Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for July 9, 2024

"All Ego" Ethan Page heads to the ring to start tonight's show, and he is flanked by security on his way there. Ethan says it took only six weeks to absolutely take over NXT, and to be able to do that in such a short amount of time took determination, adaptability, being a world-class athlete and "a giant freaking ego." He makes fun of the look on the fans' faces when he won the NXT Championship, then says he has security because everyone hates him and to make sure nobody comes for him and his title. All of a sudden, Oro Mensah tries to charge at Ethan Page, but he is quickly removed by security. He thanks General Manager Ava for banning Oro Mensah from Heatwave so he did not ruin another opportunity for him in one of the greatest main events in NXT history. He says that as NXT Champion, he promises that he will make sure that none of these "outsiders" come to NXT and ruin what is had, as what is had here is very special, then declares that he - not the fans - is NXT and that the "Whoop That Era" is done. After Ethan declares "The Era of Ego," Trick Williams shows up admitting that Ethan got the win that night and that he wants his rematch tonight. Ethan thanks Trick for the Trick Shot and helping him fall into the NXT Championship, then says he knew this would happen and that he is the guy around here now before denying Trick his rematch. Shawn Spears shows up and says Ethan owes him a thank you, because if his view was not obstructed and he did not keep Trick out of the ring, Ethan would not be NXT Champion. Shawn then asks Trick "Who's the goofy ass now?" after he lost the NXT Championship without getting pinned, then says he cannot let Trick have that rematch and that Trick must go to the back of the line. Je'Von Evans shows up and tells Ethan and Shawn to shut up and says that he managed to knock out and pin both of them and nearly win the NXT Championship, then says he has shot his shot and will shoot it again. Je'Von and Trick then brawl with Shawn and Ethan and quickly clean house.

Karmen Petrovic beats Arianna Grace. During the match, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx watch from ringside. After the match, Karmen is attacked from behind by Fallon Henley.

In footage from earlier today, General Manager Ava meets with Brooks Jensen, who apologizes for his actions. Ava admits that he and Shawn Michaels were about to release Jensen, but some people have vouched for him, and they are now giving him a second chance. Ava then reminds Jensen that he has to carry himself as a WWE Superstar at all times before the both of them shake hands.

Before the next match, Eddy Thorpe is seen on the balcony with some DJ equipment as Tony D'Angelo praises EDM music.

Tony D'Angelo retains the NXT Heritage Cup Championship against Lexis King two falls to one (2-1). D'Angelo scores the first fall with 2:45 (two minutes, forty-five seconds) left in Round 2 with Fuggedaboutit following the DJ'ing distraction by Eddy Thorpe. Lexis King scores the second fall with :07 (seven seconds) left in Round 3 after hitting the Coronation. D'Angelo scores the third and deciding fall with :39 (thirty-nine seconds) left in Round 4 after countering a Coronation attempt with a spinebuster. Throughout the match, Eddy Thorpe distracts Lexis King and gets into his head with his DJ'ing.

Backstage, Brooks Jensen attacks Je'Von Evans backstage. As referees get involved, Josh Briggs confronts Jensen for attacking Je'Von, saying he stuck his neck out for him.

Backstage, Thea Hail tells the rest of Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne) she is going to get them back on the winning track tonight when Ridge Holland shows up and congratulates Andre Chase on a good match despite the loss, then says he has been working on some stuff. He says that he has gotten Thea a match with Izzi Dame in preparation for Roxanne Perez, while he has also gotten Duke Hudson a match with Oba Femi for the North American Championship.

Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang) beat Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont. During the match, it is announced that Je'Von Evans is out of tonight's main event and that Trick Williams will have to find another tag team partner.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Trick Williams, who says that Brooks Jensen did Je'Von Evans dirty and that nobody is stopping him from taking back the NXT Championship. He entertains the idea of facing Shawn Spears and "All Ego" Ethan Page alone, but decides to look for a tag team partner. At the end of the interview, Joe Hendry's face is seen on the nearby monitor.

Wes Lee heads to the ring. Wes Lee believed he could beat Oba Femi and become North American Champion, but Oba Femi was the better man. He says he wanted to beat the unbeatable ever since he came back from surgery and raise the title up, but that did not happen. Wes admits he does not know where to go from here, and that he has had "one hell of a run" in NXT, but he has to be honest with himself and with the fans, and says it is time for him to step away. Suddenly, The Rascalz - Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz (formerly Nash Carter) - show up, and the three of them admit they have missed each other so much. Wes says he is proud of what The Rascalz have become. Wentz then says that this is about Wes, who he calls the best North American Champion ever, and Trey calls MSK (Wentz and Lee) the best tag team to step in NXT. Wentz says it is time they got back together and wrecked shop around here. All three men hug in the middle of the ring.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Ethan Page and Shawn Spears. Both Ethan and Shawn agree that Trick Williams has no friends and look forward to beating Trick again, and believe that Trick will not find a tag team partner.

Thea Hail beats Izzi Dame by submission after Tatum Paxley shows up and picks a fight with Izzi. After the match, Oba Femi is on the balcony and tells Duke Hudson that Ridge Holland getting him a North American Championship match with him was a mistake. Duke Hudson says it has all been heard before, then says he is not to be underestimated and that it will be a pleasure to take his championship.

Backstage, Wes Lee and The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) are met by Gallus, who make it clear they do not want The Rascalz here and almost mention Joe Hendry in the process.

We hear from OTM (Bronco Nima, Lucien Price, Jaida Parker), who tells The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) that they messed with the wrong men, especially after they broke Bronco Nima's nose, and Jaida Parker says that The O.C. will get no mercy from them.

Backstage, General Manager Ava meets with Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. Briggs takes responsibility for Jensen, who will have a match with Je'Von Evans next week, but Jensen says he is doing this alone and leaves. Briggs says he will handle Jensen, but tells Ava he wants a match with Shawn Spears. Ava tells him he cannot having interfering in the main event, and Briggs leaves. When Stevie Turner addresses a potential tag team partner for Trick Williams, Robert Stone laughs and says "I don't believe you'll say his name."

OTM (Bronco Nima and Lucien Price) beat The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) after referees and security get between Jaida Parker and "Michin" Mia Yim when Michin shows up from out of the crowd and Nima hits a knee to the back of Anderson while the referee is dealing with Gallows.

We hear from Fallon Henley, who says that she should have been the one facing Kelani Jordan for the NXT Women's North American Championship and not Sol Ruca. Kelly Kincaid interviews Sol Ruca, who says that Kelani has proved why she is a champion and that she is down for a rematch. As for Fallon Henley, all she does is bitch while she puts in the work.

Backstage, No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Tavion Heights) shove Damon Kemp into the trunk of a car, with Charlie Dempsey saying that they do not tolerate mistakes. As they leave, they see Wren Sinclair, who backs up and says that she saw nothing. (Damon Kemp was released from WWE the previous day.)

Sol Ruca beats Fallon Henley by disqualification when she is attacked by Jacy Jayne and Jazymn Nyx after she hits Fallon Henley with the Soul Snatcher.

In footage from "NXT Anonymous," Tatum Paxley says that cool girls do not like playing with girls like her, and wants to know why Izzi Dame is so above her before ripping the head off the doll in her hands. The doll is then found by Wendy Choo.

Brooks Jensen is seen talking with someone in an office.

General Manager Ava and Stevie Turner leave the office with Cedric Alexander, who will be in NXT next week. Robert Stone shows up on the phone helping someone find their way through the phone, then introduces Ashante "Thee" Adonis, who then meets with Ava and Robert Stone.

Trick Williams' tag team partner is revealed to be Joe Hendry.

Trick Williams and Joe Hendry beat "All Ego" Ethan Page and Shawn Spears after Oro Mensah suddenly shows up and attacks Ethan Page before chasing him out through the crowd.

Here are the highlights for tonight's show!

Her are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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