Friday, December 13, 2019

Final Battle 2019 - The Results

"The Last Real Man" Silas Young and Josh "The Goods" Woods - now known as "2 Guys 1 Tag" - beat Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry. After the match, The Bouncers (The Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas) are seen in the front row, and Milonas does not seem to care much for Silas.

Backstage, Brian Zane interviews The Allure (Angelina Love and Mandy Leon). Angelina says she is not afraid of Maria Manic after wrestling women larger than her and winning seven world titles in the last twenty years.

Alex Shelley shows up. He thanks the Baltimore, Maryland fans for being one of the cornerstone cities in Ring of Honor's history, then says that Ring of Honor is pro wrestling's greatest classroom, as a lot of students have taken their seats here and have gone on to do great things in their career. He then says the greatest students come back and become teachers, such as guys like Jay Lethal and The Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe), while some of them are behind the scenes in different positions. He says that ROH is home to one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time and that this wrestler does not even have a match on the show, much less wrestles often, and hints that this man is Colt Cabana, whom he has never faced and wants a one-on-one match with tonight. Colt Cabana says that as someone who has recently won the NWA National Heavyweight Championship and just came back from a tour with New Japan, he admits his heart sank when he was not on the card, and asks the producers to put another match on the show. He then says he may be a commentator, but he will always be remembered as a comedy-style wrestler, and he calls Shelley one of the best technical wrestlers there has ever been before accepting Shelley's challenge.

Kenny King beats Rhett Titus after Amy Rose grabs at Titus' foot. Before and after the match, Kenny King's theme is the theme for The All Night Xpress, King's former tag team with Titus.

Brian Zane interviews The Bouncers (The Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas), who are enjoying the show. The Beer City Bruiser says he saw the recent Baltimore Ravens game, then says he followed it up with tonight's show. Milonas says The Bouncers will be winning championships in 2020 like the Baltimore Ravens, then are divided between who will win between Rush and PCO in tonight's main event for the ROH World Championship.

Jeff Cobb beats Dan Maff. Both men shake hands after the match.

Brody King guests on commentary for the next match.

Bandido (returning from injury) and Flamita beat Villain Enterprises ("The Villain" Marty Scurll and "The Mercenary" Flip Gordon).

Vincent beats Matt Taven after hitting Taven with a Shiranui as Taven approaches him with an ax. After the match, Taven is suddenly attacked and hit with a Tombstone Piledriver by Bateman, then Vincent separates Taven's feet with a short wooden beam before striking them with a steel chair.

"Overkill" Mark Haskins beats Bully Ray in a Street Fight after Vicki Haskins - who is hit with a barbed wire board along with Mark at the beginning of the match - takes a cheese grater to Bully Ray's crotch after the referee is knocked out, allowing Mark and Vicki to put Bully Ray through a table together. After a top rope double foot stomp from Mark Haskins to Bully Ray, senior referee Todd Sinclair makes the three count.

Alex Shelley beats Colt Cabana with a La Magistral Cradle. Both men shake hands after the match.

Maria Manic beats Angelina Love in dominating fashion in her ROH debut match.

Dragon Lee beats Shane Taylor to become the ROH World Television Champion! The win happens after Dragon Lee uses Shane Taylor's chain against him by tying it around his knee and hitting a knee strike as referee Todd Sinclair is distracted by Ron Hunt, who is drop kicked off the apron shortly afterwards.

"The Darewolf" PJ Black guests on commentary for the next match.

Jay Lethal and Johnathan Gresham beat The Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe) after Lethal grabs Jay Briscoe's tights to become ROH World Tag Team Champions!

PCO beats Rush to become the ROH World Champion one year after his debut, giving Rush his first ever loss in ROH. During the match, Destro shows up to revive PCO with the jumper cables from a hearse near the stage. Near the end of the match, Rush lays out Destro, but that gives PCO time to recover so he can choke slam Rush and put him through a table with the PCO-Sault to win the World titie. ROH COO Cary Silkin personally hands the ROH World Championship over to PCO after the match. "The Villain" Marty Scurll and Brody King celebrate with PCO to end the show.

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