Thursday, March 6, 2014

Final Impact - Impact Wrestling recap for March 6, 2014

Bobby Roode shows up with the Bro Mans (Robbie E and Jesse Godderz), who won the TNA Tag Team Titles back in Tokyo recently. Roode plans to run TNA his way after plowing MVP into the ground. Austin Aries shows up and wants to co-run TNA when Team Dixie wins, causing everyone else to say they want to do so, too, much to Roode's chagrin. As Aries and Roode bicker, MVP shows up with The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards). MVP has gotten another partner, but Dixie Carter shows up before he can announce who it is and tells MVP his choice doesn't matter. MVP's choice is Jeff Hardy, but Dixie won't let that happen. Bobby Roode gets in MVP's face, starting a brawl between the two teams.

Davey Richards has to be taken to the back after Austin Aries attacks him with a chair during the elimination tag team match of MVP and The Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) vs Bobby Roode, Aries and Robbie E. Team MVP has an hour to re-renter the ring or Team Roode wins.

Samuel Shaw hasn't gotten the message from last week...

Mr. Anderson substitutes for Christy Hemme, lambasting Samuel Shaw as he announces the next match.

Samuel Shaw vs. Eric Young ends with Shaw choking Mr. Anderson out and going to the back to "reclaim" Christy Hemme.

MVP confronts Austin Aries, telling him he has no character.

Ethan Carter III and Dixie Carter talk about the recent turn of events.

Samuel Shaw is looking for Christy Hemme...

Samuel Shaw confronts Velvet Sky in the female dressing room, and finds out Christy Hemme is in the make-up room.

Ethan Carter III enters the ring, and says Kurt Angle is scared of him and his submission wrestling. Kurt shows up after Ethan calls himself an "American icon," and says Ethan is an "American asshole." He chases Ethan out of the ring, but as he leaves, Ethan rushes back in to attack Angle and blow his knee with a knee lock.

Davey Richards knows what he must do...

Kenny King is King of the Night! He's back, baby!

ODB, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne beat Gail Kim, Lei'D Tapa and Alpha Female!

Willow's coming...

Samuel Shaw thinks he's found Christy Hemme, but it's really Mr. Anderson, who beats Samuel up and tells him to leave Christy alone!

Gunner shows up and tells James Storm his days are numbered. James Storm shows up, and after some talk, Storm beats Gunner up after the latter considers making their match a Last Man Standing match.

Bobby Roode heads to the ring as Davey Richards gets his shoulder taped up.

Bobby Roode wants the count-out win, but Davey Richards shows up in time.

Bobby Roode beats Davey Richards with the Crossface, giving Team Dixie the advantage at the Lethal Lockdown match this Sunday. MVP and Eddie Edwards have to chase Roode out of the ring to get him to let go.

Dixie Carter's strategy for Magnus: go out and defend his title successfully Sunday. That's it.

Samoa Joe shows up and calls out Magnus, who shows up. He taunts Joe and plans to use his rage against him to retain the world title this Sunday. Samoa Joe tells Magnus he won't be walking out at all when he's done. Magnus beats up Joe, but Joe gets the rear naked choke in on Magnus.

Tigre Uno is coming to LockDown!

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