Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Those Dynamite Kids - Dynamite recap for November 11, 2020

The show starts with a brief Veteran's Day "Thank you for your service" message.

Before the next match, Taz tells the fans that they are about to witness "The Machine" Brian Cage wrestling live, then says he is slightly distracted by Darby Allin sitting in the upper levels of the arena. He says that the last time Team Taz saw him, he was splatterd on the top of his car, and tells him tos tay in his seat and stay away in the ring or else his head will be put out again. He also tells him to call Cody Rhodes and let him know the same thing, because if Cody crosses paths with Team Taz again, he will get his ass kicked. He then says that Brian Cage is about to wrestle Matt Sydal, whom he says is capable of respect unlike Darby Allin. He says that Sydal and Allin have a lot in common, including holding victories over mega-stars, and says that both Cage and Sydal are no joke. Taz then guests on commentary for the next match.

"The Machine" Brian Cage beats Matt Sydal after catching Sydal out of the air and hitting him with the Drill Claw. After the match, "Absolute" Ricky Starks announces that he and Cage are officially ranked, and that they will put anyone who gets in their way in the grave as they go for the AEW TNT Championship.

"The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes shows up. Cody congratulates Darby Allin on beating him for the AEW TNT Championship, and that he and "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson will not be seeking a rematch at this time as he wants to vindicate himself for his loss with MJF. Suddenly, a woman in red shows up, takes the microphone from Cody's hand, and asks how he can lie to the fans. She introduces herself as Jade Cargill, and says she has been sitting on the sidelines for week studying the competition while Cody called himself "a giant killer." She asks Cody what he knows about giants when there is nothing giant about him, and says she knows a real giant and that slick statements like Cody's are an echo loud enough to wake him. Jade tells Cody to "keep that shit to [himself]" the next time he wants to think out loud, and warns him that she is nothing to play with. Jade then congratulates Cody on regaining the Rhodes name, then says Cody did not have the balls to go by one name before saying that the giant he was talking about is the real star before identifying that giant as Shaquille O'Neal. Suddenly, Brandi Rhodes shows up and asks Jade "Who the hell told you it was open mic night, bitch?" before warning her not to even look at Cody again and to get her "ratchet triflin' ass" off the stage and not to return unless she sends for her. As Jade leaves, she turns around and taps Brandi on the rear, causing Jerry Lynn to stand between Brandi and Jade before it gets physical between them. Suddenly, "The Machine" Brian Cage sneaks up on Cody from behind and powerbombs him, and "Absolute" Ricky Starks and Taz show up before Darby Allin - wearing a jacket with thumbtacks all over it - makes his way to the ring and takes out Starks. Cody and Darby then double-team Cage, and Team Taz (Taz, Cage, Starks) is forced to regroup. As they do, Will Hobbs shows up and scares them off with a steel chair before getting in the ring with Cody and Darby.

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviews Jon Moxley. Moxley says he realized he could not say "I quit" at Full Gear, and that when he came to AEW, he just wanted to beat people up. At Full Gear, however, he realized the AEW World Championship represents the fans and that he cannot quit regardless of the challenges ahead. He says he has a big challenge ahead in the form of Kenny Omega, who he has beaten once before and can beat again, for he is the best wrestler on the planet, and if anyone can beat Omega twice, it is him. He wishes Omega luck, then leaves.

Kenny Omega vs. Jox Moxley for the AEW World Championship is official for December 2nd!

The Natural Nightmares ("The Natural" Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall) beat The Butcher and The Blade in a Bunkhouse Match.

We hear from Matt Hardy, who says that he and Sammy Guevara have tried to maim each other and end each others' careers over the last eight months, and that he has never been in a rivalry has that has caused so much pain and injury. He says he came into this with very little respect for Guevara, but Guevara has since earned his respect. He says that The Elite Deletion was the only way to end it, and while Guevara may have lost to an iconic superstar, Guevara has become a bigger star because of it. He tells Guevara not to squander this.

It is time for MJF's induction into The Inner Circle. After a brief video package, Chris Jericho shows up and announces that two new members are being added to The Inner Circle tonight. He brings out the rest of The Inner Circle, but Sammy Guevara does not show up with Santana, Ortiz and Jake Hager due to The Elite Deletion. Jericho then introduces MJF and Wardlow, who enter the ring. MJF says it has been a long and hard road to get here, and that when he started five years ago, his father gave him a small loan of a million dollars and brought him into the world cold and alone, but he made it work. He says there is a lot of pressure being a rating ruler at 24 years of age that everyone else could never handle, but he is glad to have that pressure as it made him into the diamond the fans see today. He then recites a poem, which he hopes Santana and Ortiz will "dig," but Ortiz reveals that MJF is just quoting Drake. Ortiz gets mad at Jericho, but Jericho says it is on him, as MJF beat him to enter The Inner Circle. He then says that with MJF's mind and muscle, they are stronger than ever and stronger than the walls of Jericho. He says that the new Inner Circle is the new unstoppable force in AEW and that the rest of the group will make it work. After saying that he does not know who Drake even is, MJF says that he started from the bottom and that he is now here in The Inner Circle, much to Ortiz's annoyance. MJF then celebrates Jericho's birthday with confetti and yellow and black balloons, then announces that next week, The Inner Circle is going to Vegas and the whole trip is on him.

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviews The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson). Nick says that there might be a rematch with FTR down the line, and Matt says that they are looking for some fresh opponents after getting an Instagram message from a team called Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin), whom Matt announces will face them next week.

Shawn Spears beats Scorpio Sky. During the match, it is announced that "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes and Darby Allin vs. Team Taz ("The Machine" Brian Cage and "Absolute" Ricky Starks) is official for next week. Later in the match, Tully Blanchard sneaks a slug into Spears' glove, and while he distracts the referee, tosses another slug in the direction of Scorpio Sky. Scorpio takes the slug tossed to him and throws it into the crowd, but Spears knocks him out and gets the win.

Backstage, Dasha Gonzalez says that Kenny Omega has run off and that she cannot get a word from him. Alex Marvez catches up with Omega in the parking lot, and Omega says that he has been aware of his match with Jon Moxley for some time, and says that Moxley has something that he wants and needs and that Moxley has taken the #1 position in wrestling from him. He says that he has never really left, but he is ready to reassume the responsibility of being the best in the world. He says that Moxley has never beaten him in a real wrestling match, and that he knows that Moxley is as ready as he is.

Tay Conti beats Red Velvet. During the match, Anna Jay passes a steel chair to Conti, but Conti refuses it, as the risk of losing via disqualification is too great. She eventually gets the win with a Gory Special into a knee. After the match, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson are seen watching from one of the entrance tunnels.

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviews Chris Jericho, who celebrates The Inner Circle's trip to Vegas with MJF. Sammy Guevara shows up saying he got a e-mail saying to be at the beach, but MJF says he sent a second e-mail telling him to be in the ring. As the rest of The Inner Circle, MJF tells him he really sent the second e-mail, then hands him his ticket to Las Vegas.

Next week: "Superbad" Kip Sabian vs. Orange Cassidy! The Inner Circle slays Las Vegas!

Eddie Kingston shows up. He says that Jon Moxley made him quit at Full Gear and that he has to live with it, but he will never stop and he will become AEW World Champion. He then says that two of the greatest luchadors to ever wrestle will be in the ring, and all he says to say for it is "You're welcome." He then guests on commentary for the next match.

Penta El Zero M beats Rey Fenix in a brutal rematch following two package piledrivers, one on the ring apron and one in the ring and both men ripping holes in their masks. After the match, Eddie Kingston shows up and says that the fans have seen two brothers fighting for competition and Pental El Zero M show his brother who is boss. Kingston kicks Fenix out of the ring as he praises Penta El Zero M, and tells Penta that he does not need anybody else, including his own brother. Suddnely, PAC shows up and asks Kingston if he thought he would be gone forever, then tells Kingston he has made a big mistake. Multiple referees have to hold PAC and Kingston back, and it is announced that PAC will face The Blade next week as PAC and Kingston try to charge at each other.

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