Thursday, August 15, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for August 15, 2024

Before the next match, John Skyler says that Jason Hotch will win his qualifying match and go on to Ultimate X just like he will, and says that regardless of who they face, the X will be brought down by "these good hands." Frankie Kazarian guests on commentary for the next match.

Riley Osborne beats John Skyler and Chris Bey in a Triple Threat Ultimate X qualifier. During the match, Chris Bey hits Osborne with The Art of Finesse, but Skyler tosses him out of the ring and tries to pick the bones. Osborne counters with a schoolkid pin and hits Skyler with a top rope Shooting Star Press to win the match and continue to the Ultimate X Match at Emergence.

In footage from earlier today, "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth shows up in a gray sports car and is interviewed by Gia Miller. Nic Nemeth says his match with "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander is a big one, but it is not the Josh Alexander he knew. He says Alexander attacked his family and that all bets are off, then says he will lead the way as World Champion and that he will stand over Alexander and prove just how good he is.

Director of Authority Santino Marella is in the ring. Santino calls Matt Cardona to the ring after what transpired last week. Cardona shows up and makes his way to the ring. Santino calls Cardona an "uninvited guest" and a "wedding crasher" for wrecking PCO and Steph de Lander's honeymoon and cracking him in the jaw, then says he has a proposition for him. Cardona says Santino acts like he does not even know him, then says they go way back and that he works for no one, and threatens to hit him in the jaw again. Santino tells Cardona that he has just stooged himself off and that he will prosecute him and have him sent to jail unless he signs a contract for a match against PCO in Tampa, Florida. Cardona takes the contract and says he will have his lawyers look it over, and if the contract is good, he will face PCO. Cardona then leaves with the contract.

In a TNA Digital Exclusive, Frankie Kazarian is confronted by Eric Young for costing him the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Steve Maclin shows up and confronts them for complaining, and both of them take this as a threat. We then hear from Maclin, who says things have not gone as planned since Slammiversary, and while he has made it his goal to become TNA World Champion again and stack the bodies up one by one, he has Eric Young in his crosshairs. He says that they have never faced each other and that he will change that, and while Eric Young wants to lead TNA, he wants to be the new blood, and he will start the stack of bodies with Eric Young.

"The Quintessential Diva" Gisele Shaw beats Tasha Steelz in a match with three referees after Tasha Steelz is caught by one of the two outside referees using the ropes for leverage during a pinfall attempt.

It is revealed that The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) and JDC have taken out Mike Santana, who is checked on by security.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) and JDC head to the ring. Alisha says that everyone expected to see Moose vs. Mike Santana tonight, but Santana is not medically cleared and Moose has the night off. Suddenly, Mike Santana makes his way to the ring limping and clutching his ribs despite a doctor telling him not to continue, and fights The System and JDC on the way to the ring. This leads to Mike Santana vs. Moose still being on.

Moose beats Mike Santana. After the match, Joe Hendry shows up with a metal folding chair and chases The System out of the ring. Joe Hendry says The System are making a lot of enemies right now, especially himself and Santana, but then mentions that The System knows strength in numbers and mentions two more enemies that they have. He then announces that next week, Moose and JDC will face The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy).

Backstage, Jody Threat says Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich are cheaters, not wrestlers. Dani Luna says they keep getting back up and that they did not do all this to become the next Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Jody Threat then dares Alisha and Masha to try again, because this time, it is do or die.

Backstage, we hear from Jordynne Grace, who says that she expected too much from Ash By Elegeance, who ruins her and others' opportunities as well as her legacy, which she cannot have. She says she is a wrestler's wrestler through and through, but if Ash By Elegance wants a fight, she will get one.

AJ Francis guests on commentary for the next match.

Jason Hotch beats "Inevitable" Ace Austin and Rich Swann in a Triple Threat Ultimate X qualifier after Chris Bey takes out both AJ Francis and Rich Swann and Hotch rolls Ace Austin up with the legs crossed following the distraction by John Skyler.

Backstage, Matt Cardona tells Director of Authority Santino Marella that he loves the contract and signs it, but also proposes a six-person tag match with the team of Rhino, PCO and Xia Brookside vs. himself, Steph de Lander and a mystery tag partner. Santino says there will still be a one-on-one match, but Cardona says they will build to it.

"The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander vs. "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth for the TNA World Championship ends in a time limit draw. After the match, Nemeth wants five more minutes, but Alexander rolls out of the ring and heads to the back. Nemeth drags Alexander back to the ring, but Alexander kicks him in the groin and then demands the five extra minutes. When he does not get them, Alexander takes the TNA World Championship into the ring and tells Nemeth that it belongs to him.

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