Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Final Impact - Impact Wrestling recap for May 17, 2016

We see Drew Galloway and Lashley entering the arena earlier today. They both immediately spot each other and brawl backstage. The brawl doesn't last long.

"Willow" shows up. He says that he has no fear and is now free in an electronically masked voice. Jeff Hardy shows up. He says there is one Willow, and that Willow is in him. He says it's now time to expose the fake Willow. He asks him three questions: do you love? Do you hate? Do you die forever late in Willow's way? He then fights him. This starts a match that doesn't last long as Hardy quickly beats the fake Willow. He tries to unmask the fake Willow, but another Willow attacks him from behind. A third Willow shows up, this one without his face covered underneath the mask. He says he will become Jeff Hardy's worst nightmare.

Slammiversary is live June 12th on pay-per-view.

After the commercial break, the third Willow unmasks. It's none other than Matt Hardy, who says that Jeff loves Willow more than he loves him. He says that people love him, but people love Jeff, too, and heused his creation against him. He tells Jeff that he should have finished the job when he had the chance. After the other two Willows beat him up, Matt tells Jeff that he will not die and he will not rest until Jeff fights his personal armageddon. Matt then beats Jeff up before choking him out, and then says "Everything ends...even the indestructable Jeff Hardy."

Velvet Sky is backstage when she runs into Maria Kanellis' apprentice, Allie (who viewers may recognize as Cherry Bomb from the indy scene). Allie tells her that she has a match against Sienna tonight, and if Velvet loses, she's fired. Velvet Sky gets in Allie's face and scares the crap out of her for saying Sienna is tougher than her, and says "At least we know who's tougher than you."

Jeremy Borash interviews Dixie Carter, who declares that Lashley vs. Drew Galloway for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship a lumberjack match due to the animosity between Lashley and Galloway.

Sienna beats Velvet Sky. Velvet Sky is fired from TNA as a result of this match.

We hear from "the Miracle" Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis. Bennett says that there's no other girl that compares to Maria as we see them both by the pool and see Maria swim. Bennett then says EC3 Ethan Carter III is consumed with fighting him, and that EC3 needs to follow his road to redemption as he looks to his future as TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

"The Miracle" Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis are in the ring. Bennett then says he could have easily had another wrestling match with Ethan Carter III, but it would have accomplished nothing and he would have won again. He tells EC3 he needs to overcome the demons of his past, or he won't face him at Slammiversary. Bennett says he is looking to the future, where he wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and becomes a first-ballot Hall of Famer. He then calls out a Hall of Famer who exemplifies black and white...and we get Earl Hebner. Hebner shows up, and Bennett tells Hebner he wants to fight him. Hebnet tells Bennett he's a referee, but Bennett says Hebner is the only active Hall of Famer on the roster. He tells referee Steve Stiffler to get in the ring and ref his match because he doesn't want "[Hebner's] stupid son" to referee this match. Bennett then eggs Hebner on, and Hebner slaps him. The bell rings, and then Bennett knocks Hebner out. Stiffler reluctantly makes the three-count...and Hebner kicks out. Hebner hits Bennett with a low blow, then Maria distracts Hebner, who rips his shirt off and tosses it at her. He then turns around only to eat a big boot from Bennett, who wins the match. After the match, Bennett goes on the attack again, but Ethan Carter III makes the save. Bennett and Maria retreat, and Bennett lays down the next challenge: Tyrus in a Last Man Standing match.

Ethan Carter III beats Tyrus in a Last Man Standing Match after stacking some steel steps on Tyrus and putting his weight on them after striking them with a steel chair. "The Miracle" Mike Bennett shows up after the match, nonplussed by the situation as he stares down EC3 from the top of the entrance ramp.

We see Lashley training in the gym.

eff Hardy says his brother Matt Hardy has gone off the deep end. He vows to end this.

Eddie Edwards and DJ Z beat The Helms Dynasty (Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett).

We see Drew Galloway in the gym as we look back on his TNA World Heavyweight Championship reign.

It's time for Fact of Life with Eli Drake. Tonight's guest is Bram. He says that his Feast or Fired briefcase is power, and that it could change lives. He then introduces Bram. Bram tells Eli Drake that his briefcase is actually dangerous. Drake says he's the most dangerous force in his life right now, and he tries to make him a deal: hand the TNA King of the Mountain Championship over now and be spared the humiliation. Bram says that's not going to happen. Eli stops the show and leaves. Bram says Eli Drake is leaving because he has no testicles, and tells him to get back in the ring. Eli Drake then teases cashing his Feast of Fired briefcase...but he says he won't do it tonight. He leaves again only to be tossed back into the ring by Bram, starting a brawl. Bram almost hits The Brighter Side of Suffering, but Eli Drake flees.

Ethan Carter III confronts "The Miracle" Mike Bennett concerning their rematch, but Bennett says there's one more thing for him to do: face Matt Hardy next week and beat him.

Drew Galloway beats Lashley by disqualification in a lumberjack match and retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship after the heel lumberjacks drag Galloway out of the ring. This starts a lumberjack brawl with several spots where a few guys go into the ring and dive into everybody from over the top rope. After everyone is down after Eddie Edwards superplexes Andrew Everett into the rest of the lumberjacks, Bram attacks Lashley, then Eli Drake attacks Bram, then Jeff Hardy attacks Eli Drake, then Matt Hardy attacks Jeff before "The Miracle" Mike Bennett tosses Eil Drake out only to get chased out of the ring by EC3. Lashley Spears EC3, then Drew Galloway gets the last word on Lashley and all the lumberjacks.

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