Thursday, July 4, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for July 4, 2024

Trey Miguel vs. Leon Slater ends with NXT Superstar Charlie Dempsey suddenly showing up and attacking everyone before hitting the referee with a gut wrench suplex. Referees and security arrive, and Dempsey leaves.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews "Broken" Matt Hardy and Reby Sky (now known as Rebecca Hardy). Matt asks what kind of man puts his hands on his wife, and Rebecca calls Eddie and Alisha Edwards "clowns." Matt says he will destroy Eddie without remorse, and Rebecca says she has no choice but to return to the ring after eight yearsand teach them a lesson.

Backstage, Trey Miguel is angry at Charlie Dempsey for attacking him, and Zachary Wentz wants to know what is going on and what Dempsey is trying to accomplishment, saying Dempsey will not make a name for himself at their expense. Zachary Wentz mentions being in NXT in the past and knows that NXT would not allowing anything like this to happen, and if Dempsey wants a fight, he has it.

Jody Threat vs. Dani Luna in a ten-minute challenge ends in a time limit draw. Backstage, it is revealed that "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth is laid out in a stairwell, and that "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth has found him. After the match, Jody appeals for five more minutes and gets it, but she and Dani are immediately attacked by Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich.

Backstage, Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh meet with Director of Authority Santino Marella. Mustafa wants to retract his championship challenge to "Speedball" Mike Bailey, saying that Mike Bailey needs to earn his shot. Santino says Mustafa has a point, and announces that next week, Bailey will have to win a #1 contender's match to get a shot at Mustafa's title.

Frankie Kazarian beats Mike Santana by countout in a Road To Slammiversary qualifier after JDC shows up and shoves Santana into the ring post after initially grabbing at him from ringside.

We hear from ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey). Chris Bey says they have been without the tag team titles, and says The System has thrived off of luck for some time and that their luck has run out. Ace Austin says they make their own luck and have done so for some time. Chris Bey says that they have beaten two other teams on the way to this point, and that they will kick The System's asses. Ace Austin states that when the dust clears at Slammiversary, they will become the new tag team champions.

Backstage, an angry PCO uses his own body to bring Steph de Lander out of unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) brag about what they did to PCO and Steph as well as AJ Francis' international title defenses when Director of Authority Santino Marella shows up. Santino, having overheard that Francis is willing to defend his titles any time he is in the ring, says that he has someone in mind as a challenger for the Digital Media Championship, then tells Francis that he will be facing PCO at Slammiversary. Francis is undeterred, saying PCO is not coming back after what he and Rich Swann did to him.

"Broken" Matt Hardy and Rebecca Hardy beat The System (Eddie and Alisha Edwards) after Rebecca stands between Matt and Eddie, which leads to Alisha distracting the referee only for Rebecca to kick Eddie in the groin and Matt to hit Eddie with a Twist of Fate. After the match, Brian Myers confronts Director of Authority Santino Marella. ABC show up to make fun of Myers, then JDC stands between them. Santino makes a tag team match between the two parties next week.

Backstage, we hear from Jordynne Grace, who says that Ash By Elegance is on vacation while she keeps coming to work, then issues another open challenge to anyone from anywhere who thinks that they can take the Knockouts World Championship from her.

Before the next match, Joe Hendry asks Jake Something if he is sure he is ready to challenge for the World Championship, as he does not seem sure of much and keeps asking what his name is, among other questions. He then says there is one things that the fans are sure of, and that is what to chant - "We Believe" - and that they believe in Joe Hendry.

Joe Hendry beats Jake Something in a Road To Slammiversary qualifier. After the match, Hendry declares that he is one step closer to becoming TNA World Heavyweight Champion and that it all happened because of the fans. He says he will see everyone in Montreal, where he will become the face of TNA, and that anything is possible when you believe.

Backstage, The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) thanks JDC for attacking both Mike Santana and "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth, but JDC says he did not take out Nemeth. Moose then asks who took Nemeth as the five of them drive off, and we soon see Kazarian, who laughs while smoking a cigar before noticing somebody filming him.

Here are the must-see moments from tonight's show!

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