Thursday, June 2, 2022

Generation NXT UK - NXT UK recap for June 2, 2022

Von Wagner beats Sam Gradwell. During the match, Wagner tries to toss Gradwell into the front row, but Gradwell escapes this and locks in a sleeper hold only for Wagner to hit him with an Olympic Slam.

In footage from the UK Performance Center from earlier this week, Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander are confronted by Amale for cheating, calling Eliza "a babysitter" before stating that neither woman can beat her on their own. She then challenges Eliza to a one-on-one match.

We hear from Ivy Nile, who says that she will work harder than any other woman in the industry regardless of where she is in the world. She says that Meiko Satomura is a living legend with twenty-six years of film to study, but Satomura does not have any of hers. She says that nobody outworks her and that she will take the NXT UK Women's Championship back to Diamond Mine. Ivy Nile takes on Meiko Satomura for the NXT UK Women's Championship next week.

In footage from the UK Performance Center from earlier this week, Mark Andrews says his shoulder is almost 100% percent when he sees Kenny Williams take a tire iron to the front passenger tire of his vehicle. Performance Center staff have to stop both men from brawling, and afterwards, Tiger Turan is seen watching from a distance.

Stevie Turner beats Angel Hayze.

In backstage footage from last week, Emilia McKenizie apologizes for losing to Lash Legend to Meiko Satomura, who tells her to become stronger, work harder and become better.

Next week: Kenny Williams vs. Mark Andrews!

It's time for East End Bookie. Noam Dar tells Sha Samuels that they cannot open the market to Wolfgang vs. Damon Kemp in two weeks' time as they both know what the outcome is and cannot steal people's money, as they are fake friends while ha and Sha Samuels are real friends. Sha says tells Damon Kemp that if Wolfgang was really his friend, Wolfgang would think twice about putting him up in front of them for target practice.

Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter beat Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) and Die Familie (Teoman and Rohan Raja) in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match to become the NXT UK Tag Team Champions! During the match, Rohan Raja takes one of the tag team titles and passes it to Teoman, but Teoman drops it when he is clotheslined out of the ring. Trent Seven grabs the title belt before the referee can to use it as a weapon against Ashton Smith, but Tyler Bate grabs the belt. As both men have a hold of the belt, Oliver Carter hits Tyler Bate with a tope suicide and Ashton Smith rolls Trent Seven up to win the match and the titles. After the match, Moustache Mountain have an argument, and Trent Seven tells Tyler Bate that he is done now that they have lost the tag team titles.

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