Saturday, November 9, 2019

Turning Point - The Results

Tessa Blanchard and Jordynne Grace beat Madison Rayne and Havok.

We hear from Rhino, who tells Rob Van Dam that his time in the hot tub with his girlfriend will be over when he puts him in the hospital with a Gore.

Clutch Adams retains the PPW Heavyweight Championship against KC Navarro, Facade, Evander James, DeSean Pratt and Charles Mason.

Backstage, Jimmy Jacobs interviews Moose, who says that while Fallah Bahh is a great heavyweight, he is not a legend.

Michael Elgin beats Mike Orlando.

Backstage, Jimmy Jacobs interviews Taya Valkyrie, who is not concerned about losing the Impact Knockouts Championship to Jordynne Grace. As for Tenille Dashwood, she will beat her and prove once again why she is the longest-reigning Knockouts Champion.

Moose beats Fallah Bahh.

Backstage, Jimmy Jacobs interviews Rich Swann and Willie Mack. Willie Mack says they finally have the two-on-two match they wanted, but as Rich Swann says it is their time to shine, The North ("All Ego" Ethan Page and "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander) interrupts, saying it should be their time to shine and that Swann and Mack will be challengers forever when they lay them out and leave them with no excuses.

Taya Valkyrie beats Tenille Dashwood after John E. Bravo distracts Tenille. After the match, Taya takes the boots to Tenille before Jordynne Grace runs into the ring. John E. Bravo faints as Jordynne confronts Taya, then Jordynne attacks Taya until Taya retreats.

The North ("All Ego" Ethan Page and "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander) retain the Impact World Tag Team Championships against Rich Swann and Willie Mack.

We hear from Sami Callihan and Jake Crist. Sami says he is the only champion, and tells Jake Crist to win back. Sami then says he has beaten "The Machine" Brian Cage twice now and that he will walk out tonight as Impact World Champion.

Eddie Edwards retains possession of his Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match Trophy against Mahabali Shera.

No Surrender is live on Impact Plus on December 7th!

Ace Austin retains the Impact X Division Championship against Jake Crist.

Rob Van Dam beats Rhino by disqualification after Rhino gores RVD through a table.

Sami Callihan retains the Impact World Championship against "The Machine" Brian Cage after hitting the referee with the title, which allows for interference from Jake Crist and Madman Fulton, Callihan kicking Cage in the groind and Fulton choke slamming Cage prior to Callihan hitting the Cactus Special to retain.

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