Sunday, March 23, 2014

Total Divas Island - Total Divas recap for March 23, 2014

Nikki meets John Cena at the pier. John Cena has been thinking since the last time they met, and he admits he's in love with her even though he admits he's a "weird" person. He says that Nikki has made a lot of sacrifices and he hasn't, and that he wants to sacrifice more. There is still a lot to discuss, but for now, Nikki and John Cena reconcile.

Nikki shows John Cena's tour bus to Brie. Brie has the idea of having Bryan rent a bus so that he won't be exhausted by their recent schedule right now.

The Total Divas have brunch together. Brie has asked Bryan about the bus idea, and Bryan is willing to try it. Brie suggests taking some of the other Total Divas along for the ride to justify the cost when Bryan is initially reluctant. There are problems: there is still some tension between Nattie and Summer Rae, but Brie thinks they have a chance at getting along. Summer shows up and whisks Eva Marie away to a photo shoot, much to the annoyance of Nattie.

Eva Marie mentions Brie's bus idea to Summer Rae. Summer says Nattie runs her mouth about everyone else and verbally bashes her behind her back in the van as they gossip about the other Total Divas.

At the arena, Eva Marie tells Nattie and Ariane that she's on the Afghanistan tour this year. When Eva Marie leaves, Nattie and Ariane are turned off by her gloating.

During a six-Divas tag match, Nikki is super kicked by Tamina Snuka...and it hurts. Nikki feels blood running in her mouth.

When Brie, Nikki and Nattie head to the back, they find out that one of Nikki's teeth has been knocked clean out. Nikki is afraid John Cena will think less of her.

The Divas get on Bryan's bus, along with TJ and Jon Uso. After the rules of the road are dictated, Nikki says she has to get an implant to replace the missing tooth. As the champagne is poured, Truth or Dare is played, and Summer Rae is asked if she's ever slept with anyone at work. It becomes obvious that Summer Rae and Nattie aren't getting along at this point. Nattie has a hard time pinning down why Summer irks her.

Ariane announces she's getting a photo shoot in an up-and-coming magazine, but Eva Marie announces she's on the Maxim Hot 100. Ariane is annoyed. Meanwhile, Nattie gets even more annoyed with the amount of disrespect from Summer Rae. After Summer and Eva Marie leave, Ariane shows Nikki and Nattie some scandalous pics of Eva.

Backstage at the next arena, Ariane shows the scandalous pics of Eva to Alicia Fox and Mrs. Sandra. At catering, Nikki is still hiding from John Cena due to the missing tooth.

Summer Rae meets with TJ and Fandango and learns about Eva's naughty pics. After hearing that Ariane may be the one talking about it, Summer Rae is shocked.

Brie tells Nikki to talk to John Cena about the knocked out tooth, reminding her that she was at his side when he had the elbow surgery.

John Cena meets Nikki, who mentions the missing tooth. John Cena thinks it's really silly that she would hide that from him.

Back on the bus, Summer Rae privately tells Eva Marie about her scandalous pics being spread around. Eva feels caught off guard. Eva then confronts Ariane about spreading the racy photos around backstage, and Ariane tries to justify it by saying it's her way of shutting her gloating up.

At the end of Eva Marie and Ariane's argument, Ariane is mostly unapologetic about what she's done. Naomi talks with Eva Marie after she gets off the bus, and finds out about the history of the racy photos: she was addicted to drugs at the time and needed the money. Trinity tells Eva Marie not to let Ariane get to her.

Eva Marie is talking to Jonathan on the phone when Summer Rae shows up at the hotel room.

Backstage, Trinity confronts Ariane about digging up Eva Marie's photographic past and has to remind Ariane about her police mugshot, which is also all over the Internet. Ariane feels bad about this afterwards.

Fandango tells Eva Marie he's seen the pictures. Eva Marie is incensed.

Summer Rae tells Nattie that she and Fandango are opening the show. When Summer leaves and Naomi shows up, Nattie makes it clear how annoying she finds her.

Ariane talks to Eva Marie privately backstage. She apologizes, but Eva Marie thinks she's full of crap and doesn't exactly accept her apology.

Bonus clip: Brie convinces Bryan to get a tour bus for the road.

...and here's After Total Divas!

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