Sunday, March 22, 2020

Chronicles of the 24/7 Championship - "You need to go back to football, Mr. Randy Moss!"

Well, it had to happen again, didn't it?

After winning the title against Mojo Rawley back on February 10, Riddick Moss has officially lost the title to R-Truth, who is now a 35-time WWE 48/7 7/11 24/7 I-95 South European Television Champion.

It all started after Riddick Moss spotted a WWE referee driving a new Ford car Kia Optima (thanks, Tyrese Wormely!). As Riddick Moss chews out the referee for supposedly having a new car he can't afford and being in an area he can't afford - his neighborhood, which is interestingly in the Orlando, Florida area, where everything is now being taped due to COVID-19 - R-Truth sneaked out of the trunk and took the title with the tried and true schoolkid pin. Afterwards, R-Truth told "Mr. Randy Moss" to "go back to football" and the referee ran after the car after R-Truth drove off, as the new Kia was indeed his and under lease.

Should have done your social distancing and stuck to the treadmill, Riddick!


  1. I’m pretty sure it was a KIA the ref was driving.

    1. I had to check, because it was kinda hard to tell. You're right. It's a Kia Optima. Thanks!


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