Thursday, March 20, 2014

Final Impact - Impact Wrestling recap for March 20, 2014

Eric Young and Abyss fight in the back, but soon take it to the ring. Abyss chokes out EY with the chain.

After kicking Bobby Lashley in the nuts, Ethan Carter III tries to escape only to be attacked by Willow. Willow puts EC3's left leg through a chair and tries to go to town on it, but EC3 is barely able to escape his wrath.

Bully Ray is at TNA's Nashville headquarters, where he finds out that Dixie Carter is "busy."

Samoe Joe is frustrated Eric Young is now going to the hospital courtesy of Abyss...and he doesn't seem to have faith in MVP at the moment, saying that "everytime [he] tries to fix it, it manages to get worse."

Angelina Love awaits Velvet Sky's decision to reform The Beautiful People.

Ethan Carter III confronts Magnus, saying their "partnership" is terminated. Magnus says he's gotten all he can out of Dixie Carter, and says he doesn't need her anymore.

Gunner shows up to celebrate his win at Lockdown nearly two weeks ago. He thanks his dad, who is sitting in the front row, for all his support. Suddenly, "The Cowboy" James Storm shows up and introduces himself to Gunner's dad...before verbally bashing Gunner's grandpa. Gunner fights Storm, but Storm overpowers him and cuffs him to the ring ropes. He drags Gunner's dad in and busts a beer bottle on the back of his head.

Gail Kim plans to do away with Lei'D Tapa...and if Gail Kim wins, she's done with Tapa and Tapa is out of TNA!

The Bro Mans (Robbie E, Jesse Godderz, DJ Z) show up and insult Tigre Uno and Sanada.

Gail Kim beats Lei'D Tapa. She's done with Tapa...and Tapa is out of TNA!

MVP tries to recruit Willow in Eric Young's stead, but Willow does not want to involve himself in "politics."

Angelina Love shows up and wants a decision from Velvet Sky. Velvet shows up, and while she thanks Angelina, she says that Angelina made her feel subservient and held her back. Nevertheless, she rejoins Angelina and brings back The Beautfiul People. They then bring out the missing third piece: Madison Rayne, who was also part of the group. Madison, howver, said she felt subservient and lowered as part of the group, and declines to rejoin.

Samoa Joe confronts Magnus during the latter's backstage interview.

The Bro Mans (Robbie E and Jesse Godderz) tell Sanada and Tigre Uno to throw their match. They refuse and fight back before The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) show up.

The Bro Mans (Robbie E and Jesse Godderz) retain the TNA Tag Team Championships against The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) and the team of Sanada and Tigre Uno.

Angelina Love knows what Madison Rayne said earlier in the ring was right, and Velvet Sky asks Angelina to talk to her alone.

Angelina Love talks to Madison Rayne again. Rayne says she'll think about it. Angelina then attacks her, saying The Beautiful People are just her and Velvet.

MVP plans to chain himself to Abyss. He tells Samoa Joe.

We see what Knux is up to.

Bully Ray bursts into Dixie Carter's office and tells her he's always hated her and that she's a nobody in this industry. He turns the chair around only to find nobody there, and he suddenly gets attacked by Bobby Roode.

Abyss has a surprise for MVP and Samoa Joe tonight...

Magnus retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Samoa Joe when Joe tries to go after Abyss, who is attacking MVP, only for Magnus to take advantage.

Kenny King is coming soon.

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