Monday, November 2, 1998

Raw Deal - Raw recap for November 2, 1998


Shane McMahon starts tonight's show. It is noticed that there is a steel cage high above the ring, and it is announced that WWF owner Vince McMahon is not in the building. In the absence of his father Vince and as acting WWF chairman, he announces that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will get his shot at the WWF Championship the night after Survivor Series on Raw against whoever is champion. He then brings out "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. As Austin shows up, Vince McMahon makes it to the arena, and Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Boss Man and WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter help Vince to the stage and stick it to everyone who though he would not make it to the arena tonight. Vince says any talk that he is retiring is wishful thinking, and after everyone makes it clear that they would like it if he stepped down, quit or died, Vince says he will only step down from his position in the World Wrestling Federation on the day he dies, and when he dies, he doesn't want anybody at his funeral as he wants to go straight to Hell, since he's been there as of late, anyway. Vince says he has been in a living hell thanks to his son Shane as well as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He relieves Shane of his corporate responsibilities, and he is no longer an officer of the World Wrestling Federation. If Shane wants gainful employment again, he will have to do it as a referee. If he cannot do that correctly, he will bust him down to the ring crew where he began. He says Shane scarred him emotionally last week, and hurt him the most when he said he was a lot like him after all. Vince then tells Shane he is nothing like him, but that he is a lot like his mother. As for Austin, he cannot do a thing about his new contract, but he can tell him that he will get his title shot at Survivor Series, not the night afterwards, and if he makes it to the match, he will have wrestled four times that night. Vince then reveals that Austin will be facing The Big Boss Man in his first match in the Deadly Games Tournament. Before he leaves, Vince says he's been hearing the "asshole" chant a lot, and tells the fans they're all assholes.

During the commercial break, WWF owner Vince McMahon chews out Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler, telling them to "get your stuff straight" and tells them that someone will be paying hard time in the steel cage above the ring tonight.

D-Generation X (X-Pac, "Road Dogg" Jesse James, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) vs. The Brood (Gangrel, Edge, Christian) ends when Kane shows up and attacks everyone else in the match with a choke slam while Gangrel and Road Dogg fight in the crowd. Before the match, it is announced that X-Pac will be in the Deadly Games Tournament and that the tournament brackets will be released later tonight.

During the break, Michael Cole interviews WWF owner Vince McMahon, who confronts him over asking him how he felt when his son emotionally wrecked him last night. The Big Boss Man grabs Cole by his throat, asks Cole how he feels, and tells him that was how he felt last week.

When Road Warrior Hawk comes to the ring before the next match, he is unable to walk in a straight line down the ramp and is assumed to be drunk. When Darren Drozdov (at this point, known as just "Droz") attacks Hawk before the bell can ring, it is apparent that cannot fight back, and their match ends in a no contest when Road Warrior Animal shows up with several referees. Animal tells Droz to head to the back, then chews Hawk out, saying 14 years just went down the tube.

We see some footage from moments ago where The Big Boss Man and WWF owner Vince McMahon chew Jim Cornette out, telling him to shut up about 1980s wrestling and to return to his commentary.

Michael Cole interviews Mankind and Al Snow. Snow says they get along just fine, but it is just that Mankind talks to a sock. Mankind says that he and Snow will take down The Oddities (Luna Vachon, Golga, Kurrgan, Giant Silva) tonight.

Dusty Hill of ZZ Top is seen in the crowd before the next match.

The Oddities (Kurrgan and Golga) beat Al Snow and Mankind. During the match, it is announced that WWF owner Vince McMahon has just had an altercation with ring announcer Howard Finkel. Near the end of the match, Mankind cannot find Socko and heads to the back to find him, much to the annoyance of Al Snow, who gets Sidewalk Slammed by Kurgan and nearly leg dropped by Golga. Despite Snow's best efforts, he is defeated.

We see footage from moments ago of WWF owner Vince McMahon confronting basketball star Shaquille O'Neal for not having a backstage pass.

Backstage, Mankind looks for Mr. Socko.

Before the next match, Steven Regal - who is in the Deadly Games Tournament at Survivor Series - says he is in the WWF to see if there are any "real men's men" like himself in the back. He does not think there is, and asks that if anyone thinks they are, to come out from the back and face him in the ring. He gets Goldust, who is announced to also be in the Deadly Games Tournament. It is then announced that the brackets for the Deadly Games Tournament will be revealed after the next match.

Steven Regal vs. Goldust ends when Kane shows up and choke slams both men. During the match, Terri Runnels shows up in a dress similar to when she went by the name Marlena, as well as the high heels and cigar to match. Terri Runnels gets in the ring to try to help Goldust, and referees and officials have to convince Kane to put her down. Unfortunately, Tony Garea gets choke slammed, and everyone else scatters.

We see the tournament brackets for the Deadly Games Tournament at Survivor Series. The Undertaker and Kane both get a bye in the first round, and face each other in the semi-finals. The other first round matches are as follows: The Rock vs. "Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Goldust vs. "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock, Mankind vs. a mystery opponent, Jeff Jarrett vs. Al Snow, X-Pac vs. Steven Regal, and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Big Boss Man.

Mankind is seen talking with WWF owner Vince McMahon while The Big Boss Man watches. Vince asks Mankind not to interfere in the next match between "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock and The Rock. Mankind promises. In return, he is given a new championship that has never been seen before: the WWF Hardcore Championship, which is a broken WWF Championship belt with some paint on it. Vince says he lost a son tonight, but says he may have gained another one. Mankind replies by saying "Gee, thanks...Dad."


Before the next match, we see footage from moments ago where WWF owner Vince McMahon is seen with "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock. Vince tells the cameraman to get out. After The Rock shows up, Vince McMahon shows up with The Big Boss Man, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter, and says that since he has a problem with the people, he has a problem with the People's Champion. If The Rock does not win the WWF Intercontinental Championship, he will not be going to the Deadly Games Tournament at Survivor Series, much less be the #1 contender for the WWF Championship.

The Rock beats "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock by disqualification. During the match, "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock sends The Rock into referee Tim White, knocking White down. Shamrock grabs a steel chair from outside of the ring, but when he swings it at The Rock, it bounces off the top rope and hits him in the face. The Rock is able to hit The People's Elbow, but the referee is down. Shamrock tries to revive the referee, but Shamrock hits The Rock in the back with the steel chair, and the referee sees this happen. Shamrock retains the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Since The Rock did not win the Intercontinental Championship, he is out of Survivor Series. Vince calls The Rock "The People's Chump" before he and his stooges walk away.

The Rock is seen trashing the locker room, asking where WWF owner Vince McMahon is at.

Before the next match, Val Venis says that "The Big Valbowski" is a lot like Hakeem Olajuwon. Whether he's shooting on the hoop from the outside, or making that drive to the hole in the inside, "The Big Valbowski" scores every single time.

Val Venis beats Jeff Jarrett by disqualification after Venis is crotched on the top rope by The Blue Blazer. Jarrett nods approvingly at The Blue Blazer before the Blazer leaves.

A police car is seen backstage at the arena. Two police officers show up. is advertised.

WWF owner Vince McMahon is seen talking to three police officers. He says The Rock has threatened his life and has torn up furniture, and asks them to arrest The Rock.

Before the next match, The Headbangers (Thrasher and Mosh) show up dressed like The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn), complete with imitation tag team titles. They then soundly mock the Outlaws.

The Headbangers (Thrasher and Mosh) vs. The Nation (D'Lo Brown and "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry when Kane shows up yet again and decimates everyone in the match. During the match, it is announced that will be launched tomorrow night with a live netcast at 7 PM Eastern, 4 PM Pacific. It is also announced that Chyna is taking a leave of absence from the WWF until her legal issues with Mark Henry have been taken care of.

Police are seen backstage arresting The Rock and placing him in the back of a squad car while WWF owner Vince McMahon, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter and The Big Boss Man watch.

Owen Hart shows up. He says he is here tonight on the request of Dan "The Beast" Severn. Even though he apologized to Severn a long time ago, he cannot apologize enough. He says was an accident, that he never did it, and he did the honorable thing and retired. He is no longer on the WWF roster, and he came here from his home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to hear what Severn has to say. Severn shows up, wearing a neck brace, and tells Owen he is not here for an apology as it would not mean anything. Severn says Owen says he is sorry for hurting him and that he has retired, but he is not kidding anybody by running around dressed as The Blue Blazer. He came here to look into the eyes of the man who stole his livelihood, and came here to tell him that he is nothing but scum. Owen pushes Severn to the mat, then clotheslines him. "The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman rushes into the ring and chases Owen out.

Dan "The Beast" Severn is rushed into an ambulance on a stretcher. He then turns around and hits Owen Hart with a jumping front kick. Suddenly, The Blue Blazer shows up and attacks Blackman while Owen kicks Blackman in the groin. Referees and officials have to restore order, and Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are shocked that Owen Hart and The Blue Blazer have been seen in the same place at the same time. (Strangely, the person dressed as the Blue Blazer has darker skin than Owen Hart.)

The steel cage is finally lowered towards the ring.

WWF owner Vince McMahon is wheeled out by Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter and The Big Boss Man. If he had his way, he would take tonight's crowd and put them in the cage and every single one of them would pay hard time. Vince and company slowly make their way to the ring, and asks that he be left next to the announcers. After that, Vince commands The Big Boss Man to take his cohorts and make sure the steel cage is secure inside and out, and that the cage door locks. Vince says that a lot of individuals in the WWF deserve to pay hard time, and all he asked for was a cup of coffee. The Big Boss Man then attacks Brisco, Patterson and Slaughter at Vince McMahon's command, and tells his stooges that this is what happens when anyone crosses him. He tells them that they will stand by him and that they will not run, not from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and not from anybody. Pat Patterson cries to Vince to stop the attack, and Vince says he will stop when Patterson, Brisco and Slaughter pledge allegiance to Vince. Vince then commands The Big Boss Man to rip their clothes off, but "Stone Cold" Steve Austin shows up and climbs up the cage and gets inside just to get a piece of The Big Boss Man. Pat Patterson then hits Austin in the leg with a nightstick, but Austin immediately focuses on Patterson. The Big Boss Man attacks Austin from behind, then assaults him with the nightstick. Suddenly, Shane McMahon gets in the cage and tries to call a halt to the carnage. Vince then commands The Big Boss Man to spare Shane, but Shane responds by flipping his father Vince off. The Undertaker's music then hits, and The Undertaker appears with Paul Bearer, and gets in the cage to fight Austin. Austin and The Undertaker brawl, then Kane shows up and sets the steel cage on fire before attacking Austin and The Undertaker to end the show.

After the show goes off the air, the three-way brawl between "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Kane and The Undertaker continues. Austin hits Kane with a Stone Cold Stunner before getting out of the cage and attacking The Big Boss Man with a nightstick. Austin then focuses on WWF owner Vince McMahon, and The Undertaker and Kane then head to the back before Austin topples Vince's wheelchair backwards, picking Vince up, kicking him a few times in the injured leg, sending him into the ring and offering to shake his hand. Vince shakes his hand, then Austin flips him off and hits him with a Stone Cold Stunner. As Austin celebrates, The Big Boss Man then tries to get Vince out of the ring, but Austin drags him back in and hits him with another Stone Cold Stunner. Austin then whacks Boss Man in the head with the steel cage door and celebrates at ringside again. The Big Boss Man then checks on Vince alongside a referee as Austin heads to the back and tosses his shirt to a fan. The Big Boss Man and the referee then slowly help Vince to his feet, but Austin comes back, steals Vince's wheelchair and wheels it over to the stage. Vince somehow manages to climb up to the top of the cage and demand his wheelchair be returned, but Austin breaks it by tumbling it around before tossing it off the stage. Vince then has to limp back to the back, assisted by The Big Boss Man.

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