Thursday, July 18, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for July 18, 2024

No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Tavion Heights) beat KUSHIDA and The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) after Jonathan Gresham shows up and distracts KUSHIDA, who chases him to the back and leaves The Rascalz a man short.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) head back to the treehouse for the first time in four years, where they realize that Desmond Xavier - who is suddenly in the treehouse with them - is now Wes Lee and is not a clone or a hologram. Before they get high, Wes Lee entertains a six-man match against No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Tavion Heights) at Slammiversary.

Xia Brookside beats Alisha Edwards after Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) stop Masha Slamovich from attacking Xia Brookside on the outside behind the referee's back.

We hear from Mike Santana, who says that he is here to take the TNA World Championship, and while the odds are stacked against him, he feels right at home with those odds. He also addresses JDC, saying that he will suffer the consequences and eat him alive after getting involved in his business.

In footage from earlier today, Mustafa Ali is almost grabbed out of his car by "Speedball" Mike Bailey. Before the next match, "Speedball" Mike Bailey suddenly shows up and heads to the ring to call out Mustafa Ali for taking out Trent Seven, saying they will put an end to this before Slammiversary and that he will not leave until Mustafa shows up and fights him. Mustafa shows up on the video screen with two men in riot gear behind him, saying that he will accept his challenge tonight on the condition that Speedball wins his "Secret Service Gauntlet." Mustafa Ali's Secret Service agents show up, and one by one, Speedball fights and pins the first three. After he beats the fourth, Campaign Singh shows up and makes himself part of the gauntlet match, and when the fourth man goes for the cheap shot, Speedball takes him out just for Singh to land one of his own. Speedball gets the win on Singh after hitting him with the Ultima Weapon, then the two men in riot gear show up to attack him from behind. One of them in Mustafa Ali, who then demands that the referee count his pinfall attempt, putting his hands on the referee in the process.

We hear from Mustafa Ali, who officially announces that his match with "Speedball" Mike Bailey at Slammiversary is removed from the ballot, as he has defeated Speedball. Director of Authority Santino Marella shows up and tells Mustafa not to put his hands on an official again, and tells him that not only is the match still on, but if he does not show up, he will be fired and stripped of the X Division title. He also hopes Speedball kicks his ass. Mustafa tells Santino that what happens to Speedball now will be on him.

The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy) beat The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) by disqualification after JDC shows up to trip Jeff Hardy off the top rope. The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) retain the TNA World Tag Team Championships. After the match, JDC and Eddie wrap a chair around Jeff's neck and ram him into the ring post while Matt Hardy is forced to watch, then JDC rams Hardy chair-first into the barricade. Medical staff and security show up to restore order. Jeff Hardy has to be fitted with a neck brace and taken out of the arena on a stretcher, and Director of Authority Santino Marella also shows up to check on Jeff.

JDC beats Mike Santana by disqualification after Mike Santana hits him with a metal folding chair in full view of the referee. Backstage during the match, Matt Hardy finds out that Rebecca Hardy has been attacked and hurt by JDC. After the match, Santana continues to smash the metal folding chair into JDC's back. Security shows up, but Santana levels them before hitting JDC with Spin The Block and celebrating on top of the ring steps while JDC lays on the floor busted open.

Backstage, Tom Hannifan interviews Jordynne Grace. Jordynne Grace talks about winning the Knockouts World title for a third time at Bound For Glory, being in the women's Royal Rumble and showing what she can do for a larger audience, and being in NXT and the love she got from the fans. On the subject of Ash By Elegance, she destroyed her first opportunity and holding titles in TNA and WWE simultaneously, but she has not given up on the idea of doing it. She says that Ash is overly confident and needs to know that she is not untouchable, and calls the personal concierge George Iceman a "non-factor." She hopes to show Ash that she is one of the best wrestlers in the world.

Personal concierge George Iceman is almost attacked from behind by Rosemary. He does not see her, but he definitely senses her presence.

Director of Authority Santino Marella moderates the contract signing for the six-way elimination match for the TNA World Championship at Slammiversary. "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander arrives first, followed by Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, Joe Hendry and Moose. "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth does not show up due to his medical status being up in the air. "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander arrives first, followed by Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, Joe Hendry and Moose. "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth does not show up due to his medical status being up in the air. Santino remembers everyone in the contract signing that this will not be a violent contract signing, then reminds everyone that Nic Nemeth, who is watching remotely and is heard from on the video screen. Nemeth says his injury is his own fault and that he has a partially torn labrum, and he blames only himself for his actions. Nevertheless, he will be medically cleared in two days and he will be at Slammiversary to fight for the TNA World Championship. He says that he will become the TNA World Champion before wishing everyone else the best of luck, as they will need it. Santino mentions the good news, then gets the contract signing going. Alexander signs the contract, as does Maclin, then Kazarian stops to read the contract briefly before signing. Joe Hendry is the next to sign the contract after briefly taking in the "We believe" chants, but Moose takes the contract from him to sign it before he can. As Hendry is about to sign the contract, Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) shows up, and AJ Francis says they are the main event of Slammiversary, which is TNA's biggest show in years because of him. He says that Moose has been a great champion, but he is the only double champion here, then plugs his match for both of his championships against PCO before saying he respects everyone in the six-way match but Joe Hendry. He calls the six-way match "a great opener for the guys in the back," then tells everyone in the ring to shake his hand and thank him for the house, as his match with PCO will be the main event. Santino tells AJ Francis this is not the time or place for this and tells him to get out of the ring. AJ Francis asks Santino who he thinks he is talking to and tells him to make him get out of the ring. All of a sudden, PCO shows up from under the ring and beats up Fir$t Cla$$ before toppling the table. Moose then pump kicks Joe Hendry, starting a brawl that ends with Moose almost putting Hendry through a table. Alexander punches Moose in the jaw, allowing Hendry to put Moose through the table with the Standng Ovation. The fans chant "We believe!" as Hendry finally shows the contract and tosses it onto Moose for Santino to pick up.

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