Thursday, August 15, 2024

Honor Roll - Ring of Honor recap for August 15, 2024

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviews Paul Wight, who says that ROH has been great and has been on fire. Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie show up to compliment Paul Wight, and Johnny TV wants a shot at Mark Briscoe and the ROH World Championship. Wight thanks them, then tells Johnny that he has his match.

Mark Briscoe retains the ROH World Championship against Johnny TV. During the match, Taya Valkyrie is ejected from ringside for protecting Johnny TV.

In backstage footage from last week, Robbie Eagles says he has yet to get real competition in ROH and that he wants harder, more meaningful matches. He proclaims that he wants Ring of Honor gold, and challenges Atlantis Jr. for the ROH World Television Championship.

Lio Rush beats "All Heat" Blake Christian despite his left arm being injured during the match. After the match, Blake Christian bumps into Lio Rush's left arm on purpose during the post-match Code of Honor handshake.

Athena and Billie Starkz head to the ring. Athena announces the first-ever live minion training session, then makes Billie Starkz do some sit-ups as she speaks. Athena says her genorosity extends to all the minions, but she took two - Billie Starkz and Lexy Nair - under her wing. Billie asks why Lexy Nair is not here training, and Athena says that Lexy is not here because she did not lose "her" ROH World Women's Television Championship. Athena makes Billie do more sit-ups as she puts Lexy on a pedestal, and says Lexy is the only reason why she is still champion and why she does not have to deal with Queen Aminata and is able to move on to bigger and better things, like being the longest-reigning champion in ROH history. She says that all the "porcelain hussies" in the back are afraid of her, but Abadon suddenly shows up. Athena does not see her until she suddenly turns around, and Abadon scares out of the ring with a screen. Athena barely gets the World Women's Championship out of the ring before she and Billie leave.

We hear from Mark Briscoe and Tomohiro Ishii. Briscoe says he got to share the ring with Johnny TV and says it was an honor, but the champion is still the champion and he picked up the victory. He then addresses being pinned by The Beast Mortos a few weeks ago, and says that Mortos has earned a shot at the ROH World Championship and that he wants a rematch so he can beat him one-on-one.

Before the next match, "Smart" Mark Sterling says he has signed a very important match against a wrestler tonight. Ariya Daivari says his opponent calls himself "The Wrestler" because that is the only thing he is good at, then brags that he is good at just about every other sport out there. He then tells the "Texas hillbillies" in the crowd that after he beats his opponent tonight, they will learn the difference between a Premier Athlete and a wrestler.

"The Wrestler" Katsuyori Shibata beats Ariya Daivari by submission. During the match, "Smart" Mark Sterling and Tony Nese are ejeced from ringside for getting involved in the match, and Shibata takes them out before applying the Von Erich claw followed by the cross arm breaker for the submission win.

We hear from MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden). Mansoor says the fans have been loving them, and while arena are usually full of manchildren, their fans hve come out in fullforce. Maria Kanellis-Bennett and Griff Garrison show up, and Maria introduces herself before proposing that they take in Griff Garrison and become a trio. Mason Madden admits that Griff Garrison is attractive, but Mansoor wants to know if he would do the tip touch. Griff grabs their fingers instead, which offends MxM Collection to the point that they leave.

Harley Cameron beats Viva Van.

Serpentico beats Griff Garrison. During the match, Garrison inadvertently punches out the referee, and Maria Kanellis-Bennett passes a metal folding chair to Garrison. Garrison sets the chair up in the corner, then Angelico shows up and confronts Maria. As this goes on, Serpentico tosses Garrison into the chair in the corner, sets the chair up on its side next to Garrison, then grabs another chair and smacks it into the first one to knock it right into Garrison's groin. Serpentico disposes of the evidence, but the referee is still down, and Serpentico has to revive the referee for a near-fall. Shortly after this, Garrison removes the mask on Serpentico's face, but it is revealed that Serpentico has another mask underneath. The referee comes to after Serpentico hits Garrison with a splash and makes the three-count, giving Serpentico the victory and his mask back.

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviews Athena and Billie Starkz. Athena says she is not afraid of anyone, then tells Billie to get the car ready as she is not dealing with Abadon.

Anthony Henry and Beef beat Vinnie Massaro and Dante Leon.

"Taiga Style" Lee Moriarty beats Action Andretti with a crossface in a ROH Pure Championship Proving Ground Match after Andretti runs out of rope breaks.

In post-match backstage footage from Death Before Dishonor, "Legit" Leyla Hirsch says people know her as a wrestler, but she has always been a fighter and has always been underestimated because of her size. She says that she proved she was one of the best and that Diamanté took her to the limit, but when her back is against the wall, she finds a way to get back on top. Leyla says that there is more to her than meets the eye, and if anyone wants to step up, she will prove how legit she really is.

Atlantis Jr. retains the ROH World Television Championship against Robbie Eagles with a backbreaker rack.

Backstage, we hear from ROH Board of Directors member Paul Wight, who announces that Mark Briscoe will get his rematch with The Beast Mortos, this time with the ROH World Championship on the line. All of a sudden, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari show up, and Nese says opportunities are being given to people who do not deserve it. He also says that Ariya Daivari took "The Wrestler" Katsuyori Shibata - who he says should be fined or suspended for his attack on "Smart' Mark Sterling - to his limit. Paul Wight reminds him that Daivari lost and that he himself lost his recent match with Tomohiro Ishii, then tells him that he has a match with Lio Rush, and if he wins, then they can talk about championship opportunities. Nese says he will be the giant in that match, then thanks Paul Wight for the lay-up.

Cage of Agony (Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, "The Machine" Brian Cage) vs. "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs (Marshall and Ross Von Erich) for the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championships ends with Dustin and The Von Erichs being attacked by The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, John Silver) and Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett). Sammy Guevera shows up to try to make the save, but he is still outmatched. Spanish Announce Project (Angelico and Serpentico) and Fuego del Sol show up to fight The Dark Order, and this leads to a multiple trios brawl. Two security guards gets in the ring only to be attacked, and Cage of Agony, Undisputed Kingdom and The Dark Order lay waste to everyone else. ROH Board of Directors members Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn show up with two referees to restore order as the show ends.

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