Saturday, April 3, 2021

Honor Roll - Ring of Honor recap for April 3, 2021

In footage from last week, Fred Yehi says he will not dwell on the past and that he is the business of breaking people after winning the first Pure Rules Gauntlet Match.

Mark Briscoe guests on commentary for the next match.

"The Mecca" Brian Johnson beats Danhausen. During the match, Brian Johnson hurts his leg and Danhausen inadvertently takes out referee Todd Sinclair with Johnson's legs. Johnson tries to put his legs on the ropes for leverage, but gets caught by Sinclair. Sinclair is nearly knocked down again, but Johnson kicks Danhausen in the groin with a mule kick when Danhausen nearly runs Johnson into Sinclair. This allows Johnson to hit The Process for the win. After the match, Johnson says "it's about damn time" that a microphone gets in his hands, that he gets the matches that he deserves and that he ushers in his own decade of excellence, then puts the entire locker room on notice.

We hear from Jonathan Gresham, who says that the fans asked for it and it will happen: he will face Jay Lethal on episode 500 with the ROH Pure Championship on the line. We also hear from Jay Lethal, who calls the match and the episode history in the making, and says that it will be time to figure out who the best wrestler is.

We hear from LSG, who says that he is in the Television title devision because the best have won that match first, and he wants the Television title as a launchpad to success in ROH. He says that his recent matches have launched him to the stratosphere and that Eli Isom is below him. He then mentions his match with Eli Isom at Bound By Honor over a year ago, thinking it would open the doors for both of them, but this match is an opportunity for both of them to ascend to greatness. He says that Eli Isom is capable of greatness but is not on his level, and that he will not let Isom pass him by on the way to the ROH World Television Championship. He says that if anyone wants to make a name for themselves in ROH, they have to go through him, especially if Isom wants a shot at the TV title. We then hear from Eli Isom, who says that his match with LSG is an interesting match-up, as they know each other's games, but this is a new Eli Isom that LSG is seeing, and he is here to win gold. He understands that there is a bit of a competition between him and LSG, and if LSG wants him to go through him first, he will accept that challenge and will not let LSG - or anybody - best him, for the Television Championship is his for the taking. He says that they are both a win away from title contention, and he will get that win when he hits LSG with The Promise.

Eli Isom beats LSG.

We hear from Jay Briscoe, who talks about his entire career in ROH and being there since the begininng before mentioning that he will face his brother Mark Briscoe on the 500th episode of Ring of Honor TV. He also says it will be an honor to shake Mark's hand after he beats him.

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