Friday, September 27, 2019

Final Impact - Impact Wrestling recap for September 27, 2019

We hear from Gail Kim, who is looking forward to the wedding.

The North ("All Ego" Ethan Page and "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander) show up dressed like The Latin-American Xchange (Santana and Ortiz), even going so far as to use their theme song. Ethan Page makes fun of the fact that the fans were expecting LAX, and tells them that they got what was advertised as far as "the best tag team in the world" goes. Alexander makes fun of the fans for cheering them for "dressing like morons" and "acting like losers." Alexander says that he has never been so embarrassed in his entire career, and says that dressing like LAX makes him sick before and rubbing his foot on an LAX shirt to show his opinion on the rest of the tag team division. He then says that everyone will soon forget about the rest of the tag team division, for they are the best tag team in the world. Page then says that LAX is never come back, because the fans will never get what they want simply because they are not The North. After Page states that The North made sure LAX left Impact and that Konnan does not have as much power as he thinks he does, Konnan shows up. Konnan tells The North that they are making an embarrassment out of themselves and that they are "bush league," then says he has a lot of friends who would like to "bust that ass." He then brings out Rob Van Dam and Rhino.

Rob Van Dam and Rhino beat The North ("All Ego" Ethan Page and "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander) after Konnan stops Josh Alexander from using one of the tag team title belts as a weapon.

Gama Singh chastises The Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju and Raj Singh) for losing to The Deaners (Cody Deaner and Cousin Jake), which caused him so much embarrassment that he had to recruit Mahabali Shera. He tells them that there will be no more losing, or else they will be replaced.

Impact Wrestling airs on AXS TV starting October 1st at 8 PM Eastern/7 PM Central!

At the wedding, Eddie Edwards is joined by Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe and Luster The Legend), who then head off to get some drinks. Johnny Swinger then shows up and makes a reference to ECW on TNN (and Rock 'n Bowl), then leaves.

Mahabali Shera beats Cousin Jake after Rohit Raju and Raj Singh get on the apron only to get knocked off by Cousin Jake. After the match, Cody Deaner fights Mahabali Shera, but Raj Singh and Rohit Raju grab him by the legs and stomp him before letting Shera have a piece of him.

At the wedding, TJP and Fallah Bahh show up. Fallah Bahh says something other than "Bahh" for the first time on Impact Wrestling as he and TJP argue over what they are wearing.

Tenille Dashwood beats Madison Rayne.

At the wedding, Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes are met by Rich Swann and Willie Mack. RVD says he and Katie are the tag team champions, then makes Swann and Mack the #1 contenders.

Ken Shamrock shows up. He says he has some great memories in the ring of holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship over his head proudly, then says he is back thanks to the support of the fans over the past two weeks. He mentions what has been going on on social media regarding Moose, then mentions the lack of accomplishments as well as respect that Moose has as well as his talks with Impact management, then says he couldn't find Moose anywhere in the building tonight. After stating that he is here to put Moose in the grave and beat him to a living death, Moose shows up...on the video screen, on location at Shamrock's home gym. He says he is not afraid of Shamrock, and that he is the best wrestler in the world. He then enters a practice MMA ring and beats up the two men inside, and tells Shamrock that he is the world's most dangerous man and that he will kick his ass at Bound For Glory.

Backstage, Taya Valkyrie meets with Rosemary, and asks Rosemary to get rid of Tenille Dashwood in exchange for a Knockouts Championship match. Rosemary shows no interest, and calls Taya a coward who should go into battle herself. Taya then gives Rosemary a dress for the wedding, which Rosemary shows absolutely no interest in.

The Impact Plus Moment of the Week is the wedding of Eric Young and ODB.

oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist, Madman Fulton) show up to the wedding bearing a gift of wine, but are not let in.

At the wedding, Tommy Dreamer and Rich Swann talk with "The Machine" Brian Cage, then Brian's brother Ryan show up.

At the wedding, Madison Rayne tries to teach everyone how to walk down the aisle, then Taya Valkyrie tries to get somebody to help her get rid of Tenille Dashwood.

Tessa Blanchard beats Dave Crist to qualify for the X Division Championship Ladder Match at Bound For Glory. During the match, Madman Fulton is ejected from the match after getting his hands on Tessa. After the match, Jake Crist attacks Tessa from behind, but Teesa fights him off. Madman Fulton returns to the ring, however, and choke slams Tessa twice.

At the wedding, Madison Rayne mocks Alisha Edwards for not keeping track of where Eddie Edwards is, then Ace Austin shows up and offers to escort Alisha down the aisle.

The wedding between "The Machine" Brian Cage and Melissa Santos occurs. Tommy Dreamer escorts Melissa Santos down the aisle. Taya interrupts the wedding during the objection only to not object, then "All Ego" Ethan Page uses the opportunity to complain about Impact Wrestling and try to start a wrestler's union. All of a sudden, Eddie Edwards shows up to the wedding drunk and spews on Ryan. He then tries to punch Ace Austin only to punch Ryan instead and get kicked out of the wedding. Tommy Dreamer asks if anyone can officiate the wedding. Father James Mitchell shows up. Father James Mitchell officiates the exchange of the rings and the vows, then pronounces them man and wife. Melissa Santos then asks everyone to join them for the reception in the ring.

The wedding reception takes place. "The Machine" Brian Cage and Melissa Santos have their first dance as a couple, then Sami Callihan interrupts everything not to fight, but to party, then tells Cage he wants him at his best when he beats him at Bound For Glory. Callihan proposes that he and everyone at home proposes a toast to "the bride and the bitch." Cage grabs Sami, but Sami hits Mellssa with his bottle of wine instead of Cage, knocking her out. Sami walks away.

Here are the top five moments from tonight's show!

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