Saturday, August 17, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for August 17, 2024

"The GunShow" Brett Michaels beats CJ Money. After the match, Dustin Starr interviews Brett Michaels at the announce table. Brett says he has new sights on "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts and tells him to get ready for "The GunShow," then K-Toomer shows up. K-Toomer says he does not care if Brett Michaels wants his shot, then says he will get his shot after he gets revenge for what Aaron Roberts and Justin Case did to him. He warns Aaron Roberts and Justin Case that he is coming for blood, then calls them out. When told by Dustin Starr that Aaron Roberts and Justin Case will have a championship celebration later today, K-Toomer says they have nothing to celebrate.

Backstage, Too Kool II meets with Matchmaker King Cobra. Tim Grind says Sir Matthew and Lord Gaston are doing everything they can not to lose the Memphis Wrestling Tag Team Championships, and King Cobra tells them that in the next match, if they try anything again, they will lose the titles. After Too Kool II leaves, J. Webb shows up to tell Kin Cobra that his teddy bear has ended up missing.

Big John Dalton and "All The Way" Ray Collins beat "Main Event" Brad Skimahorn and Big Nasty Phil.

Dustin Starr interviews Tim Bosby at the announce desk. He says that he had a great Internet Championship match with "All The Way" Ray Collins in Pontotoc, Mississippi, then proposes a "Bosby Invitational" against anyone who wants to face him for the title and mentions that Jonathan Gresham is here. Bosby then says that other people want to face him for the title, including Big John Dalton, and says that whoever wants some can come get some.

Tim Bosby retains the Memphis Wrestling Internet Championship against "The Walking Red Flag" Colton Cage in a Bosby Open Invitational match with the ankle lock. Referee David Knight is the championship official for this match.

Dustin Starr interviews Jonathan Gresham at the announce desk. It is announced that Gresham has joined the Memphis Wrestling roster in a full-time capacity and will be a coach and mentor for up-and-coming stars. Gresham thanks the fans and says it has been an honor to travel around the world and compete, then The Lane Dynasty ("The Best of the Best" Austin Lane and "Smokin' Hot" Nikki Lane) shows up for the first time in months. Austin Lane says he is here to see Memphis Wrestling's newest mentor and that he considers Gresham one of the best technical wrestlers in professional wrestling, but declares that he is "The Best of the Best" in the ring. Austin says he had to show up after Memphis Wrestling advertised "the best wrestler," and after Dustin Starr apologizes, Gresham says he saw this coming. When Nikki Lane demands respect from Gresham, Jordynne Grace shows up. Jordynne confronts The Lane Dynasty, and Gresham says he did not show up without back-up before issues a challenge to The Lane Dynasty, which the fans are all for. The Lane Dynasty are seen backing up into the locker room.

Backstage, Zaya interviews Mike Anthony, who is silent the whole time. "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock's Secret Service agents and tells Mike Anthony to say what he was told to say, and Mike Anthony removes his hood and walks away.

Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders beat The Righteous Path (Brother Bruce and Marrow) by disqualification after Reverend Ash Taylor shoves Ray Ray Sanders off the top turnbuckle. After the match, The Righteous Path (Reverend Ash Taylor, Bruce, Marrow) continue to attack Ray Ray and Derrick, and Reverend Ash Taylor hits Ray Ray Sanders in the back with a shinai. The Righteous Path runs away after Derrick King threatens them with a chair. Reverend Ash Taylor says that when he prays for Memphis Wrestling, he dreams of war and lies, and that it is not the beast under the bed that one must not be afraid of. He says that The Righteous Path is here to save Memphis Wrestling, and one all has to do is take his hand.

We see footage from after las week's show of K-Toomer struggling to get up and being helped to the back after losing the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship last week.

Dustin Starr interviews "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts and Justin Case at the announce desk. Justin Case demands respect for Aaron Roberts for becoming Memphis Wrestling's first-ever Grand Slam Champion, and says there is nothing left for Aaron Roberts to do. K-Toomer shows up, and he and Aaron Roberts immediately brawl. Justin Case hits K-Toomer from behind, but it is a distraction that allows Roberts to hit K-Toomer with a chop block. "The GunShow" Brett Michaels shows up and fights Aaron Roberts, then K-Toomer and "The GunShow" fight over Aaron Roberts before ultimately brawling with each other, which referees and security has to break up. Justin Case holds Aaron Roberts back as the brawl goes on, and members of the locker room have to get involved as the show ends.

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