Saturday, January 4, 1997

Vince's Got A Shotgun - Shotgun Saturday Night recap for January 4, 1997

Bob Backlund tells the viewers not to go into the Mirage nightclub, saying there is decadence, sexual activities, violence, and crime going on inside. He calls Shotgun Saturday Night a disgrace, and says it should be banned along with New York City and Saturday nights in general.

The Flying Nuns (Sister Angelica and Mother Smucker) beat The Godwinns after Brother Love hits Phineas I. Godwinn in the head with his book. Before the match, we see footage from earlier today of The Flying Nuns coming out of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, and that they are described as nuns from a Tibetan order in the Himalayas. (The Flying Nuns do not last long, and they eventually return as The Headbangers, Mosh and Thrasher, respectively.) During the match, Hillbilly Jim says he has never seen anything like The Flying Nuns before, especially not back home. Brother Love also shows up in The Flying Nuns' corner, and the Nuns bow down to him outside of the ring in the middle of the match. After the match, Todd Pettengill interviews Brother Love, who says that he heard Bob Backlund talking about the decadence happening in the Mirage nightclub and that he saw that decadence in the Godwinns. He says that The Flying Nuns are as pure as the driven snow and that they have never been touched by human hands - except their own, of course. From now on, they shall be known as The Sisters of Love, and he challenges any and all comers to take them on as they will love them, too.

WWF is coming to Los Angeles, California; Fresno, California; San Jose, California; Anaheim, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; El Paso, Texas; and San Antonio, Texas as part of the WWF Holiday Hell Tour!

Todd Pettengill is in the VIP area along with Rocky Maivia, Goldust and Marlena, Mascarita Sagrada and Salvatore Sincere. Bob Backlund shows up along with The Sultan and says that Marlena's gold dress is "exposure." He asks Marlena where her mother is, and says that her cleavage is immoral.

Next week: The All-Star Cafe in New York City hosts Shotgun Saturday Night!

Macarita Sagrada dances with some of the ladies on a table before the next match.

Goldust beats The Sultan by count-out. During the match, Todd Pettengill tries to interview Bob Backlund at ringside, who tells Todd he can't hear without his glasses on. He says that he wanted to keep The Sultan away from an environment such as the Mirage Nightclub, saying that The Sultan "doesn't get involved in that kind of stuff" concerning the perceived lack of modesty from Marlena. When Todd Pettengill heads to the commentary table shortly after this and says that Bob Backlund is freaking out, Backlund approaches the commentary table, saying this is "Backlund country." Near the end of the match, Marlena gets on the apron as The Sultan puts Goldust in the Camel Clutch and pulls the top of her dress down, showing The Sultan her breasts. The Sultan cannot stop staring, and Bob Backlund has to cover The Sultan's eyes with his sports coat. Goldust takes advantage and gets a few shots on The Sultan, then Backlund gets The Sultan out of the ring and does not allow him to get back in. (In reality, Marlena is wearing pasties, and the camera stays behind her back to cover up this fact.) Sunny is irritated with the fact that Marlena showed her breasts, and says that she is the sexist woman Todd Pettengill announces that everyone has to agree that the real winner of this match is Marlena.

Mascarita Sagrada, Mini Vader, Jim Cornette, Goldust and Marlena are in the VIP area. Also, Sunny announces that next week, she will show off one of her home sex videos to counter Marlena showing her breasts in the previous match.

Ahmed Johnson beats Crush by disqualification when one of the members of The Nation of Domination (in reality, the future D'Lo Brown) interferes. During the match, Todd Pettengill interviews Clarence Mason, who is less concerned about the current venue and more concerned about Crush and The Nation of Domination, saying that Crush will no longer be misused and that The Nation will overtake the World Wrestling Federation. After the match, Ahmed Johnson tries to put the interfering Nation member in the Pearl River plunge, but Crush and the Nation member attack Ahmed. Crush finally hits Faarooq in the back with a chair, then Goldust, Hillbilly Jim and The Godwinns (Henry O. and Phineas I. Godwinn) leave the VIP area and check on Ahmed. When The Nation leave, Goldust, Ahmed and The Godwinns give chase to the back door, taking the fight to 56th Street. Ahmed puts the interfering Nation member in the Pearl River Plunge on top of a parked car.

We see gottage from earlier today, where Jim Cornette and Mini Vader are at the Port Authority Bus Terminal and Mini Vader has to use the bathroom.

Sunny gets in the ring to dance the Macarena in the ring, except it's called "The Mascarita" and Todd Pettengill sings new lyrics involving Masacarita Sagrada. Jim Cornette guests on commentary for the match afterwards, and complains about Mini Vader giving him a hard time during the trip from Mexico to New York. Cornette then gets on the apron, calls for a time out and yells at Mini Vader before the commercial break.

Mascarita Sagrada beats Mini Vader. It is announced during the match that "Wildman" Marc Mero and Sable will appear next week and that Mero will face "Diesel." After the match, Jim Cornette confronts Mini Vader and tries to fight Mascarita Sagrada himself. Mascarita Sagrada pushes Cornette down, and Mini Vader is behind him on his knees. Cornette trips over Mini Vader, then then Mini Vader and Mascarita Sagrada remove Cornette's pants.

WWF returns live to the Madison Square Gearden in New York City on Saturday, January 25th! Sycho Sid defends the WWF Championship against The Undertaker! "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels takes on Mankind! bret "The Hit Man" Hart wrestles Vader in the Garden for the first time! "Stone Cold" Steve Austin takes on Goldust in a special attraction match! Ahmed Johsnon and Savio Vega take on Crush and Faarooq! Tickets are as low as $10!

Jim Cornette is seen fleeing through the back door without his pants at the end of the show, while Sunny dances on the commentary table.

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