Monday, August 16, 2021

Raw Deal - Raw recap for August 16, 2021

Randy Orton heads to the ring to start tonight's show. Orton says people have asked him all week why he hit Matt Riddle with an RKO, and Orton says he does not need anybody, saying he could have beaten "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles with or without help from Riddle, saying he became a 14-time world champ on his own. He says that he does not need an explanation for what he does, and that Raw is still his territory, having proven it to Styles last week and willing to prove it this week to Omos, whom he calls "a force of nature" and "a bit of a jackass." Orton says that nevertheless, he will hit Omos with "that son of a bitch" with the RKO before Riddle shows up. Riddle agrees with Orton, saying he does not need to explain himself to anybody and that he knows why Orton hit him with the RKO. Orton says he doubts that, but Riddle says he was teaching him, saying he was not hitting the RKO correctly. Riddle says he has learned his lesson and that he is willing to give being a tag team another chance, saying that he will need him in his corner in his match against Omos tonight. After Riddle asks Orton to bring back "RK-Bro," Styles and Omos show up, and Styles says "How about RK-No?" before saying last week meant nothing thanks to Riddle's help, saying Orton would not have won anything without him. Styles then tells Orton that nothing will save him from Omos, whom he says will "defang the Viper" before threatening to break Riddle's jaw tonight. Riddle, saying that he is unstoppable with Orton on his side, accepts Styles' challenge.

Before the next match, Randy Orton heads to the back instead of standing in Matt Riddle's corner.

"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles beats Matt Riddle after Omos distracts Riddle while Riddle goes for the Floating Bro.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Nikki A.S.H. Nikki says that with everything regarding SummerSlam in her head, she has to remember that she dresses like a superhero for herself and others like her. She says that one already has the confidence and that it just needs to be brought out so that one can be almost a superhero, saying it has worked for her and can work for others. Nikki then says that she can beat Rhea Ripley tonight and defend the Raw Women's title at SummerSlam.

2020 Olympic Gold Medalist Keldon Johnson is seen in the front row.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews Matt Riddle. Riddle says he did not give up on "RK-Bro," but tonight, Orton just left him in the ring and it left him feeling sad.

Charlotte Flair guests on commentary for the next match.

Rhea Ripley beats Nikki A.S.H. After the match, Nikki A.S.H. attacks Charlotte Flair, who rolls into the ring only for Rhea Ripley to join in. Nikki then tosses Charlotte out of the ring.

Backstage, Jinder Mahal tells Veer and Shanky he has forded them the opportunity of a thousand lifetimes but placing them under his learning tree. He says that Drew McIntyre is still standing and threatens them when they are around. He calls tonight the last opportunity to take McIntyre's sword Angela, and says that McIntyre will crumble without Angela at SummerSlam.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews MVP, who says that two of the most explosive forces in WWE will come face-to-face before SummerSlam, and says that last time Goldberg was here, he hit Lashley with a Spear. He considers this an insult to both him and Lashley, and says that he will make Goldberg pay at SummerSlam or even sooner.

Drew McIntyre beats Veer and Shanky in a two-on-one handicap match. After the match, McIntyre stops Veer from taking his sword Angela, then says Shanky is sorry and that he wishes he could be as attractive as him, and that he has seen the error of his ways and hopes Jinder loses at SummerSlam. McIntyre asks Jinder Mahal what he thought would happen when he cost him his last shot at the WWE Championship, and says that he has known Jinder for ten years, knows where to hurt him, and will make a memory out of his expense that will last forever. McIntyre then has the crowd make it known to Jinder that McIntyre will win at SummerSlam.

Backstage, WWE officials Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce are met by Charlotte Flair. Sonya gives Charlotte the option of waiting five days to get her retribution against Nikki A.S.H. or finding a tag team partner for a tag team match later tonight.

We see the Elias vignette from last week.

John Morrison heads to the ring for the premiere edition of Moist TV. Tonight's special guest is The Miz. On the subject of getting up and running away from Damian Priest last week, Miz says he has never lied to or used him, then says that he is not a liar before Damian Priest arrives. Priest says he likes "moist-see" better than "must-see," and says that before he beats Sheamus in front of the world for the United States Championship, he wants to hear why Miz pretended to be injured while Morrison was his personal servant. Miz says his personal health is not Damian's concern and that his knee was injured because of him, stating that he had never been injured in his 16-year career. He says that he had no idea what to expect due to having a family and admits he has been cleared for the last few weeks, much to Morrison's surprise, but Miz says he is not 100%, saying he had "a surge of energy" last week. Miz then says that Damian Priest is spinning things around to make things about him and Morrison, who proposes a match between Damian Priest and The Miz, much to Miz's displeasure. Damian soon pushes Miz into a nearby kiddie pool.

As The Miz argues with the referee, Sheamus guests on commentary for the next match. The Miz tries to get Sheamus to replace him in the match, but Sheamus is not interested.

Damian Priest beats The Miz. During the match, Morrison teases handing Miz a Drip Stick, but Morrison pulls it away. Damian Priest then sends a message to Sheamus by hitting Miz with a Brogue Kick for the win. After the match, Sheamus becomes livid and calls Damian Priest "a disrespectful scumbag," saying it will be his last moment in the spotlight and that he will never touch the WWE United States Championship. Sheamus says that he may have a broken face, but after SummerSlam, Damian Priest will not even have a head.

Backstage, Eva Marie tells Doudrop that she blew it last week, and that luckily for her, the Eva-Lution is all about second chances, and Doudrop will get to handle "their other little problem" at Alexa's Playground: Lilly. Meanwhile, Alexa Bliss tells Lilly to be on her best behavior when Doudrop comes out to play.

Backstage, The Miz catches up with John Morrison and confronts him as The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) watches from a distance. Morrison says he wants The Miz to know hot it feels to have the one person he trusted the most turn his back when he needed help. Meanwhile, The New Day wants the fans to buy their new shirt.

We hear from Alexa Bliss, who laughs at the idea of anybody wanting to be like Eva Marie along with Lilly before Doudrop shows up and takes Lilly. Alexa warns Lilly she would not recommend doing that, then Doudrop looks at Lilly and hands her back to Alexa.

Mansoor beats Mace after Mustafa Ali hits Mace with a Tiger Feint Kick during a sit-down pinfall attempt.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Omos. As "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles tries to speak for Omos, Omos says Randy Orton sees himself as the legend killer, but tonight, he will kill the legend that is Randy Orton. Styles says Omos will be the new legend killer. After adding that beating Matt Riddle earlier tonight makes him "the moron killer," Styles declares that tonight, they will celebrate the death of "RK-Bro."

We get a closer look at Goldberg, courtesy of Sonic Drive-In.

Randy Orton beats Omos by disqualification. During the match, Omos distracts the referee, and "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles kicks Orton in the ribs on the outside only for the referee to catch him and disqualify Omos. After the match, Omos throws Orton over the barricade with one arm before returning Orton to the ring. As Styles readies the Phenomenal Forearm, Matt Riddle shows up and fends off both Styles and Omos to make the save for Orton. Omos carries a leveled Styles to the back, then Riddle offers Orton his hand and helps him up. Afterwards, Orton tells Riddle that respect is earned, and while he respected him in the past, he does not respect him today. He then says that after Riddle stuck by him after everything he put him through tonight, Riddle has earned his respect, then says "RK-Bro" is back. Both men then shake hands and hug in the ring. Riddle tells Orton that he makes him so happy, then says that at SummerSlam, the two of them will challenge Styles and Omos for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews Jeff Hardy, who wants a rematch against Karrion Kross after he left him gasping for air, and says that Kross made a big mistake disrespecting him like he did. As he says that he lives off danger everyday, he tells Kross to check his hourglass because his fifteen minutes of fame are just about up. Hardy is then attacked by Kross, who then makes his way to the ring.

Karrion Kross quickly beats Jeff Hardy after reversing the Twist of Fate into the Kross Jacket.

Backstage, Eva Marie chews out Alexa Bliss for not returning with Lilly, calling this a slap to the face before slapping Doudrop in the face not once, but twice after asking her how that feels.

In footage from earlier today, Reggie goes to a local park, which reminds him of his childhood using his acrobatic abilities to win at tag and the time he did his very first backflip. He talks about how he went to the park to practice more flips and be his true self even when he did not have the safest childhood as R-Truth and Akira Tozawa try - and fail - to take the 24/7 title from him. Reggie then flips over his car to the driver's seat and flees while R-Truth and Akira Tozawa argue with each other.

We see the burnt remains of a guitar as Elias talks about his musical career while carrying a gravestone. He says that the music did not fail him and that it just wasn't enough, then says that WWE stood for Elias, but Elias is dead. We then see the gravestone - which reads "Elias 2017 - 2021" - as Elias walks away.

Charlotte Flair's tag team partner is revealed to be Nia Jax.

Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax beat Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. after Charlotte tags herself in, knocks Nikki off the apron and hits Rhea Ripley with the Natural Selection for the win.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews AJ Styles, saying Matt Riddle and Randy Orton have no choice and that Matt Riddle ruined everything after Omos' match, then says they have beaten all the teams and that there is no one left. He says that Orton will despise Riddle within the next five days, guaranteed.

Goldberg heads to the ring. Goldberg addresses MVP and Bobby Lashley talking about fatherhood last week and bringing his son Gage - who is in the crowd with some friends - into their business again, then introduces the WWE Universe to Gage. Goldberg calls Gage the reason he came out of retirement, and while he could watch videos of who he was, that won't cut it, and he wants him to see who Goldberg is. Suddenly, MVP and Lashley show up. MVP says everyone has been hearing from Goldberg a lot more lately and that Goldberg usually lets his actions do the talking, then says Goldberg is overcompensating for something and realizes that he is outmatched by Lashley. MVP also says that when Goldberg locked eyes with Lashley, Goldberg realized things would be different this time and that Lashley is a man more dangerous, ferocious, explosive and dominant than he is. Lashley tells Goldberg he gave him every opportunity to bow down and walk away from the embarrassment he will give him, then says Goldberg is playing by house rules and that the house wins. Lashley then says he plans to leave enough of Goldberg so that Goldberg can talk about how he had his career ended by him, because when he steps into the ring, he steps into "the house of The All Mighty." Goldberg says to Lashley "Lashley...that's bullshit!" Lashley drops his microphone and swings at Goldberg, but Goldberg hits him with the Spear before he and Gage celebrate on the stage.

Raw Talk: Matt Riddle, Damian Priest and Nikki A.S.H. look ahead to SummerSlam.

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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