Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Generation NXT - NXT recap for October 25, 2022

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter retain the NXT Tag Team Championships against Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons. At first, Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons win with a schoolkid pin from Zoey Stark to Katana Chance, but the referee does not see Kayden Carter tag in, and the match has to continue. When the match is restarted, the champions retain.

We hear from Ilja Dragunov, who says that Saturday was his moment to fill a void for the first time in three months, and yet he came so close, he came so far. He says that JD McDonagh stole his destiny and was a cancer in NXT UK that he removed. He says that he will not stop until he eliminates JD McDonagh again, and this time, it will be once and for all.

We see another vignette of someone throwing their mask into a fire, saying the second coming is not about retribution, but about justice.

Wes Lee heads to the ring. He thanks the fans for Saturday night, then says he never thought he would make it into the WWE, much less become a champion or do it on his own, and that everyone in NXT motivated him when he was lost in the dark. Wes Lee says that the North American Championship is vindication for what he has been doing his whole life and that he belongs, and thanks the fans before saying that the Superstars do not deserve the love from the fans, for it is special. As Wes Lee says that he will become a great champion, Grayson Waller shows up and says Wes Lee deserves nothing before stating he hates Halloween, but Wes Lee says there is no need for Grayson to rain on his parade because he lost. R-Truth welcomes everyone to Halloween Havoc, and when Grayson Waller interrupts him, R-Truth thinks he has a British accent, not an Australian one. This leads to a "British accent" chant before R-Truth attempts one. Grayson says he is Australian (which leads to a "No he's not" chant) and that Halloween Havoc was three days ago, but R-Truth laughs and says Grayson is trying to "okey-doke him" before Wes Lee says it did and that he won gold that night. R-Truth congratulates Wes Lee before asking Grayson Waller how he did before Wes Lee tells him about Grayson's loss in a Casket Match. R-Truth asks Grayson if there were spiders in the casket. Grayson gets furious and says there is nothing he would like better than to beat R-Truth in his own house, then says he will give R-Truth a week if he can work out the right day on the calendar before going for a cheap shot. It does not work, and Wes Lee and R-Truth get the better of Grayson Waller before R-Truth tells Grayson he will see him next week.

Backstage, Malik Blade tells Edris Enofe he is nervous about tonight, but Edris Enofe says that this is their night and asks if he will take his biggest opportunity or let it slip away. Malik Blade is fired up for their match later tonight.

"The SuperDiva" Quincy Elliott introduces Shotzi to the ring before the next match.

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviews Apollo Crews, who says that Grayson Waller is in his rear view mirror and R-Truth's problem now, and while Grayson is annoying, beating him got him back on the road to becoming NXT Champion. He says that his vision is clear now, and that he will be watching when Bron Breakker returns next week, as he looks forward to what he has to say.

Shotzi beats Lash Legend.

Before the next match, Julius Creed says that his hands are swollen are jacked up and he is in a lot of pain, but it is nothing compared to what he would have felt if he lost. He says that Damon Kemp learned that long-team decisions have long-term consequences, and that he came as advertised and got the job done. Brutus thanks Julius for saving his job, then says it is his turn and calls out Damon Kemp. After Brutus says he will finish what Damon started, Damon shows up on the TitanTron and says that Julius got lucky, then says he is not medically cleared and that he still has "five minutes of hell" waiting for him. Brutus says that the more Damon Kemp makes him wait, the worse his ass-whipping will become. Suddenly, Sanga and Veer Mahaan attack The Creed Brothers (Julius and Brutus Creed) out of nowhere. Ivy Nile shows up and asks Sanga "Why?" before checking on Julius and Brutus Creed.

Backstage, Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson and Elton Prince) admit that their opponents are the two most athletic tag team wrestlers on the roster as well as "total sweethearts," then says that neither of them could lace up their boots.

We see Toxic Attraction (Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne) contact each other through FaceTime. Gigi is near the pool while Jacy is at the gym, and Mandy is in her car. Mandy Rose says she is glad to still be champion and that Toxic Attraction is in demand, and that next week, she will celebrate her one-year anniversary as champion.

Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson and Elton Prince) retain the NXT Tag Team Championships against Malik Blade and Edris Enofe.

We hear from JD McDonagh, who says nearly didn't get out of bed on Sunday because he was not NXT Champion, but neither was Ilja Dragunov, who he says is reoccurring and spreading everywhere he goes. He calls himself "an unnecessary evil" after accessing info others shy away from, and that he will make Dragunov wish that he never came to NXT.

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviews Zoey Stark. Stark says she had the women's tag titles in her hands only to have it taken away, then says Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are lucky. Nikkita Lyons shows up and apologizes, but says it all happened in the heat of the moment before getting frustrated about the referee not seeing Kayden Carter tag in. She says they have a rematch and that they will win tag team gold.

The Schism (Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler, Jagger Reid) head to the ring with their mystery fourth member. Gacy says pride and arrogance are commonplace in NXT, then tells everyone to look at the strength that comes from The Schism's humble unity, as togetherness is the greatest accomplishment. He says their mission is clear: remove your mask and join The Schism, or be torn down. Rip Folower removes his mask and says NXT is a den of selfishness and greed that is envious of others' good fortunes. He says others put themselves before the greater good of unity and calls it a reflection of everyone else's shortcoming, and that only through unity will the system crumble. He says that without unity, roots dry up and the tree dies. Jagger Reid removes his mask and says that while anger divides and pain brings pain, love brings love, and The Schism only gets stronger together as a unity. Gacy says there are people who think they have everything they could ever want, but are empty and depleted on the inside. He says Fowler and Reid learned that true unity comes from showing their true selves, then asks the fourth member to unmask. He then warns this fourth member that there is no going back, but this person unmasks and reveals themselves to be a woman with a nose ring. She says The Schism's love and acceptance completes her, and says her name is Ava Raine. Gacy says The Schism's hearts beat together in unity as four roots of one tree.

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviews Sol Ruca. Ruca says she is nervous but excited, and calls Indi Hartwell "a badass competitor." Indi says doing tricks can be cool, but it will only get her so far, and she will soon learn it is all about winning.

We hear a call made to the Performance Center. The caller then delivers a cryptic message before stating they will rip NXT apart. They refer to themselves only as "Scrypts."

Indi Hartwell beats Sol Ruca. After the match, Elektra Lopez shows up and attacks both Indi Hartwell and Sol Ruca.

At Chase University, Bodhi Hayward is absent. Duke Hudson shows up and says he could not find Bodhi anywhere. Andre Chase hands Thea Hail his own pen, and after Andre nearly chews Duke Hudson out for it and Duke apologizes, Duke steals the pen of the person next to him. (The following week, it is announced that Bodhi Hayward has been released from WWE.)

We see a ten-second timer followed by "NXT Deadl1ne."

We hear from Roxanne Perez, who says she did not like the person she became at Halloween Havoc. She then says that she is not sorry about what she did and that Cora Jade was afraid of her potential. She says that friends come and go, and that she must stay true to herself and why she is here.

Backstage, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe meet with Odyssey Jones, who tells them that they came close tonight and that it is time to have some fun. Malik and Edis jump into the truck full of women. (Odyssey Jones has not been seen on NXT in months.)

JD McDonagh beats Ilja Dragunov by referee stoppage after putting him in a sort of sleeper to the point that Dragunov bleeds out of his mouth. After the match, Dragunov is taken out on a stretcher.

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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