Saturday, August 8, 1998

Vince's Got A Shotgun - Shotgun Saturday Night recap for August 8, 1998

Bart Gunn beats Pepe Gonzales.

We hear from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who says that the highway to Hell will be exactly that as The Undertaker wants to take the WWF Championship back. He says he will not give either him or WWF owner Vince McMahon the satisfaction of seeing him lose the title, as they are on the highway to Hell and he is smack dab in the middle of it. At SummerSlam, it will be one hell of a fight, but there is no way The Undertaker will take the title from him.

SummerSlam is three weeks away!

On Droz's World, Droz talks about how "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry grabbed his shirt and blew his nose in it during training, and how he got back at him by nearly puking on Mark Henry's hand. We then see a preview for the next Droz's World segment, where Droz shows off a tattoo of a dog on his rear end.

Tiger Ali Singh and Abu show up. He gives all the "American peasants" an opportunity to redeem themselves for the low-class lives that they live by having them stand up and bow down to show him the respect that he deserves for being a proud member of Asian royalty. He says there is no limit for how low an American will go for the thing they most cherish and worship: the U.S. Dollar. He then asks for a show of hands of volunteers who want to make $300 in cash today. Many people in the crowd raise their hands, and Singh says all they have to do is get in the ring and eat dog food. He also says that Abu had specially prepared a bowl of Asian curry dog food before asking Abu to pick a volunteer. Abu picks a volunteer, and a woman comes out of the crowd to head into the ring. Singh says dog food is one of the main meals that Americans eat and that it is considered a delicacy for their senior citizens. At Singh's command, the woman gets down on all fours and grovels before him before eating the dog food. He then offers her $400 for another dollars, which Abu produces. The woman gets down and eats another bite of dog food, and the woman is paid $400. The food is placed in the dog food, and the woman picks it up and wipes it off on Abu before doing a D-Generation X ("Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Chyna, X-Pac, "Road Dogg' Jesse James, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) crotch chop and leaving.

We hear from The Undertaker, who says that SummerSlam is near and that it will be two men, one ring and one fight. He tells "Stone Cold" Steve Austin that when all is said and done and he is laying flat on his back staring up at him, he should not feel bad because he was beaten by a better man.

Over The Edge is now available on VHS!

Edge beats Quebecer Pierre.

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