Monday, March 10, 2014

Raw Deal - WWE Raw recap for March 10, 2014

Hulk Hogan shows up to start off Raw. He promotes WWE Network, then announces there will be a 30-man battle royal for the Andre the Giant Memorial Trophy. John Cena shows up and welcomes Hulk back to WWE, saying he's back where he belongs. Cena enters his name into the battle royal, but then The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan) shows up. Wyatt talks about how pride is his favorite sin and how it fascinates him, then calls Cena and Hogan "liars" while considering himself "a god." After a good verbal roasting by Cena, Cena takes his name out of the battle royal and challenges Wyatt to a match at WrestleMania 30. Wyatt says it's all fun and games with Cena until he's caught in the spider's web. Harper and Rowan approach the ring and climb onto the apron...

John Cena beats Erick Rowan. Rowan and Luke Harper climb onto the apron, then step back off after some hesitation. The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Harper, Rowan) retreats. John Cena and Hulk Hogan pose for the crowd for a few minutes after the match.

Will Sheamus vs. Christian be Falls Count Anywhere, two-out-of-three falls or a Memphis Street Fight? Vote now on the WWE App!

Triple H and Stephaie McMahon show up. They apologize to aniel Bryan, who they still downplay as a wrestler. They want him to apologize and admit he's not man enough to take on Triple H before the end of the night. The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) show up and shake hands with Triple H and Stephanie.

The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) guest on commentary for the next match.

The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) beat Rybaxel (Curtis Axel and Ryback).

Kane puts The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns) to the test after getting tired of their baggage. Rollins and Reigns are pitted against The Brotherhood (Cody Rhodes and Goldust), as Kane considers their losing the WWE Tag Team Championships to them the beginning of when the cracks in The Shield start showing up.

Big E beats Jack Swagger after Cesaro distracts Swagger. Zeb Colter yells at Swagger and Cesaro and orders them to shake hands. Cesaro squeezes Swagger's hand a little too hard.

The Undertaker shows up. So does Paul Heyman. He tells 'Taker not to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30. Undertaker says "The fear of death is greater than death itself, but the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all." He also says Lesnar will rest in peace.

Natalya takes on AJ Lee for the WWE Divas Championship on Main Event tomorrow!

The Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) beat The Brotherhood (Cody Rhodes and Goldust).

Natalya guests on commentary for the next match.

The Bella Twins (Brie and Nikki Bella) beat AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka. One of the Bellas lifts up the Divas title, much to Natalya's chagrin.

Renee Young interviews Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J from NCIS: Los Angeles. They're glad to be here!

Daniel Bryan shows up and refuses to five Triple H and Stephanie McMahon the apology they want him to give. He plans to make it so that the Memphis, Tennessee crowd occupies Raw, and refuses to leave until Triple H accepts his challenge to face him at WrestleMania 30. To prove a point, members of the Yes Movement flood the ring!

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon show up after the whole ringside area is clogged with Daniel Bryan symphathizers! They're not leaving. Daniel Bryan threatens to take Raw outside. When security is sent out, they can't do anything. Triple H and Stephanie leave and let Damien Sandow deal with the crowd. He can't get in the ring. Triple H yells at Sandow, and Stephanie McMahon finally loses it. Triple H finally admits he tried to protect Daniel Bryan since SummerSlam from the inevitable fall from the top that comes after winning the WWE World Heavyweight title, and accepts the challenge at last. But D-Bry wants the WWE World Heavyweight title too, and he wants to be in the match between Randy Orton and Batista for the title at WrestleMania 30 if he can beat Triple H earlier in the show. An enraged Triple H grants it to him solely so the ring can be unclogged of fans.

Sheamus vs. Christian will be a Memphis Street Fight.

Sheamus beats Christian in a Memphis Street Fight.

Batista and Randy Orton find out from Brad Maddox that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have left...and that they want them to take down Daniel Bryan. But Orton and Batista still can't cooperate long enough to even do that...

Lana and Alexander are here again.

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan) tells John Cena he made a huge mistake in challenging them.

Kane and Big Show square off Friday on SmackDown!

Big Show and Daniel Bryan beat Batista and Randy Orton.

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