Sunday, March 28, 1999

Feel The Heat - Sunday Night Heat recap for March 28, 1999

WWF owner Vince McMahon and "The Big Show" Paul Wight show up. Vince says that WrestleMania conjures up images of larger-than-life competitors, extravagant pageantry and great personal sacrifice that sometimes results in either resounding defeat or even greater victory and triumph. He says that the images of this year's WrestleMania will equal, if not surpass, the images of all others; however, there are some who has hoped, dreamed and prayed that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will become WWF Champion. He says that these people are in for a major disappointment, for there is a new provision in the WWF Championship match in which there will be no disqualifications, The Rock is the better man and a sleeping giant has been awakened following the steel chair shots from Austin to Paul Wight, who will be refereeing the match. Wight tells Austin that all bets are off, and if he wanted his attention, he has got it, and that is not necessarily a good thing. He then clues Austin on what he will do with him by telling Mankind's mother to remember what her son looked like before he left home, because he will come back home looking like it. As for Mankind, he knows that Mankind loves pain, and says that Mankind will love what he has in store for him tonight. He calls Mankind an idiot that he has cut through like grass in order to do his job - protect the WWF Championship and keep it around The Rock's waist - which he will do with extreme prejudice. As for Austin, he is not afraid of rattlesnakes and likes to crush and eviscerate them to make key chains and boots out of them. He tells Austin that he is on his time tonight, and when he walks into the arena, he will find out if he really is the toughest S.O.B. in the WWF or if he is just selling T-shirts by waiting for him at the back door, where he will beat him up, toss him into the ring and have The Rock beat him to keep the WWF Championship. He says this is not the bottom line, but the last word. Vince says there is "no chance in Hell" that Austin will win the WWF Championship tonight.

Backstage, WWF owner Vince McMahon asks Pat Patterson to protect his daughter Stephanie McMahon, then tells "The Big Show" Paul Wight that even though he appreciates his intensity, he has to have a main event tonight.

Terri Runnels guests on commentary for the next match.

Jacqueline beats Ivory, then Terri Runnels burns Ivory with a cigarette. Tori runs in to chase Terri and Jacqueline out of the ring.

Rodney, Billy P, Willie Green and Pete Gas of The Mean Street Posse are in the front row.

Big Show is seen waiting for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at the back door.

D-Generation X ("Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley, X-Pac, "Road Dogg" Jesse James, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) show up. Triple H tells Kane that if he wants to play with matches tonight, then he should think back to last week, as he proved who has the biggest flame. He says that whether it is throwing punches or throwing fire, Kane will get in his battlefield tonight and he will go down in a blaze of glory. Road Dogg says that in his match, he has "a nut, a slut and ["The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken] Shamrock with his head up his butt." He says that it is like a Steve Gutenberg movie, but instead of "three men and a baby," it is "three men and the D-O-Double G," and he welcomes his opponents to the Dogg House. Billy Gunn says that if Road Dogg thinks he has problems, then he has a Triple Threat Match with "Mr. Rodgers and a goof who talks to a head," and he is fixing to unload a whole lot of "Badd Ass" on them, and it will be long and hard and it will get nasty. X-Pac tells Shane McMahon that he may be the boss' son, but tonight, he will pay some dues that he has never paid in his entire life. He says he is through talking about things, and tonight, his ass is grass and he is going to smoke it.

You can win a limited first edition copy of the Undertaker comic book by sending your cable or satellite bill to the address on your screen. Requests must be received by May 31, 1999. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. One request per household while supplies last.

Lucas interviews The Rock backstage. The Rock says "Stone Cold" Steve Austin wishes "The Big Show" Paul Wight was on his side and not The Rock's, then tells Austin that he will go out there and lay the smack down on Austin's candy ass.

Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett and Debra guest on commentary for the next match.

D'Lo Brown and Test are the last two men left standing in the ring in the Invitational Battle Royal. As per pre-match stipulation, they will face Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett for the WWF Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania 15. During the match, Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge and Flyboy Rocco), not surprisingly, are the first team eliminated as soon as they enter the ring. After the match, Jarrett and Owen attack D'Lo and Test.

"The Big Show" Paul Wight is still waiting at the back door.

Michael Cole interviews The Big Boss Man in the ring. The Big Boss Man says his match tonight is a challenge, but a challenge he relishes, as he has spent more time in a cell than The Undertaker has spent walking the face of the earth. He says that Hell In A Cell is his home and a dangerous place, and tonight, he will make The Undertaker live up to his "Deadman" nickname. The lights then go out, and The Undertaker's voice is heard telling Boss Man that not only is he facing a phenom tonight, but he is also facing an entire movement of darkness and he will be his personal escort through the darkness and straight to Hell, as Boss Man cannot stand between them and he owns the key to his soul. Boss Man is then attacked by The Brood (Gangrel, Edge and Christian), and when the lights come back on, he is covered in blood.

Backstage, "The Big Show" Paul Wight is seen throwing things around.

Backstage, Mankind enters the arena through the back door, where "The Big Show" Paul Wight is waiting. This quickly leads to a brawl between the two men that ends the show. As both men fight, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin enters the arena in the background under The Big Show's nose.

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