Sunday, August 11, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for August 11, 2024

Note: This is a repeat of Championship Wrestling presented by CarShield from May 8, 2022.

Lord Crewe beats Miggy Rose. After the match, Lord Crewe hits Miggy Rose with Earth Shatter a second time at the behest of Halston Boddy.

Backstage, Jeremy McPeet interviews Jack Banning, who says that change is coming, and while it is one of the most difficult things to deal with, it is inevitable. He says that people fear change because they love complacency, and to change, one must leave their comfort zone. He then says he has been lonely and cannot be the only one with his feet on the ground and his head in the clouds, and that "they are coming." As Jack Banning says that it is time for change and time for "us" to get what we want and that it is time for the inmates to run the asylum, he is joined by Hunter Freeman.

Beef Candy (Richie Slade and Flex McCallion) beats Adriel Noctis and Michael Hopkins.

Guy Tweakacetti heads to the ring. Tweakacetti says Midnight Heat ("Rockin' Ricky Gibson and "Precious" Eddie Pearl) is not here because the fans do not deserve their presence and that no tag team looks as good as they do or have the energy they do. When he says there is no tag team sweet enough, Beef Candy (Richie Slade and Flex McCallion) show up again. Flex McCallion says it is time that Beef Candy have gotten their shot at the golden opportunity, and Richie Slade says he knows more than a few things about gold. Tweak says nobody cares about Beef Candy and that everyone wants Midnight Heat, but Beef Candy prove otherwise when they get the crowd on their side. Suddenly, PPRay (Peter Avalon and Ray Rosas) show up. Beef Candy dance along with PPRay, then Ray Rosas says that after two long years, PPRay is back in the United Wrestling Network and ready to show they can really shake it down. He also says that PPRay have "that long lasting-flavor" while Guy Tweakacetti is "flavor of the month," then Peter Avalon says they cannot talk about the tag titles match without them and demand a three-way match. Guy Tweakacetti tells both teams that if they want a shot at Midnight Heat and the tag team titles, they have it, and that Midnight Heat are still going out on top.

Baron Black beats Honest John with a cloverleaf.

Backstage, Jeremy McPeet interviews Robbie Johnson, who says that she is excited to be here and was worked hard to prove she should be here. She says she will be watching Reka Tehaka vs. Sandra Moone closely, because she will be on top one day.

Reka Tehaka beats Sandra Moone.

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