Sunday, May 2, 1999

Feel The Heat - Sunday Night Heat recap for May 2, 1999

The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn vs. D'Lo Brown beat "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry by count-out after Droz and Prince Albert show up and attack D'Lo Brown, causing Mark Henry to chase them through the crowd. After the match, Road Dogg says it is time for him and Gunn to do some "spring cleaning," and Billy Gunn says that he might have gotten out of line last Thursday night and that it is what makes him who he is. He then asks X-Pac to come to the ring so he can apologize to him face-to-face and man-to-man. X-Pac shows up and Gunn apologizes to him, and X-Pac shakes hands with the Outlaws before announcing that D-Generation X is here to stay. As they leave, Billy Gunn attacks X-Pac from behind, and Road Dogg has to pull Gunn off X-Pac. Suddenly, Kane shows up, and Gunn retreats while Road Dogg continues to check on X-Pac. Kane grabs Road Dogg and choke slams him, then helps X-Pac to the back.

Two limousines pull up, and The Corporate Ministry is seen exiting the limos and entering the arena.

In a 60 Minutes-style segment called "60 Seconds", Michael Cole says that the groundwork of the WWF has been based on the concept of integrity passed along from generation to generation, and for three generations, the pride of the McMahon family name has been held with dignity and honor. He then says that Vince McMahon has never disrespected his father, but times have changed and respect has been thrown out of the window by the fourth generation. We then see Cole's interview with WWF co-owner Shane McMahon from Backlash followed by his actions towards "Stone Cold' Steve Austin, then the scene of The Undertaker driving the limo containing Stephanie McMahon, his kidnapping of Stephanie, the aftermath of it and the creation of The Corporate Ministry.

Backstage, Shane McMahon tells Triple H, Chyna, Pete Gas and Rodney that they will show that they mean business tonight.

"The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock and Test beat The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) with an ankle lock to Faarooq. After the match, The Corporate Ministry shows up and attacks Shamrock and Test, then The Big Boss Man calls out Mankind, saying he knows that he is in the boiler room and that he will find him and take him out for good. Shane McMahon asks if that was a coincidence before The Corporate Ministry leaves.

Big Show is seen entering the arena.

Backstage, The Big Boss Man enter the boiler room and is attacked by Mankind. Both men brawl, and the rest of The Corporate Ministry walk into the room and attack Mankind. Shane McMahon locks the doors to the room from outside to ensure that Mankind does not escape, and soon afterwards, Big Show tears the doors off their hinges and fights off The Corporate Ministry, forcing them to retreat.

Big Show shows up and calls out The Undertaker, saying that if he wants to abduct people and send his goons out to attack others, then he should step up to him and take the ride of his life. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer show up, but so does The Corporate Ministry, who surround and gang up on Big Show. The Undertaker joins in on the attack, then tells Big Show that he is the most powerful force in the WWF, not him, and continues to attack him to give him a reminder.

The Big Show is seen tearing the backstage area apart as he looks for The Undertaker. Meanwhile, Shane McMahon calls the police, saying that Big Show has physically threatened him.

Hardcore Holly shows up with Head. Holly says he came here tonight thinking he would get a shot at the WWF Hardcore Championship, and says that while he was champion, he gave Al Snow more than his fair share of opportunities, and wants to know why their match tonight is a non-title match. Suddenly, Al Snow shows up on the TitanTron, saying Head is the champion, not him, and that Holly having . He then says that Head has ruined his life and forced him to carry a dead deer head around. He then says he has "the coolest thing" that has taken him weeks to find, and proposes giving Holly a peace offering. Suddenly, Al Snow shows up on a toy race car with the dead deer head while Hardcore Holly's old music from his Sparky Plugg gimmick plays. Snow rides down the ramp, then Holly attacks Snow, starting their match, which ends with Hardcore Holly walking away after telling Snow that he will get Head back if he gives him a title shot.

Backstage, Big Show is carrying a 2x4 as he walks to a limousine parked outside of the arena.

Big Show is seen busting out the windows of The Corporate Ministry's limousine outside of the arena. Soon, a police siren is heard, and police officers show up while Shane McMahon orders them to arrest him. Big Show goes peacefully, and allows himself to be arrested.

The Corporate Ministry shows up, and Shane McMahon joins them as soon as everyone else enters the ring. He says that The Corporate Ministry has taken care of "four little nuisances" - Mankind, Test, "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock and Big Show - and says it is far from over, as The Corporate Ministry's reign will be fierce and they have two more individuals to take care of: The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He says that The Rock is full of himself, and that Triple H is just the man to kick the crap out of him, and that the special guest referee in The Undertaker's match against Austin for the WWF Championship will be himself, due to the "great job" that he did last time. Shane then addresses his father, WWF owner Vince McMahon, saying he has taken his pride and dignity and that he has one thing left to take away from him. Shane then says that if Vince has "the grapefruits," then he will get on his jet and show up tomorrow night to face the music, as The Corporate Ministry reigns supreme.

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