Thursday, June 6, 2019

Chronicles of the 24/7 Championship - Truth, You Airhead

Poor R-Truth. He can't even get on a plane without having to defend the title.

Once again, R-Truth loses the WWE 24/7 Championship to Jinder Mahal, this time in an airport. At least Jinder Mahal - who is now a two-time 24/7 Champion - had the decency to wear street clothes this time around...but to be honest, I was hoping kayfabe would be maintained in some sort of weird, wacky way by having Mahal in his wrestling gear just like at the golf course.

If you must ask why, it's only to picture how some conversations between two baggage handlers just doing their job would go after randomly seeing some guy in wrestling gear and a much smaller guy in a black and white striped shirt and black slacks close to him just walking around in an area of the airport that is usually restricted to the general public. That, and to have Jinder Mahal walk around in wrestling gear in the most random places while a referee follows him. To think he was WWE Champion at one time, too...

Also, apparently people seem to love these videos, because I just looked back on the first one with R-Truth and Jinder Mahal on the golf course and noticed it had over 5.3 million views. Looks like people are really interested in the WWE 24/7 I'm gonna keep posting these!

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