Friday, August 16, 2024

THE NXT LVL - NXT LVL UP recap for August 16, 2024

Mark Coffey beats Cutler James.

We see Adriana Rizzo and Layla Diggs in an Instagram video where Adriana teaches Layla confidence. Izzi Dame shows up and says the only thing Adriana will teach Layla is how to hide a body, and this leads to Layla stopping things before they get physical and then lifting Adriana up as she challenges Izzi to a match on NXT LVL UP.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Cutler James, who gives Mark Coffey credit yet says that it does not make the loss any harder to take. He says he fought his hardest and fell short again, and he can either sit here and sulk in defeat or he can learn from this experience. He says this game is all about mindset and that he does not lose; he learns and keeps moving forward, which is what he plans to do.

Adrianna Rizzo beats Izzi Dame.

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