Sunday, August 16, 1998

Feel The Heat - Sunday Night Heat recap for August 16, 1998

Kane and Mankind retain the WWF Tag Team Championships against L.O.D. 2000 (Road Warrior Animal and Darren "Puke" Drozdov).

"Marvelous" Marc Mero and Jacqueline show up. Jacqueline tells Sable to get "her Madison Avenue butt down here" as she has something to say to her, and tells her to put down "those ring things" and the cheap wine. Sable shows up and says she likes her wine fine and her men even finer, and that the only cheap thing around here is Jacqueline's perfume as well as Jacqueline's "day rate." Jacqueline demands her bikini contest trophy back, and says Sable does not want any part of her in the ring. She then says they can wrestle for it, and dares Sable to put "that toothpick arm" into play. Sable tells Jacqueline she will beat her at whatever game she has, whether it be a bikini contest, a wrestling match or an arm-wrestling contest, and that she is always ready to drop the bomb on her.

Edge beats "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher. During the match, Dustin Runnels is seen walking around in the crowd carrying a sign saying "The Choice Is Yours" on one side and "He's Coming Back" on the other. Scott "Too Hot" Taylor runs in after the match, but Edge lays him out with a clothesline.

The Godfather guests on commentary for the next match.

Bart Gunn beats Vader by disqualification after he is attacked on the outside by The Godfather. After the match, Vader and The Godfather both attack Bart Gunn.

Tomorrow night on Raw: Dan "The Beast" Severn vs. Owen Hart vs. "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock!

The debuting Gangrel beats Scott "Too Hot" Taylor.

Tiger Ali Singh shows up in the ring with a manservant named Abu (who is portrayed by former Light Heavyweight Division wrestler Pablo Marquez and later named Babu). Singh says he believes that Americans have no class, no morals and no ethics, and that they are not prideful like the people of his country of India. He then says American will lower themselves to any depths for the almighty dollar and that he has proven this week after week, and that they have no more backbone than the "common, ordinary nightcrawler." After the camera cuts to Abu holding a worm, Singh claims he will pay any American $500 to come in the ring and eat the worm. A man in a D-Generation X shirt is picked out of the front row, and the man eats the worm with almost no hesitation and receives the $500, much to the delight of the crowd.

D-Generation X ("Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley and X-Pac) beat Southern Justice (Mark Canterbury and Dennis Knight) by disqualification after "Double J" Jeff Jarrett, now with shorter hair, kicks X-Pac in the groin from behind and tries to cut his hair with an electric razor. The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) run in and chase Jarrett out of the ring.

The Undertaker shows up. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who has been seen watching the show from a backstage monitor the entire night, is seen watching what is going on in the ring on the monitor. The Undertaker then tells Austin he came to the ring and challenged him like a man, and when he became the #1 contender for the WWF Championship, he vowed to him that he would be the safest S.O.B. in the World Wrestling Federation. He says that he has done everything he said he was going to do, and did everything he could to protect his investment in the WWF Championship, but the one person he could not protect him from was himself, as Austin has pissed him off. Austin is seen leaving the room and heading to the ring as The Undertaker says he came after him like a man just like he will at SummerSlam, and while he will be in his face, Austin has one foot in the grave. He tells Austin that if he is hell-bent on self-destruction, then he will meet him at the intersection to the Highway to Hell and he will take the WWF Championship from him. Austin shows up, but as he comes halfway down the aisle, Kane shows up to end the show as Austin is caught between Kane and The Undertaker.

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