Saturday, August 10, 2024

Rumble On The Trail 2024 - The Results

Note: The videos here are shown in the order in which they were uploaded to YouTube and are not indicative of the actual match order of the event. Also, what is shown here may not constitute the entire show.

Big John Dalton last eliminates Reverend Ash Taylor to win the Rumble On The Trail match for the second time and win the Ainsley Cup. After the match, Big John Dalton thanks everyone for coming to the show and making a show possible in his hometown of Pontotoc, Mississippi. He says that Ainsley was his best friend and that he had the honor of speaking at her funeral, then says Ainsley had the best seat in the house tonight. Big John then declares that the fans are the real heroes and the real warriors, then dedicates tonight's battle royal victory to Ainsley before celebrating with Coach Pillar.

Dustin Starr interviews WBCI host Allie Martin and thanks him fro everything he has done in the ring. As Allie Martin talks about how he has put Reverend Ash Taylor's Shadow through a table. "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock shows up and demands respect, then makes fun of their haircuts before telling Allie that he has 78 national television appearances and that the people around here love him even though he is clearly being booed. He also makes fun of Allie's gold suit, but Allie retorts by making fun of Blaylock's size. Blaylock demands respect again, then Allie says that Blaylock reminds him of the Pillsbury doughboy. Blaylock throws a liquid at Allie's face, and Allie shoves Blaylock with authority. Blaylock then runs away.

Mackenzie Morgan retains the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship against Lord Gaston.

Big John Dalton and "All The Way" Ray Collins beat "Main Event" Brad Skimahorn and Big Nasty Phil.

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