Saturday, October 5, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for October 5, 2024

We see footage of Robert Gibson at the WrestleCenter.

"The Genetic Nightmare" Mike Anthony beats Tim Bosby to become the Memphis Wrestling Internet Champion! The win is Mike Anthony's first in about a year, bringing his losing streak to an end. Ron Justice is the championship official for this match. After the match, Tim Bosby takes the Internet Championship and shoves away referee Ron Justice before personally handing the title over to Mike Anthony, shaking hands with him, and raising his hand.

We see post-match footage of Mackenzie Morgan being helped to the back after losing the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship.

We hear from Big John Dalton, who says that Memphis Wrestling and the WrestleCenter is his house and that he will make history when he beats "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts to become the youngest-ever Memphis Wrestling Heritage Champion and proves why he is "The Babyface Beast."

Dustin Starr interviews Jonathan Gresham at the announce desk. Gresham says he is here in Memphis Wrestling for one reason and one reason only: to become head trainer. Suddenly, he is interrupted by Jay Lethal, who is delighted to see Gresham for the first time in some time before saying he is also here to become a coach. He then mentions their six matches against each other and how they have three wins apiece. He says he is not here for a rubber match until they can decide who the head coach is. Gresham proposes a Beat The Clock Challenge with separate opponents, and the faster victor becomes coach. Jay Lethal accepts the challenge and makes the matches open challenges before getting in the ring to have his match right now.

Jay Lethal beats Gio Savage with a schoolkid pin in a Beat The Clock Challenge Match after weakening Gio Savage's left leg with the Figure Four Leg Lock.

During the commercial break, Jay Lethal and Gio Savage are about to shake hands when Draco shows up telling Gio Savage not to do it. Gio and Lethal shake hands, then Draco confronts Gio before walking away.

It is announced that the official time for Jay Lethal's victory is 6:45 (six minutes, forty-five seconds). Jonathan Gresham will face Draco in a Beat The Clock Challenge Match next week and will have to beat that time.

The O'Neal Brothers (Steven and Devin O'Neal) beat The Righteous Path (Brother Bruce and Morrow) by count-out after the fan from the last two weeks who found Reverend Ash Taylor's pamphlet meets with Reverend Ash Taylor and prays to him at ringside while Big Dan is nearby. Reverend Ash Taylor takes her in as a follower, and Brother Bruce and Morrow - who are being counted out at this point as they stand at the woman's sides - lead her to the back with Reverend Ash Taylor.

Backstage, Makkari Kandy - who has Lucy in her hands - finds J. Webb in a closet. He refuses the candy that he gives her, then Makkari returns Lucy and makes a new friend in J. Webb.

Ray Collins beats Denzel Rollins with a Figure Four Leg Lock while holding on to "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock's cane from the edge of the ring for leverage. During the match, Jay Smooth tries to meet with Jimmy Blaylock, but is forced by Blaylock's Secret Service agents as Blaylock tells Jay Smooth that he will call him.

Backstage, we hear from Draco, who says that he does not know who Gio Savage is anymore, saying shaking hands with Jay Lethal is "not savage," then says it is time to cut some dead weight, saying Gio has broken their promise to become the greatest tag team of all time. He then calls out Jonathan Gresham, saying that he will not come into his house and beat him in a Beat The Clock Challenge Match, saying he will not even beat him.

"The GunShow" Brett Michaels beats K-Toomer to become #1 contender for the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship after rolling backwards out of a sleeper hold to pin K-Toomer's shoulders to the match. After the match, K-Toomer and GunShow have some words in the ring, with K-Toomer telling GunShow that he had him beaten.

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