.

Deonna Purrazzo retains the Impact Knockouts Championship against Jazz in a title vs. career match, effectively retiring Jazz. After the match, Jordynne Grace checks on Jazz and hugs her, then head to the back.

Backstage, Tommy Dreamer is found laid out, and this leaves Team Dreamer (Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Edwards, Willie Mack, Rich Swann) without its leader.

Violent By Design (Eric Young, Joe Doering, Deaner, Rhino) beats Team Dreamer (Eddie Edwards, Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Trey Miguel) in an eight-man Hardcore War. Trey Miguel shows up as a surprise substitution for Tommy Dreamer before the match's official start.

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