Saturday, July 20, 2024

Slammiversary 2024 - The LIVE Results

Tasha Steelz beats Xia Brookside, Faby Apache and "The Quintessential Diva" Gisele Shaw in a four-way match on the Countdown after Gisele hits Brookside with the Denouement only for Steelz to pull her out of the pinfall, pick the bones and get the win.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann). AJ Francis says he is not afraid of a street fight, and says everyone in Montreal will be against him. He also introduces rapper Smoke DZA and professional wrestler Josh Bishop, who will be paid handsomely if they do what they need to do. Francis says it is time for Rich Swann to get that money against KUSHIDA (who was originally scheduled to face Jonathan Gresham until flight problems caused him to miss the show), then Sami Callihan shows up and confronts Josh Bishop. Francis entertains the idea of Callihan being a potential employee for Fir$t Cla$$, then Callihan says he will be watching the next match and leaves. Francis then says he will make history by retaining both of his championships tonight.

Before the next match, KUSHIDA shows up dressed like a Japanese Buddhist monk, complete with the kanji written on his face and body, the flute and the straw basket for a face covering.

KUSHIDA beats Rich Swann by submission with a top rope Spanish Fly into the Hoverboard Lock on the Countdown.

Gia Miller interviews Ash By Elegance, but personal concierge George Iceman interrupts to introduce Ash as he knows how before they both walk away.

Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich retain the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championships against Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) on the Countdown after Masha introduces the championship belts into the ring. As the referee removes one of them from the ring, Alisha sets the other one up in the corner so that Jody Threat can be slammed into it so that the tag champs can retain.

Director of Authority Santino Marella heads to the ring. Director of Authority Santino Marella heads to the ring. Santino speaks in French and thanks the fans for being at TNA's biggest show in over ten years, then announces a bonus match for the Countdown. The match is Eric Young vs. Hammerstone, the latter of whom has not been seen in TNA in months.

Eric Young beats Hammerstone with a schoolkid pin on the Countdown. After the match, Hammerstone is none too pleased with the results and argues with the referee as Eric Young says it feels good to be home. He says tonight is a celebration for pro wrestling and the fans, for without the fans, TNA does not exist. He says that everyone on the show will give the performance of a lifetime, then says that this is Slammiversary and this is TNA Wrestling.

Annie St-Onge sings the Canadian national anthem in French and in English.

Matt Hardy beats JDC. After the match, Matt Hardy hits JDC with two more Twists of Fate.

We hear from The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose). Alisha says she and Masha Slamovich did what she said they would do. Eddie says that once again, it has been proven that The System works. Brian Myers says ABC will be great one day, but not tonight, because The System is greatness. Moose says that when one is as dominant and as great as he is, one must go through all obstacles, and tonight, he will prove why you should always trust The System.

We are introduced to the French announce team of Handsome JF and Marc Blondin.

ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) beat The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) to become TNA World Tag Team Champions for the third time after Alisha Edwards gets in the ring to protect Brian Myers only to take an Art of Finesse meant for Eddie Edwards.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews "Speedball" Mike Bailey. Speedball says he will be wrestling the biggest match of his life in front of friends and family and that Mustafa Ali has tried to get out of this match, but tonight, they will put an end to this.

Mike Santana beats Jake Something.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz, Wes Lee) beat No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Tavion Heights) in a six-man tag match.

Before the next match, AJ Francis says that PCO is not appearing tonight. We see footage of First Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann), Smoke DZA and Josh Bishop having attacked PCO, but before Francis can be declared the winner, PCO is brought to the stage and revived. Destro, having been seen behind a door in the footage of First Cla$$' attack on PCO, charges PCO up, and PCO heads to the ring for the next match.

PCO beats AJ Francis in a Montreal Street Fight to become the TNA Digital Media Champion and the Canadian International Heavyweight Championship. During the match, Josh Bishop hits PCO with a metal folding chair before powerbombing him into another one, Sami Callihan shows up to be laid out by Rich Swann, and Rhino shows up to hit Swann with a Gore before willing PCO back into the match. After the match, Steph de Lander shows up with an engagement ring with a giant skull on it and asks PCO if he will marry her. PCO says "Oui!"

Jordynne Grace retains the TNA Knockouts World Championship against Ash By Elegance. During the match, personal concierge George Iceman gets ejected from ringside for getting involved in the match, and as this happens, Rosemary is seen in the crowd. Rosemary soon sees George Iceman and chases him to the back with a knife.

"Speedball" Mike Bailey beats Mustafa Ali with the Sharpshooter to become TNA X Division Champion for a second time in a match that sees Trent Seven remove his riot officer disguise to get revenge on Mustafa Ali, Speedball coming close to winning only for Mustafa's foot to touch the ropes, the referee getting knocked out inadvertently by a Speedball thrust kick, and Mustafa calling Earl Hebner to the ring to screw Speedball out of the title only for Earl to not have the heart to do it. Speedball gets the win and the title after kicking a chair out of Mustafa's hands and making Mustafa tap to the Sharpshooter.

Backstage, personal concierge George Iceman tells Santino that Ash By Elegance should be champion, and Hammerstone soon shows up wanting a rematch with Eric Young. Santino combines the two rematches into a mixed tag match with Hammerstone and Ash By Elegance facing Eric Young and Jordynne Grace, but Hammerstone is not exactly thrilled to team with Iceman.

"The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth beats Steve Maclin, Moose, Joe Hendry, "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander and Frankie Kazarian in a six-way elimination match to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion! Moose is eliminated by Joe Hendry with the Standing Ovation, guaranteeing a new champion. Shortly after this, Alexander hits Hendry with a low blow and hits him with the C4 Spike to eliminate him, then punches and stomps Hendry, saying he is the heart and soul of TNA while Hendry is a joke. When the referee tries to stop it, Alexander shoves him and threatens him in the corner before Nemeth fights Alexander. After the match, Ryan Nemeth, Steph de Lander and all of the other TNA champions show up to celebrate with Nic Nemeth while Frankie Kazarian watches from the ramp.

Here are the highlights from tonight's show!

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