Thursday, August 1, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for August 1, 2024

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz, Wes Lee) beat KUSHIDA and Speedball Mountain ("Speedball" Mike Bailey and Trent Seven) in a six-man tag match.

We hear from Jordynne Grace, who says that while Ash by Elegance is a terrible person, she has put in the work for getting a title shot. She says that Ash will never get her moment while she is champion, and she will continue to defend her title against anyone and everyone. Jordynne then issues another open challenge for her title next week.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Campaign Singh, who is on the phone with Mustafa Ali. He says it is not his fault what happened at Slammiversary, then tells him he is loyal to the campaign and is told about his credibility. He then tells Gia that Mustafa will be walking out as World Champion, and states he will be proving his loyalty to him and his campaign and prove his credibility.

Rosemary beats Kristara as George Iceman and Ash by Elegance watch backstage in disgust, and almost keeps attacking Kristara after the match before stopping herself. After the match, Rosemary takes a bag into the ring and pulls out a black rose, then places it on Kristara.

Backstage, Alisha Edwards says The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC) is "the dream team of wrestling." Eddie agrees, saying that things happen and that it is time for "a system reboot." Myers says they are still the best and that the comeback is much greater than the setback. JDC says he has taken bullets for The System and will still do it, as he wants to be in The System and trusts The System. Moose says the biggest part of them was taken at Slammiversary, and that they will not rest until they wreak havoc in TNA Wrestling and get everyone to trust The System.

Backstage, we hear from Mike Santana, who says that when one does wrong, it comes back to bite them. He says the cracks are starting to show in The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC), and after he is done with them, the Devil always comes to collect. He does not want them to forget, as he has not, and he has unfinished business with them. Suddenly, Campaign Singh shows up to prove his credibility against Mike Santana, and formally challenges him to a match later tonight. Santana smells Singh, then tells him to go talk to Director of Authority Santino Marella and make it happen.

"The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander is introduced with his entrance theme playing, but Josh Alexander refuses to show up. Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Josh Alexander, who says he is the greatest Canadian professional wrestler on the planet and that Toronto is the best city in Canada, then says he owes nobody an explanation and believes in himself. He says he has carried the company for far too long and made it so that "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry can make a name for themselves here, then says that he owes nobody anything and has no further reason to explain himself. Ryan Nemeth checks on Gia on the way to the ring for the next match.

Frankie Kazarian beats "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth. After the match, "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander shows up, walks past Kazarian, gets in the ring, grabs Ryan Nemeth and hits him with the C4 Spike.

It is announced that at Emergence on August 30th, there will be an Ultimate X Match.

Jody Threat beats Masha Slamovich after Dani Luna boots Alisha Edwards in the face and Jody drop toe holds Masha into a turnbuckle with a Knockouts Tag Team Championship wrapped around it by Alisha.

We hear from Joe Hendry, who says that his rise to the top is nothing but trendy, and says that without the fans' support, this would never have happened. He asks the fans for the continued support despite the setbacks he has suffered recently in TNA and NXT, and says that he will keep getting back up because the fans believe in him. He dreams of becoming TNA World Champion and knows he can do it because of the fans.

Mike Santana beats Campaign Singh. After the match, Mike Santana tells Moose that he has not forgotten about him, and while Moose is a smart man for putting a hit on him after all he has done, he has made him want the TNA World Heavyweight Championship even more and he will become champion. He then says that before he gets there, he tells Moose that he will make him suffer and put his boot on The System's (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC) necks, and he will not stop until they beg him to stop. Mike Santana then makes it clear that he wants Moose's head.

"The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth retains the TNA World Championship against Mustafa Ali. After the match, "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander shows up on the stage, and walks away when Nic Nemeth notices him.

It is time for the wedding of PCO and Steph de Lander. Director of Authority Santino Marella is in charge of the proceedings, while Rhino is best man and Xia Brookside is the maid of honor. PCO arrives - and is brought to life - first, followed by Steph de Lander, who is accompanied by Destro. Steph says her vows, and PCO simply yells his. Rings are exchanged, with PCO using his brother-in-law's ring and ring finger. Before they can finally tie the know, Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) shows up and objects to the wedding...almost. Francis says that he and PCO had an instant classic at Slammiversary, then says they are here because PCO earned his respect and that he and Swann want to "watch the freak show get their freak on." Santino declares PCO and Steph "Monster and Bride," and declares "You may now French kiss the bride." Before PCO and Steph can kiss, Matt Cardona suddenly shows up. Cardona smacks PCO with his wedding present, which is really a piece of a cinder block, then declares the TNA Digital Media Championship and the Canadian International Heavyweight Championship his. Cardona then tries to make Steph leave with him, but Steph chews him out, saying that this was her moment and her wedding. Cardona wants to know what Steph is doing, saying it was not supposed to be this way.

Here are the must see moments from tonight's show!

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