Saturday, October 10, 2020

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling presented by PRO Shingle recap for October 10, 2020

We hear from the women's division and Spencer Chegwidden Esq., Halston Boddy's lawyer. He states that Nikki Marquez has been arrested and is in jail, and cannot return until his charges are dealt with. He also states that as minority owner, Nikko cannot cancel the women's division, as he has no authority to do so. It is announced that the women's division is still around and that a women's championship is also announced, and Halston Boddy says that the women will have the best championship in wrestling if he has anything to say about it.

"The Golden Boy" Jordan Clearwater beats EJ Sparks.

Backstage, John Roberts tries to interview Ray Rosas, but Adrian Quest and Andy Brown show up and attack John Roberts as they try to attack Ray Rosas, who fends them off. He then calls out SoCal Distancing's masked leader and finds him. As Rosas advances towards the masked man, the masked man suddenly disappears in a burst of static.

We hear from Watts via a telephone interview with John Roberts. Watts says his knee is holding up despite Miguel attacking him, and says it will take a lot more than that to take him out, and that Miguel should have finished the job. Watts says he has known Miguel for a long time, and that Miguel just wanted to be accepted by everybody and would stop at nothing to achieve that, and now Miguel has done something stupid and is going to pay for it. He says that the second he sees Miguel again, it will be over for him.

The Friendship Farm (Gentleman Jervis and "Sweet" Robin Shaw) beat 4 Minutes of Heat ("Rock God" Ricky Gibson and "Freak Nasty" Eddie Pearl) after they flip Gibson, causing him to give Pearl a Canadian Destroyer before Shaw hits Gibson with Sweet Victory for the win.

Lacey Ryan beats Heather Monroe in Match 5 of the best-of-seven series - a Taped Fist Match - after Heather tries to punch Lacey only to hit her hand on an exposed turnbuckle ring. Lacey Ryan leads 3-2 in the best-of-seven series.

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