Thursday, February 17, 2022

Generation NXT UK - NXT UK recap for February 17, 2022

Before the next match, Kenny Williams shows up on crutches and says he cannot compete tonight due to a accident that injured his knee and that he has the doctor's note to prove it. Suddenly, Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala shows up on the TitanTron and reveals that he is in the medical room right now, that there is no doctor's note and that Williams is medically cleared to compete, and there a pair of crutches is missing from the medical room. Scala then starts the match.

Sam Gradwell beats Kenny Williams when Kenny Williams goes for a Sunset Flip only for Sam Gradwell to sit down on the pinfall attempt. After the match, Williams hits Gradwell repeatedly with a crutch. He then finds a pair of scissors in a toolbox underneath the ring and cuts Gradwell's mohawk.

Backstage, Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) watch their take-over of SPRNVA Sessions from last week. Joe and Mark Coffey are laughing, but Wolfgang is not, and he says he is not laughing. When Joe asks him what he is going to do about it, Wolfgang simply says "Watch and see" before leaving the room.

Backstage, Xia Brookside announces that her father, Robbie Brookside, said he was going to show up and talk about her. When asked if she considers herself a positive role model, Xia takes offense to being compared to Amale, whom she says nobody cared about two months ago and that she was a positive role model for three-and-a-half years before she showed up with what she considers a sob story. She says that this is not fair and that her father will hear about this.

We see a video package where "Bomber" Dave Mastiff has Jack Starz earning his respect - and his kutte - by doing free squats for more than an hour as part of his conditioning, eating a whole sleeve of protein bars as part of knowing how to fill his belly and streaking through the UK Performance Center to show how fearless he is. He pulls off the first two, but refuses to do the last one.

Backstage during the break, Sam Gradwell hunts down Kenny Williams.

Emlia McKenzie beats Angel Hayze.

We see Andy Shepard interview Nathan Frazer in footage from earlier today. Nathan Frazer says Die Familie (Teoman, Rohan Raja, Charlie Dempsey) needed a taste of their own medicine after they mugged him in the parking lot, and that his win against Teoman allowed for just that. He also says that after this match with Walter/Gunther, he felt he could hang in the main event. As for what is next, he challenges Ilja Dragunov for the NXT UK Championship.

We see Die Familie (Teoman, Rohan Raja, Charlie Dempsey) at their shared home. Teoman says he is not ashamed of losing, and says he gave Die Familie a promise. Rohan says Teoman has kept that promise by looking after them and getting them to where they are. Teoman says that he will not lose and will never be a loser as long as the family wins. Dempsey says that maybe the eye foresaw all that, and that his loss to Nathan Frazer will bring the family closer together. Teoman says nobody will stop them, and that is in Dempsey's promise.

Stevie Turner beats Myla Grace.

Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala announces that next week, he will invite Meiko Satomura to the ring to award her a thank-you gift for everything she has done for the NXT UK brand both in the UK and Japan.

WrestleMania 38 is 44 days away!

We see a video package for Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter vs. Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships next week.

Next week: Xia Brookside vs. Amale!

Jordan Devlin beats Wolfgang.

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