Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Generation NXT 2.0 - NXT 2.0 recap for January 18, 2022

LA Knight shows up at the arena. He tells Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward to keep an eye on the ring for a teachable moment, then wishes Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen luck tonight before heading to the ring. Knight calls Grayson Waller out so he can finish what he started last week, but Grayson Waller fails to show. Knight says that week after week, Grayson says that as much as the people say he sucks, he fears the name of the man who will drop him on his head. He says that Grayson Waller failed to get the job done against him, then Grayson finally shows up with a manila envelope in his hands. Grayson Waller says it is a restraining order that states that LA Knight cannot touch him, and says that there is nothing he would like more than beating him in the ring after all he has done; however, his lawyer advised him to file a restraining order. LA Knight takes a look at the restraining order, which states that Knight will be arrested immediately if he comes within 50 feet of him. Knight says that while he may have a restraining order him, he does not have one against Dexter Lumis. Lumis crawls out from underneath the ring and sneaks up behind Grayson Waller before attempting Silence. Knight tells Grayson he can either lift the restraining order or get choked out by Lumis; either way, he is getting his ass kicked.

Grayson Waller beats Dexter Lumis after a man in a blue suit throws Dexter Lumis into the ring post behind the referee's back. Grayson acknowledges the man after the match. After the replay, Grayson calls the man his "insurance policy." (The man in the blue suit is actually Saurav, who has not been seen in NXT in quite some time.)

In footage from this past weekend, Walter confronts Malcolm Bivens as he calls Imperium (Walter, Fabian Aichner, Marcel Barthel) "a bunch of bitches" and presses him against a set of lockers. Roderick Strong shows up and tells Walter to put him down, then tells Walter that he is not afraid of him. Walter tells Strong he should be scared.

We take a quick look at the teams in the men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic this year.

Backstage, MSK (Nash Carter and Wes Lee) look forward to the next match as well as their match with Jacket Time next week, then take Matt Riddle's advice to heart before Legado del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza) show up to tell them that they will end their chances at the Dusty Cup.

The Creed Brothers (Julius and Brutus Creed) beat Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen to advance in the men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

We hear from Dante Chen, who talks about his debut as well as a leg injury that has put him out of action while his peers have seen success. He then says that his father, who saw his debut match, passed away two months ago. He says that he has many more matches for his father and the whole country of Singapore to represent, and today, he is back and ready to compete. Dante Chen is coming up next.

Backstage, Walter congratulates Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel on representing Imperium to the best of their ability. He then says today is the day that they start their mission of dominating NXT with a win over Roderick Strong.

Dante Chen vs. Guru Raaj ends with Duke Hudson showing up and attacking both men.

Backstage, Joe Gacy tells Harland that it could have been them in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, then says he is not angry, just disappointed. As he thinks that times like these are times of growth and opportunity, Odyssey Jones asks Gacy if he believes what he says while on crutches. When asked, Jones says he will be back in a couple of weeks. Gacy then helps him with the door before telling Harland that having the strength to face negativity instead of allowing it to spread like wildfire is a true measure of progress.

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviews Bron Breakker, who says that being NXT Champion has set in and that he is ready. He says Santos Escobar is a great competitor and former champion, but everyone is gunning for him now. Elektra Lopez shows up, but Bron Breakker says he is not interested in anything she wants. Santos Escobar says Bron may be champion, but he cannot hold the brand on his shoulders, and that the NXT Championship looks better around his waist. Bron tells Escobar to give him a reason why he should kick his ass right now, but Escobar tells him he will learn that things will be done on his time.

Tony D'Angelo is in the ring with a black casket to celebrate the career of "Petey Poppins" aka Pete Dunne. He says Pete Dunne did not listen to anyone and that he needed to learn a lesson the hard way. He says that his cousin taught him to handle his business by any means necessary, then says this is a closed casket ceremony after what he did to Pete Dunne with a crowbar. Tony says he cannot mourn forever and has moved on to bigger and better things, then says it is time to add some more gold to his collection with the North American Championship. Suddenly, Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams show up on the balcony. Tony says he has his own "boys" and that the three of them are just teammates, and Carmelo says the North American title is his business. Carmelo tells Tony to keep the title out of his mouth or else he will have a closed casket ceremony as well. Suddenly, Cameron Grimes shows up. Cameron Grimes tells Tony to go to the back of the line before addressing Carmelo Hayes, then Carmelo and Trick propose that Tony and Cameron face each other with the winner facing Carmelo. Tony D'Angelo goes for a cheap shot as Cameron Grimes says he will fight anybody, but Cameron ducks it and hits Tony with the picture of Pete Dunne.

Backstage, Josh Briggs tells Brooks Jensen that men are made by handling obstacles, then Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter show up and propose they have some drinks. Wendy Choo is seen watching them from above, and says that Jensen likes Kayden. Jensen tries to explain himself, but Kayden tells him to hit the showers and Briggs says "Less is more."

We hear from Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon, who talk about their last two months as a tag team and their athletic backgrounds, and say that they fight and play hard and want the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships. Afterwards, they are interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell, and soon met by Dakota Kai, who advises them that nothing divides friendships more than success. Yulisa and Valentina have none of this, and Dakota Kai says she will see about this later tonight.

Ivy Nile beats Kay Lee Ray with a Sunset Flip following the distraction by Mandy Rose. After the match, Mandy Rose and Kay Lee Ray brawl. Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin soon show up to assist Mandy, but as the three of them gang up on Kay Lee Ray, Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta show up to even the numbers game.

It is revealed that Harland has attacked an injured Odyssey Jones as he leaves with Joe Gacy backstage.

We hear from Sarray, who says that her first year in NXT did not go as expected and went back to Japan to regroup. She then found the necklace her grandmother gave her, and remembered who she was. She says that she is returning to NXT with a new passion and energy.

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe beat Legado del Fantasma (Joquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza) to advance in the men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic after Santos Escobar trips Malik Blade from the outside and gets ejected from ringside. When Escobar argues with the referee, Bron Breakker shows up and carries him away, and Malik Blade and Edris Enofe win off the distraction.

We hear from Malcolm Bivens, who says that Diamond Mine are two for two and will become three for three when Roderick Strong wipes the mat with Walter. He says the mat is a revenue generator, not something sacred, and that it belongs to Diamond Mine.

We hear from Solo Sikoa, who says that Boa took it to the next level last week. He says that if Boa wants to use some ancestral powers, he will find out he is not the only one with warriors for ancestors or the only one with war paint, for next week, they will go to war.

Dakota Kai beats Yulisa Leon. After the match, Dakota Kai tries to attack Valentina Feroz, but Yulisa Leon makes the save.

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviews Raquel Gonzalez, who says that she does not make excuses and that she is still coming for the NXT Women's Championship. Cora Jade shows up and asks Raquel if she wants to be a back-to-back Dusty Cup winner. Raquel tells Jade that she has no title because of her, and tells her not to get in her way again before saying "thanks but no thanks." Jade says she will convince Raquel after Raquel leaves.

Backstage, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe celebrate their victory tonight when Bron Breakker shows up and says it was all them before wishing them luck in the next round.

Walter beats Roderick Strong. After the match, Walter takes the microphone and says "The winner of the match...is Gunther!" Afterwards, Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong, Julius Creed, Brutus Creed) and Imperium (Walter, Fabian Aichner, Marcel Barthel) brawl in the ring.

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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