Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Blood & Guts - Dynamite recap for July 24, 2024

Backstage, Alex Marvez tries to interviews Will Opsreay, who finds out that his front driver's side tire has been flattened with some sort of blade. Ospreay ends up taking Marvez's car.

MJF heads to the ring to start tonight's show after being introduced by cheerleaders. At the center of one of the rings is a table with a black mantle hiding another championship belt. MJF says Will Ospreay did not hit the Tiger Driver '91 because he is a gutless coward, then tells Swerve Strickland that he has not forgotten about the World Championship, saying he is waiting for the right moment to pounce, and tells Swerve to pray it does not come. He brags that he beat Will Ospreay easily and efficiently without breaking a sweat, then tells Ospreay to take a long walk off a short pier before referencing his grandmother's death and using it to mock Ospreay even more. MJF then demands Ospreay come to the ring and face him like a man, then says he will not do it because he is worthless. MJF then says everyone loves the International Championship because it was held by workhorses, then says working hard is "for the poors" and that he deserves a title worthy of his superiority, saying the original is nothing more than garbage. He tosses the International Championship belt into a metal garbage can, then says he deserves a title that represents himself and the United States, and reveals the AEW American Championship. MJF says he appreciates the "USA" chants, but tells the fans he is talking about the only "real America" that matters - Plainview, Long Island, New York - and not "nasty ass Nashville[, Tennessee]." He then tells the fans to thank him later. Confetti then shoots out towards the ring before an American flag with MJF's face replacing all of the 50 stars unfurls downward. All of a sudden, Will Ospreay shows up and chases Ospreay out of the ring. Ospreay tells MJF that he can do his best to feed the fans horseshit, but nobody is eating it, and that he knows that MJF could not beat him without cheating and had to use the Dynamite Diamond Ring. He says that MJF would rather cheat than admit that he is on his level, then announces that he has had a meeting with Tony Khan and Interim EVP Christopher Daniels and that he has his championship rematch at All In.

We hear from referee Bryce Remsburg, who flips a coin to decide who has the one-man advantage. He then finds out that The Elite (Nicholas Jackson, Matthew Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, "Scapegoat" Jack Perry) have attacked Interim EVP Christopher Daniels. Matthew flips his own coin with AEW on one side and The Elite on the other, and The Elite wins. We then find out the coin is actually one-sided.

"The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho retains the FTW Championship against Minoru Suzuki following a low blow and the Judas Effect. After the match, Suzuki immediately gets back up, and when Jericho swings at him, Suzuki gets back up and hits Jericho with a Gotch-Style Piledriver. All of a sudden, Big Bill and "The Bad Apple" Bryan Keith - who had been banned from ringside during the match - show up and attack Suzuki. "The Wrestler' Katsuyori Shibata's music hits, and Shibata shows up from behind to fight Big Bill and Bryan Keith and send them running.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews Willow Nightingale. Willow is soon interrupted by Stokely Hathaway and attacked from behind by Kris Statlander, who slams her on some road crates before she and Stokely challenge Willow to a CMLL Women's World Championship Eliminator Match.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Renee Paquette interviews "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, who says that he is going to work hard, do his best and try to enjoy the moment at All In. Jeff Jarrett shows up and says that Danielson knows better than anyone than anyone else that he was crushed not to win the men's Owen Hart Tournament, and that he is proud of Danielson for overcoming the odds he could not. He tells Danielson that he will be facing a champion who is focused on retaining his title, and while Danielson has some physical healing to do, he also has some mental healing that needs to be done. Jarrett then tells Danielson that if he wants to go all in, he must go all in, as people believe in him and he is at the top of the list. Danielson says that he has some work to do.

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. beats Hikaru Shida after countering the Katana with the Lockjaw. During the match, Shida considers using her shinai, but ultimately decides not to. After the match, Mercedes Moné shows up and congratulates Britt Baker, knowing Britt Baker wants to face her for the TBS Championship at All In. She then declines the challenge before Britt Baker is attacked from behind by Kamille. Kamille then puts Britt Baker in the Torture Rack before hitting her with a Blue Thunder Bomb and standing side-by-side with Mercedes Moné and raising her hand.

Backstage, we hear from The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, "The Prodigy" Nick Wayne, Killswitch, Mama Wayne). Christian Cage announces that they walked out as World Trios Champions on Collision, and that Nick Wayne will soon walk out #1 for the AEW World Championship when he wins the Royal Rampage. Nick Wayne notices and confronts Kip Sabian, then tells him that nobody cares that his father is dead.

PAC beats Boulder.

Backstage, we hear from Team AEW (Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin, "Platinum" Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, Mark Briscoe). Swerve Strickland says the spirit of AEW is on the line tonight, and he has asked The Acclaimed (Caster and Bowens), Darby Allin and Mark Briscoe if they are ready to get violent, and that they will show The Elite what they are all about with him as their leader. Darby says this is about getting even with The Elite, and that they will never see eye-to-eye. Max Caster and Anthony Bowens say they do not mind getting violent with Swerve regarding their past history and that it is about getting the AEW tag titles, then Mark Briscoe says they must put past issues aside and must not let The Elite divide and conquer, then tells The Elite that they are not safe tonight.

"The Glamour" Mariah May beats Kaitland Alexis. After the match, "Timeless" Toni Storm's music hits, but Mariah May laughs. All of a sudden, Toni Storm - dressed as a camera worker - reveals her disguise and brawls with Mariah May, and referees and security have to step in. Toni tells Mariah she had better be prepared to die, because she is.

Team AEW (Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin, "Platinum" Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, Mark Briscoe) beat Team Elite (Nicholas Jackson, Matthew Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, "Scapegoat" Jack Perry, "Hangman" Adam Page) in Blood & Guts. During the match, Swerve Strickland is handcuffed to the cage by "Hangman" Adam Page, but he is soon freed by Prince Nana, Jeff Jarrett and "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn, the last of whom has to punch out Brandon Cutler to make it happen. Team AEW gets the win after Mark Briscoe handcuffs Jack Perry to the cage, which allows Darby Allin to pour gas on Perry and threaten to set him on fire if he does not quit and give him a shot at the TNT Championship. Nicholas Jackson tells Darby he has his match, but Darby wants Team Elite to quit. Nicholas quits on behalf of Team Elite, and the match ends.

Here are the highlights from tonight's show!

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