Tuesday, August 30, 2022

After Dark - AEW Dark recap for August 30, 2022

John Silver beats Luther.

Diamante beats Charlette Renegade.

"Cool Hand" Angelo Parker beats Gus de la Vega.

Kiera Hogan beats Mylo.

The Trust Busters (Ari Daivari, Slim J, Parker Boudreax) beat Logan Cruz, Tyshaun Perez and Hermano in a trios match.

Julia Hart beats Vicky Dreamboat by submission. Hart's submission hold is now known as "Hartless."

Backstage, Lexi Nair interviews "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard. Parker and Menard make it known that Parker won in 17 seconds and that Hook beat Zack Clayton in 27 seconds. Parker then tells Hook that he has caught their attention and while Hook is incredible, he and Menard want to know if Hook is a tough guy or a pretty boy. Menard then asks what Hook would do if they stole his hair gel, then Parker proposes taking the FTW Championship from him.

Kayla Rossi beats Vipress.

The Varsity Blonds (Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr.) beat Rosario Grillo and Dean Alexander.

Dante Martin beats AR Fox.

Brock Anderson beats Tyson Maddux.

The Workhorsemen (JD Drake and ANthony Henry) beat Oliver Sawyer and Manny Lo. After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews The Workhorsemen. JD Drake says that while he likes The Wingmen ("Pretty" Peter Avalon, "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi) and The Wingmen have been good to him, he had to take some time for himself, and after calling up Anthony Henry, the two of them are "possessed and obsessed with success," and failure is not an option. Anthony Henry says he was sick and tired of what JD Drake was doing, and while he has nothing against The Wingmen, what everyone just saw was the real JD Drake. He says that going forward, they know what they have to do: punch in and knock out.

Leila Grey beats Renee Michelle.

Rush beats Blake Christian.

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