Monday, December 20, 1999

Nitro-Glycerin - Monday Nitro recap for December 20, 1999

Madusa shows up with Spice to start tonight's show. Madusa celebrates the fact that she is the first ever woman to become WCW Cruiserweight Champion, then Buzzkill is seen carrying a sign saying "Equality Now." She not only proved that a woman can beat a man at any given time, she also proved that women are dominating WCW with a little bit of "T&A." However, she is not about that, and the powers that be will soon be "the powers that was," as it used to be "I am woman, hear me roar," and now it is "I am woman, watch me kick your ass." He then issues an open invitation to anyone who wants to come into the ring so she can "neuter [their] ass." She then sees a little bit of a buzzkill tonight, and notices Buzzkill and his equal rights sign. Buzzkill jumps the guardrail when she asks him to give her the equal right to kick his ass. When she asks to see his sign, she takes it and hits him with it.

Madusa beats Buzzkill to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship after Spice gets on the apron and distracts referee Mickey Jay, and when Mickey turns towards Buzzkill when he tries to get his attention, Spice tosses a tape knuckle to Madusa, who proceeds to knock Buzzkill out with it for the win.

Vince Russo talks to Curt Hennig, Shane, La Parka and Creative Control (Patrick and Gerald). He says they are sitting on a powder keg, and he wants everyone to be ready tonight. Hennig says he has noticed Hugh Morrus in the back, and Vince puts Hennig in a match with him to make sure it is Morrus' last match. As for Creative Control, he wants them to bring "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to his office.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper is seen making his way to the building with his son Colt.

Backstage, Creative Control (Patrick and Gerald) are seen asking "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to come to Vince Russo's office. Piper goes to see him with Colt.

A masked man clad completely in black is seen beating Shane in the back with a pipe before running away.

Curt Hennig beats Hugh Morrus. Shortly after the match begins, a man dressed like a mental patient is seen staggering onto the entryway, and Morrus notices the man as if he recognizes him, and calls him "pop" as he asks him to give him two more minutes. He then runs back to the ring, but the man who is apparently his father is still at ringside. Morrus notices this and asks him to go sit down. Nevertheless, he returns to ringside again. Once again, he tells him to stay back, then gets back in the ring again only to run into a Hennigplex and lose. After the match, "Pop" checks on Hugh Morrus and mimics him.

Vince Russo notices that "Rowdy" Roddy Piper that he brought Colt to the office, thinking he is looking for sympathy. He says he will not get any, because he is an asshole. Piper tells him to watch his mouth, while Vince tells him to watch his temper. He tells Piper that he made a deal with him, and if he lays a hand on him, that deal his done. He then tells Piper that he is close to sealing the deal, and all he has to do is go out to the fans and tell them that he sold out, that it it was his idea from the get-go, and that he had nothing to do with it as he will never fess up to anything. If he does not, the deal is off. Piper tells he he always kept his morality and that it was him and Hulk Hogan who got professional wrestling going in the 1980s, and tells him that the fans saved his life and he has never had to sell out until Russo wanted him to. He will put Colt someplace safe, then go out to the crowd and show him what being a real man is like. He hopes that God has mercy on Russo's soul, because he will show no mercy.

The Montreal Screwjob from Survivor Series is brought up, as well as the fact that Vince Russo, also having worked at the WWF at the time, wrote the finish for it. It is then mentioned that the finish to Bret "The Hit Man" Hart vs. Goldberg from last night is similar to the Montreal Screwjob.

Kevin Nash shows up. He says that when you break into the wrestling business, it is like no other business in the world. Twelve months a year, you are up and down the road in cars with other guys, and the veterans sit you in the back and show you the code of conduct that the boys in the back live by. One of them is that the boys never screw one of the boys. He then says what we see in the ring is one thing; what happens behind the curtains is another. There are two entities: the boys and the office. Every night, the boys come out and give their bodies, and the boys are like a fraternity who govern themselves. Meanwhile, the office is all business and all about the dollar, and they take and take and take and take as "they don't give a shit about us." They have no medical, dental, retirement, disability or even social security. If the office can find a way to screw one of the boys for a dollar, one of the boys is going to get screwed. He doesn't give a damn about Goldberg, but what happened to him at Starrcade was "bullshit." In the fraternity, if the boys don't watch out for themselves, they are in a lot of trouble, as it about survival and the office will take and take until they throw them to the curb. That leaves him with Bret "The Hit Man" Hart, whom he says broke the code and screwed one of the boys for his personal gain through the office. He says Bret tells everyone he is the best there was, the best there is, the best there ever will be, but to him, he is just "a piece of shit." He leaves.

We see footage from during the break where an angry Bret "The Hit Man" Hart is seen entering the building.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Creative Control (Patrick and Gerald). They say Nash does not speak for everybody, and call him the biggest politician in the locker room. They think that either "Rowdy" Roddy Piper was in on it, or that somebody needs to shut Nash's mouth up permanently.

Tank Abbott vs. Jerry Flynn ends in a no-contest. During the match, the referee is shoved down twice by both men as they brawl. Security has to get involved when both men cannot even stopped, and Jerry Flynn gets handcuffed. Tank Abbott gets a cheap shot in on Jerry Flynn, then heads to the back.

A Chevrolet Corvette is seen parking outside, and Goldberg comes out of it.

The Revolution (Shane Douglas, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Asya) shows up. As Douglas demands "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan come to the ring, Perry Saturn grabs the microphone and says Douglas asked the age-old question: How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop, with the answer being three. This confuses the rest of The Revolution, and Saturn hands the microphone back to Douglas, who asks "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan to come on out and rip the American flag down like a used piece of toilet paper. Duggan shows up in a somber mood, Douglas demands that Duggan denounces the United States of America and burn the American flag. Duggan refuses to do it., tells Douglas he lied when asked if he is going back on his word, then pushes Douglas down. The Revolution then attacks Duggan, then Douglas says "to hell with Standards and Practices" and has Dean Malenko set the American flag on fire. Suddenly, The Filthy Animals (Konnan, Rey Mysterio Jr., Kidman) show up for the first time in weeks and saves Duggan, who is seen holding up the American flag as he is down.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper is seen approaching the ring with Colt.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper gets in the ring alone. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart and Goldberg are both watching what is happening on monitors in separate rooms. He immediately says that he sold out, saying he did a lot of things back in his day, and that he is the real deal and not a fan of this "dog and pony" stuff. He says that people want to see people fight, calls Goldberg one of the best pieces of talent he has seen in a long time and apologizes to him, then says Goldberg is right. He tells the people to tell the powers that be that they don't want phonies, they want fights and they want fighters with real athletes. He then says that he is a real fighter, and if the powers that be want him to do this "dog and pony baloney," then he quits. He then asks the fans to grab their kids and tell them they love them, then is about to go into a rant before he stops himself and says that he quits. He leaves, and Colt shows up with him halfway up the aisle. Goldberg joins them, and Colt tells his father he loves him. Goldberg tells Piper that he stayed up all night last night trying to make sense of everything, but could not come to a conclusion. He says there have been a couple of guys in the business that he grew to respect, and that Roddy was one of them until last night, when he was faced with a decision and made the wrong choice. He does not know where to go with it, and all he can tell him is that he made the wrong decision, and he will never do that. Piper tells Goldberg he is a great piece of talent and knows what he can do, then apologizes to him and tells him not to be a phony. Goldberg tells him he will carry that torch until he dies, but Bret shows up and says there is nobody to blame here and that the real heat is with the office, and nobody knows better than he does what it is like to get screwed over by the office. He does not want to carry the World title around after what happened, and as far as he is concerned, the World title is vacant, and he is about to go back to the office and tell the powers that be to shove the World title up their ass. Goldberg tells Colt "It's alright, kid. Everybody makes mistakes; I understand." Goldberg, Piper and Colt then go to the back.

Bret "The Hit Man" Hart confronts Vince Russo, who says he did it all for him to make up for the Montreal Screwjob. Bret throws the World title and tells Russo to stick the belt up his ass, then leaves. Russo puts Bret in a match with Goldberg, and tells him to let Goldberg beat his ass like he would have last night before calling him a piece of garbage.

Before the next match, "Screamin'" Norman Smiley offers to fistbump with Meng. Meng does it, then chops him. Meng hits him for a little while, then Fit Finley and Brian Knobbs run in to get the next match started.

Fit Finley and Brian Knobbs beat "Screamin'" Norman Smiley and Meng after the match goes to the men's bathroom.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper asks Colt to stay in the dressing room while he takes care of a few things backstage. He then pulls out a wooden baseball bat and leaves.

We see a promo for The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Iaukea's "recording session." (This promo is absent from the WWE Network.)

Bret "The Hit Man" Hart talks to "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, telling him not to beat himself up over last night.

The Maestro beats Evan Karagias after Symphony gets on the apron and distracts Karagias. Karagias pushes her down, and Symphony hurts her knee. When Karagias checks on her, he gets hit by a knee from The Maestro, who then gets the win. After the match, Symphony reveals she is not even hurt.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper destroys the set that is the powers that be's office with a baseball bat.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. checks on Evan Karagias backstage, then tries to sell him a book on how to pick up women. Evan Karagias beats the crap out of him for it.

before the next match, chris "Champagne" Kanyon has been to Hollywood, and Baltimore, Maryland is definitely not Hollywood. He says that he single-handedly destroyed The Triad, and The Triad is done. On Monday, he easily beat Bam Bam Bigelow, and on Thuesday he bluew by Diamond Dallas Page. He then asks Bigelow and DDP to get into the ring so he can prove that nobody can stop CCK. Bigelow and DDP show up. J. Biggs guests on commentary for the next match.

Chris "Champagne" Kanyon beats Bam Bam Bigelow and Diamond Dallas Page in a three-way match. During the match, DDP hits Kanyon with a Diamond Cutter, then does the same with Bigelow. He then walks out after nearly hitting one on referee Scott Dickinson and kissing a female fan in the front row. J. Biggs leaves commentary and throws his briefcase to Kanyon, and Dickinson tries to take the briefcase away from him. When J. Biggs gets on the apron, Kanyon smashes a champagne bottle on Bigelow's head to get the win. After the match, Kanyon tells Silverman that somebody threw something into the ring when confronted about the champagne bottle.

It is announced that Sting has suffered a hairline fracture on the skull and a fractured wrist at Starrcade.

Scott Hall shows up on crutches before the next "match." As Creative Control (Patrick and Gerald) gang up on Kevin Nash, Scott Hall gets in the ring, revealing he is not even hurt, and he and Nash attack both members of Creative Controls with the crutches. Creative Control is forced to retreat.

A fake Sting is seen in the rafters, and Miss Elizabeth is seen threatening to hit him with a bat. It becomes very obvious that the fake Sting is The Total Package.

Jeff Jarrett beats "The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit to win the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship! During the match, Jarrett's knee goes out, and Benoit goes for the ladder and tries to climb for the United States title. He tries to climb the ladder, but the rungs on it break when he stomps on them. He tries climbing on the other side, but the rungs on that side break, too. Jarrett miraculously recovers from that hurt knee - revealing he was never hurt at all - and smashes a guitar into Benoit's head. Jarrett gets another ladder out from underneath the ring, and it is revealed that the first ladder was "gimmicked" by Jarrett and that Benoit did not know about the second ladder. Jarrett quickly climbs up the ladder to grab the United States title and become the new United States champion.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Jeff Jarrett, who tells Okerlund to take the bass out of his voice before he takes him out like he did Mike Tenay. He declares that what happened to him last night at Starrcade was bullshit, and that "The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit got his receipt tonight. Curt Hennig shows up and tell Jeff Jarrett that Vince Russo wants to see him in the limousine, and takes Jarrett to him.

The Wall beats Sid Vicious by disqualification. During the match, Berlyn shows up and gets on the apron, but gets down when Sid notices him. When he goes for the powerbomb, he lets go when Berlyn gets on the apron and distracts him again. The Wall goes for a chokeslam, but Berlyn gets on the top rope and hits him with a missile drop kick, ending the match. After the match, Berlyn confronts Sid only to get powerbombed. Sid and The Wall stare down, then Sid extends his hand. The Wall takes it, then Sid raises his hand in a sign of respect.

Jeff Jarrett finds out from Vince Russo that tonight is the night, and tells Jarrett to sit back and enjoy.

Tony Marinari is seen speaking to his father, the boss. Johnny The Bull and Big Vito bring in Disco Inferno, and the boss tells Disco Inferno (calling him "Glenn") that he liked him, but now he has pissed him off and his money is no longer good to him. He gives him a choice: either join the family and do whatever Tony tells him to do, or he can spend the rest of his life in a coma.

Bret "The Hit Man" Hart and Goldberg are seen getting ready for their match in their dressing rooms.

Kevin Sullivan guests on commentary before the next match, as it is revealed that The Varsity Club's (Mike Rotunda, Rick Steiner, Kevin Sullivan) cheerleader's name is Leia Meow. Before the next match, Mike Rotunda tells the crowd that he and Rick Steiner went to real schools and not some "backwater stinkin' university like Maryland." Rick Steiner then asks Booker T where Midnight is so she can fight Booker's battles for him.

The Varsity Club (Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner) beat Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray). Later on in the match, Kevin Sullivan, Rick Steiner and Mike Rontunda switch places between the apron and the commentary table, and Leia Meow's name is confirmed by Kevin Sullivan. Shortly after that, Midnight shows up, and Stevie Ray tells her to get out of the ring. Mike Rotunda takes advantage by grabbing Stevie Ray's tights and getting him in a schoolboy pin. Afterwards, The Varisty Club are attacked from behind by two men in colorful pants with hubcaps, and they are identified as PG-13 (J.C. Ice and Wolfie D).

Daffney Unger meets The Misfits, and Jerry Only tells her to swing down by the lab for some real tattoo work. Daffney grabs Jerry by the jacket, asks what work he wants to do, then knees him in the gut and forcefully kisses him. Vampiro and the rest of The Misfits try to pull her off, and Daffney tells Vampiro he made a big mistake by touching him before running off and screaming.

Daffney Unger accompanies David Flair to the ring. When they get in, they circle ring announcer David Penzer, then David whacks Penzer in the back with his golden crowbar before Daffney kicks at him. David then calls out Vampiro for putting his hands on Daffney, and calls him down to the ring so he can whip his ass. Vampiro shows up, and says he wants no problems with David as it is all a big misunderstanding. He apologizes to David...that he is a psycho freak and that Daffney is twice as mental. David whacks Mapiro in the back with the crowbar, then Daffney takes it and whacks him with it. Jerry Only gets in the ring but fares no better as soon as he slides in, as David and Daffney stmp on him and hit him with the crowbar. They attack Jerry and Vampiro some more, then they kiss and leave the ring.

Vampiro and Jerry Only are checked on by EMTs, and The Misfits get unruly in the process.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Buff Bagwell. He says that Baltimore, Marlyand has always been good to him, and he is always good to Baltimore. He says he is here because there is something missing in his career, then talks about his double neck fusion surgery as well as his career before proclaiming that he wants the gold. He has been given the shaft and kept down for a long time, but he will come back on top in the new millennium and walk away with a title. As far as rumors about him and Kimberly go, he pushes the microphone down and tells him "that's bullshit and you know it." Okerlund tells him that if he walks away, he will admit guilt, but Buff says he is innocent and that there is "nothing but friendship" between him and Kimberly, even though there have been reports that he has been seen with her. Buff says that when you are him, rumors are going to fly. He asks if Okerlund and the crowd wants to go there, then he says that Kimberly is a ten on his scale and "a knockout," and that if Diamond Dallas Page wasn't married to Kimberly, then "Buff would put his stuff all over her." Buff then asks Okerlund if he would kick Kimberly out of his bed if he were to take the elevator to the concierge level of the Marriott. Okerlund says he's married, but if he wasn't, he would certainly take a closer look, and Buff says he would too. Diamond Dalla Page's music hits, but he comes out from the other side, and security have to stop him as he is giving Buff a beatdown. Arena security has to quickly move into place when Buff strikes back.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper wishes Sid Vicious the best of luck. Sid wishes Piper didn't have to leave, then says he'll see him later. Piper then tells everyone in the locker room that they are the best group of athletes in his sport to ever come along. He has gone up and down seven days a week for years, and tells them not to let the powers that be make them into clowns and end their career. He says he made it 30 years because he has balls, and goes on to tell them they are the best and none better have come yet. He talks about the having to miss watching his kids grow up, and tells them to love their kids and save their money, as they are the generation that will do the one things his never did: stand up, stick together, form a union and make them take care of their basic needs, for without them, the writers are just writers. He wishes the locker room a merry Christmas, then he gets a short round of applause.

Jeff Jarrett sits down to watch Goldberg vs. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart in his dressing room.

Before the next match, it is announced that Goldberg is on the cover and the focus of the cover article of the newest issue of WCW Magazine.

Bret "The Hit Man" Hart controversially beats Goldberg to become the WCW World Heavyweight Champion for a second time. During the match, Goldberg inadvertently knocks referee Billy Silverman out with an elbow as he rears back for a punch in the corner to Bret. The Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall) show up with baseball bats and beat up Goldberg, then Nash hands a bat to Bret, who takes it. Bret hits Goldberg with the bat , then "Rowdy" Roddy Piper gets in the ring and fights Bret before shielding Goldberg. When Sivlerman comes to, he counts the pinfall, thinking Piper is Bret, and Bret wins the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Jeff Jarrett shows up and hits Piper in the head with a guitar, then Jarrett pulls out a black can of spray paint. Nash rips the back of Piper's shirt in half, then Jarrett spraypraints "NWO" on Goldberg's chest and leg and on Piper's back in silver spray paint. Nash then announces that the band is back together. The New World Order is back.

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