Sunday, August 25, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for August 25, 2024

Note: This is a repeat of Championship Wrestling Presented by CarShield from May 29, 2022.

PPRay ("Pretty" Peter Avalon and Ray Rosas) break up before the next match can even begin when Rosas suddenly kicks Avalon in the face before tossing him to the corner and hitting him in the head with a chair. Ray Rosas then sits in the chair in the ring as a referee checks on Peter Avalon, who is now busted open. Rosas punches Avalon, then hits him with the chair again before yelling at Avalon to stay down and throwing the chair back into the ring. After knocking a fan's fries off a nearby table, Rosas punches Avalon in the head back in the ring before piledriving Avalon into the chair back twice.

Reka Tehaka beats Mylo. After the match, Savanna Stone gets in the ring and attacks Mylo Matters, with Reka Tehaka joining in. Johnnie Robbie goes after Stone and ends up brawling with Reka Tehaka before getting attacked from behind by Viva Van. Sandra Moone also gets involved in the brawl, making the brawl three-on-three before Moone, Johnnie and Mylo stand tall in the ring.

"The Captain" Shawn Dean beats Vinnie Massaro.

Backstage, Jack Farmer interviews The Bodega (Danny Limelight and "King Fatboy" Papo Esco). Papo Esco talks about the gold they have won so far and says that Slice Boogie is out doing some international work. Danny Limelight says that the United Wrestling Network is like Disney World while he is like Space Mountain, and says it is time to get some singles gold of his own.

Beef Candy (Richie Slade and Flex McCalleon) beat The Midnight Heat ("Rockin'" Ricky Gibson and "Precious" Eddie Pearl) and The Wolf Zaddies (Che Cabrera and Bad Dude Tito) to become the United World Tag Team Champions after Richie Slade sends Ricky Gibson into Eddie Pearl, which in turn knocks Pearl into The Wolf Zaddies, who are about to beat up Guy Tweakacetti for spraying water at Che. Slade then rolls Gibson up and grabs the tights to win the tag team gold. Guy Tweakacetti is visibly sobbing after the match.

Danny Limelight beats "Poppin'" EJ Sparks with a sleeper to become #1 contender for the United Heritage Championship.

Backstage, Jeremy McPeet interviews Chris Dickinson, who asks if anyone is actually surprised that he beat Davey Richards last week now that he is more dangerous than ever, then says the world is open and warns all potential comers of how dangerous he is.

Before the next match, Zicky Dice says that when one thinks of Championship Wrestling, one thinks of him, and he says he has gifted the fans a main event for the Heritage Championship that he flew his mother in to see him win the title. Zicky tells Jordan Cruz that he is holding onto something that is his and tells him to come out with his belt.

Jordan Cruz retains the United Heritage Championship against Zicky Dice disqualification when Zicky hits Cruz with an eye rake followed by a low blow in full view of the referee. After the match, Zicky hits Cruz with a neckbreaker before lifting up the Heritage title above a downed Cruz to end the show.

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