Thursday, March 27, 2014

Final Impact - Impact Wrestling recap for March 27, 2014

MVP shows up. Before he can deal with Abyss, Magnus shows up with Abyss. Magnus states Abyss has a personal service contract with him, and that all business involving Abyss must go through him. This also means that Abyss can only partake in in-ring action if Magnus is in the ring, so MVP pits them against each other for Magnus' TNA World title next week. He then throws Samoa Joe into the mix to make it a three-way dance. Joe shows up and says he has a problem with this, but MVP insists that the match will be a three-way match. Magnus opens his mouth, and Joe and MVP fight Magnus and Abyss off. Eric Young jumps in to get a piece of Abyss.

Eric Young says he has to face Abyss alone after he re-created him, so that Samoa Joe can get the one-on-one match he deserves. He passionately persuades MVP why he should go up against Abyss, but Samoa Joe tells him he's "not at the head of the line." MVP gives him his shot at Abyss...and puts him in next week's TNA World title match. Samoa Joe gets fresh with EY, and Joe and Eric brawl. Joe challenges Eric Young to a match later tonight.

Bully Ray brings back the Twitter Machine!

The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) ask MVP for a match with Magnus and Abyss tonight...and they get it.

Throughout the show, Rockstar Spud and Ethan Carter III hunted for Willow in North Carolina. Spud gets kidnapped, but Ethan manages to find out where he is...only to be attacked by Willow!

The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) beat Magnus and Abyss by submission. Abyss is preoccupied with Magnus' TNA World title...and refuses to give it back to him as they head back to the back!

Angelina Love shows up. She calls out Velvet Sky, who seems to be avoiding her since last week. An angry Velvet confronts Angelina about beating down Madison Rayne last week, and Angelina counters by saying she did it for her and that without her, Velvet Sky would be vanilla, bland and soft. She says she'd rather be blackballed by everyone in the business than be "mediocre" like Velvet. Angelina faces Madison Rayne later tonight, and demands Velvet pick a side after their match is over.

Bully Ray shows up, and backstage hands bring several tables. He states Bobby Roode would have ended up like Dixie Carter if he won at Lockdown. Bobby Roode shows up and runs his mouth, then walks away...but Bully Ray takes the fight to him. The brawl ends after Roode tricks Bully into running straight into a table, breaking it in half with a mighty tackle.

Abyss confronts Magnus. Magnus tells him he has to retain the World title next week, whether Abyss likes it or not.

Knux's home has been hit by a flood. Before he can have a talk with his sister, he'll have to talk to his old man.

Velvet Sky turns on Madison Rayne, allowing Angelina Love to beat Madison. The Beautiful People are back together!

ODB tells Eric Young to be careful tonight against Samoa Joe.

Kenny King will have to wait until next week for a match.

Samoa Joe beats Eric Young with the rear naked choke after EY passes out.

Samuel Shaw is suspended for a week after cutting a snipped of Christy Hemme's hair...and smelling it.

Gunner beats "The Cowboy" James Storm in an Anything Goes match.

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