Saturday, April 23, 2022

Memphis Wrestling Saturday Night recap for April 23, 2022

Dustin Starr interviews "Outlandish" Zicky Dice in the ring. Zicky admits he is a fan of Jet's Pizza and starts a very brief "Jet's" chant, then announces that the airline have lost his luggage and that he has been wearing his wrestling gear for two days. He then says that if he gave everyone the big news, he would have to pack up and leave immediately, and says that he wants to hang out with the fans a little longer and says it is a main event announcement. Zicky Dice then guests on commentary.

K-Toomer beats Martin.

Dustin Starr interviews The Hollywood Clique - "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock and "Delicious" Van Viciouss - in the ring. Blaylock says he has the best talent, then says he and Viciouss have been on Beale Street all day and the fans have been begging for autographs. Blaylock then calls Van Viciouss "the next action hero" who will be bigger than Rambo and The Rock. He also says he has a big surprise and that he has somebody in the back he wants to bring out, as he is always looking for talent. That person is "Dirty" Diana Taylor, and after she shows up, Blaylock says every woman wants to be her as she is the most beautiful woman in the world today. He also announces that he has gotten her parts in movies and that she will be the next starlet. Blaylock then says Van Viciouss is not scared of anybody and that they have beaten Derrick so many times.

"Delicious" Van Viciouss beats Derrick King after "Dirty" Diana Taylor distracts the referee so that Van Viciouss can hit Derrick King with "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock's cane.

Dustin Starr interviews Norman Meklakov - now accompanied by Matt, "The Best of the Best" Austin Lane's now-former best friend - in the ring. Matt is greeted with a "traitor" chant, and Meklakov says that they do not explain themselves to anybody and that the people are uglier at night than they are during the day. Matt says his name is Matt Williams, then says he does not have to explain himself to anyone and that he and Meklalov are here to see if anyone can break the Meklalock. An angry Austin Lane suddenly shows up and that Dustin never mentioned Matt's last name because Matt was a nobody, then says he will make him famous and that he wants him, not Meklakov or the Meklalock Challenge. Matt tells Austin if he wants him, he's got it, but he will have to get through Meklakov to face him down the line. Austin says he will make Meklakiv tap, then he will either tap out or knock out Matt.

"The Best of the Best" Austin Lane beats Norman Meklakov by disqualification after Matt Williams attacks Austin Lane. After the match, Meklakov puts Austin Lane in the Meklalock, then Matt Williams says that Austin technically won by disqualification and that he is getting his match with him right now. With help from Meklakov behind the referee's back, Matt Williams keep beating up Austin Lane, but Austin Lane keeps kicking out. Matt goes for a fist from the top rope, but Austin gets a foot up to block it and knock Matt down. Austin Lane gets the upper hand, but Meklakov saves Matt and the two of them head to the back. "The Best of the Best' Austin Lane beats Matt Williams by count-out.

"Outlandish" Zicky Dice gets in the ring to make his big announcement. Zicky Dice says he is a man of his word and that he is here to bring some big news that will change Memphis Wrestling forever. He says that he has keeping his eye on Memphis for a long time, then introduces that the Memphis Wrestling Internet Championship is coming. All of a sudden, Mike Anthony shows up, takes the microphone and says he is unimpressed with Memphis Wrestling Saturday Night and that he has been listening to Zicky Dice run his mouth all night long. He says he is tired of hearing Zicky Dice and that he is ready to shut everything down, telling Zicky Dice that he has rolled the dice and crapped out. He gives Zicky Dice the choice of getting out or getting hurt. Zicky Dice says he is already in his gear and should beat his ass right now. He then teases leaving before attacking Mike Anthony, who gets the upper hand and hits him with the Genetic Dream before tossing him out of the ring. Zicky Dice is then helped to the back.

Memphis Muscle ("The GunShow" Brett Michaels and "Big Swole" Justin Cole) beat The Posse (Simon and Mr. Chris) in a special grudge match.

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