Thursday, November 4, 2021

Generation NXT UK - NXT UK recap for November 4, 2021

Rampage Brown beats "Flash" Morgan Webster.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Trent Seven meets with Tyler Bate and apologizes to him for what happened last week. Tyler Bate forgives him, then Trent Seven tells him that he and Tyler have been placed in the #1 contender's match for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, making the Triple Threat Match into a Fatal 4-Way.

Backstage, Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala talks about the main event when Xia Brookside shows up and asks to face the winner of tonight's main event between Jinny and Meiko Satomura. Sid Scala mentions that she has not been doing well as of late, but Xia says she is taking Meiko Satomura's advice of taking opportunities. When Sid Scala doesn't budge, Xia says "That's not fair" and calls her father Robbie Brookside to tell him what happened.

Angel Hayze beats Isla Dawn by disqualification after Isla Dawn refuses to let go of Angel's hair. After the match, Isla Dawn slams her in the center of the ring.

We see a video package of the media coverage that A-Kid has gotten in his native Spain. We then find out that Sam Gradwell is watching this, and that he says that he has been to Spain, saying it was too hot and his phone got nicked. He then says that if someone wants to see a real fighter and competitor, he is it, not A-Kid.

Backstage, Mark Andrews and Dani Luna meet with "Flash" Morgan Webster, showing concern. Webster says he is all right, and that he will break through that next level. Suddenly, Stevie Turner shows up and says he is the only thing "next level" around here, then says she would not expect anyone to understand being four-dimensional: always being two levels above and two steps ahead of everyone, especially Dani Luna. Dani Luna tells Stevie she can "two step" all she wants, for when she gets in the ring with her, all she needs is three seconds.

Ilja Dragunov heads to the ring. Dragunov says he is the NXT UK Champion and that he wishes words could express being completly and entirely destroyed to the point of overcoming something that he was not expected to overcome. Dragunov says the feeling of coming home to his family and seeing his son know that he is a champion now and getting rid of all self-doubt lets him know he was always right, as no weakness is relevant if you put everything into your strengths. He then says he has the strength and the will of the fans, and that he is ready to take NXT UK to another level. Dragunov says that to do that, he must step into the ring and fight like his life depends it, and for that, he needs next-level competitors. Dragunov thanks A-Kid, saying he is a next-level competitor and left him no air to breathe to the point that he had to deliver his very best. He then says he cannot wait for his next competitor to come, for his will is always hungry. Suddenly, Rampage Brown shows up and tells Dragunov he is the man right now for beating Walter and taking A-Kid to his limits before telling him they have unfinished business. Rampage says he would love to be the next man to face him for the NXT UK Championship. Dragunov tells Rampage he is the not first giant he would have to take down, but he respects him, and fighting him would be a great idea to him. Dragunov and Rampage shake hands, then Rampage clotheslines him. Rampage tells Dragunov he needs his title, not his respects, and raises up the NXT UK Championship in front of a downed Dragunov.

Backstage, Jinny tells Meiko Satomura to enjoy her last night of being the final boss. Blair Davenpot shows up and wishes them both good luck, then says she doesn't care who wins because she is back and everyone is on notice.

Rohan Raja asks Teoman about Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang). Teoman says he is looking forward to their next match. Rohan Raja agrees, but finds it laughable the match is being billed as "family versus family." Teoman says he and Rohan are a family, but Gallus is not, and that he almost feels sorry for Gallus. Rohan then asks Joe Coffey, and Teoman says not to worry about him as the eye is always watching.

In backstage footage from earlier this week, Nathan Frazer is watching Mark Andrews' matches when Subculutre ("Flash" Morgan Webster, Mark Andrews, Dani Luna) shows up. Nathan Frazer asks Mark Andrews to face him in a wrestling match, saying that he has wanted to face him for ages. Andrews accepts, and Nathan Frazer heads off to find General Manager Johnny Saint.

Meiko Satomura retains the NXT UK Women's Championship against Jinny.

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