Sunday, March 19, 2023

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling presented by CarShield recap for March 19, 2023

"BHK" Kevin Martenson retains the United Heritage Championship against "The New Age Punisher" B-Boy after rolling into a pinfall attempt after B-Boy hits him with a brainbuster.

We hear from "Outlandish" Zicky Dice, who says that he was laughed at the first time he tried to change the world and that he tried to make everyone laugh because he knew what it felt like to be absolutely worthless and didn't want anyone else to feel that way. Dice says he became everybody's clown and that he hates clowns, and for his final act, he will make it all disappear. He says it is a secret how he will do it, and it he gave his secrets away, no one will be interested. He then says there is "another side to the Dice."

Rob McKnight and Big Hoss vs. El Primohenio Tribeca and Sledge ends in a no-contest after both teams brawl and refuse to listen to the referee. After the match, Levi Shapiro has to make the save for Big Hoss and Rob McKnight with a bullrope and cowbell. Halston Boddy and El Primohenio Tribeca have to hold Sledge back, even as he throws a chair from the audience into the ring.

Backstage, Jack Farmer interviews Jordan Cruz, who says that being a former champion does not sit well with him and that all he can think about is "Benevolent" Jack Banning taking his championship from him and nearly losing his friendship with Ju Dizz. He says that he needs to remember who he is and make things right, but he will first fix his friendship with Ju Dizz and apologize to him so they can take down The Institution (Banning, Freeman, Honest, Divine).

Divine beats Koto Hiro. After the match, Honest attacks Koto Hiro with mounted punches, and Divine has to stop him.

Backstage, The Wolf Zaddies (Che Cabrera and Bad Dude Tito) plug their new T-shirt, then "Hysterical" Shane Haste shows up and hands Bad Dude Tito a sleveless TMDK shirt before saying he is proud of him for becoming a #1 contender for the tag team titles. He then says he has gotten with Jonny Loquasto and that the tag team title match is happening next week, and Bad Dude Tito says that if they were to win the tag team titles next week, he, Haste and Che Cabrera can hold them under Freebird Rules as "The Mighty Zaddies." Che Cabrera warms up to the idea, and Bad Dude Tito loves it.

"Pretty" Peter Avalon guests on commentary for the next match.

Bateman beats "Poppin'" EJ Sparks. After the match, Bateman hits Sparks with Death From Above again, and "Pretty" Peter Avalon runs from the commentary table to the ring to chase Bateman out.

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