Monday, March 17, 2014

Raw Deal - Raw recap for March 17, 2014

Triple H shows up. He blames what happened last week as well as what happens at WrestleMania 30 on the WWE Universe. He plans to talk to Daniel Bryan later. Batista shows up, confronting Triple H for giving Daniel Bryan a possible chance at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Randy Orton also shows up, agreeing with Batista. Orton says he wants D-Bry tonight in a no-disqualification match, and Triple H gives it to him. He then tells Batista that the reason everyone cheers for Daniel Bryan is because nobody believes in Batista. Batista counters by calling Orton a paper champion, and both men start arguing. Triple H walks away, telling them he's tired of "Hollywood stars" telling him what's best for business and wanting him to hold their hand. He then states that when he beats Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30, the main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will be Orton, Batista...and Triple H himself.

The Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Cesaro) beat The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso)...and get back on the same page!

Kane wants The Shield at his side tonight...again.

Hornswoggle passes stuff out to the crowd...until Bad News Barrett tells us we're all going to get drunk tonight and spend the rest of our lives regretting it.

Christian guests on commentary for the next match.

With Hornswoggle at ringside, Sheamus beats Titus O'Neil. Renee Young interviews Sheamus, who plans to enter the Andre the Giant Battle Royale at WrestleMania 30. Christian attacks Sheamus upon hearing this.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Machine will be on Raw next week.

John Cena shows up. He admits that he's scared of Bray Wyatt and that we're listening to what he has to say, but he plans to fight for his legacy and beat Wyatt at WrestleMania 30. Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family (Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan) show up on the TitanTron to taunt him some more, with Wyatt in Cena's newest merchandise calling Nikki Bella a "plastic girlfriend" amongst other things.

Daniel Bryan beats Randy Orton in a no-disqualfication match after Batista hits Orton with a Spear. Batista then puts Orton in the Batista Bomb.

Paul Heyman shows up, saying that Undertaker has barely survived his last few WrestleMania matches and won't survive against Brock Lesnar.

Stephanie McMahon is annoyed with Triple H's recent actions concerning Daniel Bryan.

Goldust beats Fandango.

The Undertaker will be on Main Event tomorrow night on WWE Network.

Kane shows up. He reveals who made Daniel Bryan's occupation of Raw possible: Jerry Lawler. He sics The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns) on him, and they take him into the ring...then they turn on Kane again!

The Bella Twins (Nicole and Brie Bella) guest on commentary for the next match.

The Funkadactyls (Cameron and Naomi) beat AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka. AJ Lee yells at Tamina, who immediately pushes her towards the mat.

Mr. T is inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2014.

Dolph Ziggler, Big E, Mark Henry and Big Show beat Rybaxel (Curtis Axel and Ryback), Damien Sandow and Alberto Del Rio.

Batista tells Renee Young he's not quitting until he's champion.

Better get the trial for the WWE Network while you still can! Offer ends this Saturday!

John Cena takes on Luke Harper this Friday on SmackDown!

Bray Wyatt beats Kofi Kingston.

Triple H shows up and calls out Daniel Bryan, who comes to the ring. A lot has happened since SummerSlam, but Triple H says he did it because it was best for business. Nevertheless, all hell will break loose at WrestleMania 30, saying he has no choice but to put an end to Daniel Bryan. He then says "May the best man win" and extends his hand, but Daniel refuses. Triple H turns to leave after stating his amazement at Daniel Bryan's strong will, saying Bryan has earned his respect. Stephanie McMahon shows up and says she's pressing charges after last week, and sics officers on Daniel. As Triple H and Stephanie argue, Daniel Bryan is pinned down and cuffed. Triple H tells the cops - who aren't even real cops - to leave...then viciously beats Daniel Bryan, proving the discussion was all a set-up.

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