Sunday, July 21, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for July 21, 2024

Note: This is a re-airing of the November 28, 2021 episode of Championship Wrestling From Atlanta.

Before the next match, "Uptown" Andy Brown says that he is Championship Wrestling despite the disrespect he gets from the fans, and once the fans understand, they will understand who he is, as he is more than a man.

"Uptown" Andy Brown beats "The Aerial Artist" Zenshi.

Backstage, we hear from Baron Black, who talks about how he proved himself against Lord Crewe only for Crewe to disrespect him later, which led to a backstage confrontation and a second match where he got knocked out. He says he wanted to continue with the match, but the referee called it, and it is what it is. He says that "even" does not sit well, and that someone has to be either knocked out or tapped out and it will not be him. Baron Black says he hasn't seen anything yet if Lord Crewe thinks he has seen the best of him, and that Lord Crewe will see why he is called "The Empbruh."

Karl Fredericks beats AC Mack.

Backstage, Heather Monroe says she has been wrestling for a long time and that the future has never made less sense than now. Heather says that following her feud with Reka Tehaka, she needs to go away for a little bit and think about what she needs to do.

We see a vignette of Marina Shafir training.

Marti Belle is in the ring. She says that she hoped that her first time in the ring would be a happy one where she would slap hands with the fans, but it is not and Dani Jordyn is the reason why. She says she is tired of Dani calling her a has-been and giving up on her wrestling career, then says the boots are back on before calling her out. "Outlandish" Zicky Dice guests on commentary for the next match while Dani Jordyn says that Marti Belle is "spicy" and wants to get her hands on her, then says she surpassed her in her career with the advice she gave her. She also says fans care about her for having a pretty face, then says she cannot touch her thanks to management and that she would know nothing about having a contract after not having had one in the last ten years. She then says that since she is not medically clear cannot wrestle due to Marti Belle injuring her, she has another opponent for Marti Belle: Angelica Risk.

Marti Belle beast Angelica Risk despite a cheap shot by Dani Jordyn.

We hear from Lord Crewe, who says he has already knocked Baron Black out once and that he will knock him out for good next week.

We see a vignette for Rey Fury followed by "December 4, 2021."

Alan "5" Angels vs. Effy ends in a no-contest when David Ali interferes. After the match, Angels and Effy beat up David Ali and hit him with a Dudley Death Drop, then hug in the ring.

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