Friday, July 26, 2024

THE NXT LVL - NXT LVL UP recap for July 26, 2024

Jaida Parker beats Layla Diggs.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Cutler James meets with Dante Chen and mentionst that he was rooting for him in his NXT Championship match against "All Ego" Ethan Page, and asks him for a match this week on NXT LVL UP. Dante Chen accepts, then says he is "the gatekeeper of NXT" for a reason, and that he has been keeping his eye on him.

Dion Lennox beats Uriah Connors after Connor is caught with his hand on the ropes during a roll-up and Lennox counters with a roll-up of his own.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Layla Diggs. Layla says she hates losing, and says that every time she moves in the right direction, she doubts herself and loses her confidence. As she says that Jaida Parker was the epitome of confidence tonight, Adrianna Rizzo shows up and says Layla Diggs had "the four F's," as she was fast, flying, flipping and "fhysical," and that all she needs is a little bit of confidence to be unstoppable, as she has everything else that it takes. She also says that she has her eye on Layla.

Dante Chen beats Cutler James.

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