Sunday, April 26, 1998

In Your House 21: Unforgiven - The Results

Faarooq, "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock and "The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman beat The Nation of Domination ("The Rock" Rocky Maivia, D'Lo Brown, "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry). After the match, Faarooq tells Michael Cole thanks Shamrock and Blackman for a job well done and says that this is just the beginning of his war with The Nation.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin shows up, grabs timekeeper Mark Yeaton and confronts him for ringing the bell last week. He tells Yeaton that if he is screwed out of a win tonight by Vince McMahon, he will take his anger out on Yeaton after he takes his answer out on Vince. Austin puts Yeaton in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation: either get fired by Vince McMahon for not ringing the bell, or ring the bell and get beaten up so badly by Austin that he ends up never working in WWF again. He doesn't care if Dude Love beats him for the WWF Championship fair and square, but if Vince or Yeaton screw him, they're both getting their asses beat.

"Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley retains the WWF European Championship against Owen Hart after Chyna escapes the cage, "Road Dogg" Jesse James lowers the cage so Chyna can land, WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter tries to get Chyna to the back (which distracts the referee), Owen hits Triple H with the Pedigree and X-Pac nails Owen Hart with a fire extinguisher. Michael Cole interviews Owen Hart after the match, and Owen says that enough is enough

21,427 fans have packed the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Jim Cornette shows up. He says the Greensboro, North Carolina is still the ugliest bunch of people he has ever seen in his life, and says that The Rock 'n Roll Express' (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) homecoming will be spoiled when he introduces The New Midnight Express ("Bombastic" Bob Holly and "Bodacious" Bart Gunn).

The The New Midnight Express ("Bombastic" Bob Holly and "Bodacious" Bart Gunn) retain the NWA World Tag Team Championships against that The Rock 'n Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson). At one point in the match, Jim Cornette threatens to fight referee Tim White, but Tim White is able to throw a few punches. Jim Cornette also accidentally hits Bart Gunn with an elbow drop as the referee is distracted, but THe New Midnight Express are still able to win the match.

Dok Hendrix interviews Luna Vachon and The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust. Luna proclaims she is here for one reason and one reason only: to strip every piece of clothing from Sable's grotesque body, and that Sable will be left in the ring like a newborn.

Luna Vachon beats Sable in an Evening Gown Match after Sable is distracted by "Marvelous" Marco Mero. After the match, Sable hits Luna with a Sable Bomb before ripping her gown off and chasing her to the underside of the ring. When Sable comes out, Luna's bra and panties are in her hand, and The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust has to cover Luna up with his robe when she comes out.

WWF owner Vince McMahon shows up with Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco. Vince announces that something catastrophic could happen tonight, and says that could mean anything as anything can happen in the WWF. He says there is a conspiracy theory going around that he is here to screw "Stone Cold" Steve Austin out of the WWF Championship, and says the real reason he is here is that not that many years ago, at Moore County Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina, he was born, and says it's great to be home. As for the conspiracy theory, the very thought that he would screw Austin of the WWF Championship is beneath his dignity, and he will not dignify that with a response. However, he will not be held responsible for what happens in the ring tonight, and he will accept no responsibility if "Stone Cold screws Stone Cold."

Kevin Kelly interviews Sable for the WWF Superstar Line.

Before the next match, "Road Dog" Jesse James says that tonight is a special night in the World Wrestling Federation, and gives the crowd a special treat. For this match, The New Age Outlaws (James, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) will be coached by University of North Carolina men's basketball coach Dean Smith. Instead of the real Dean Smith, we get a blow-up doll with a University of North Carolina shirt and white pants.

L.O.D. 2000 (Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk) beat The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dog" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) to become the WWF Tag Team Champions when Hawk ducks a tag team belt shot to the head that ends up hitting Billy Gunn instead...almost. However, The New Age Outlaws end up getting the win and retaining the titles, and it is revealed that the referee only saw Hawk's shoulders and not Road Dog's. Animal attacks referee Jack Down, and L.O.D. 2000 ends up getting taken down with the Doomsday Device as The New Age Outlaws celebrate with "Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley and X-Pac. After the match, Jack Doan is placed on a stretcher and taken to the back.

Country band Sawyer Brown performs with "Double J" Jeff Jarrett. It becomes painfully obvious that Double J is lip syncing. After the performance, Double J dedicates the performance to Tammy Wynnette and declares himself the new king of country music, and is then attacked by "The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman. As Blackman has Jarrett in an arm bar, Tennessee Lee hits Blackman in the head with a guitar, and Jarrett puts Blackman in the Figure Four Leg Lock.

The Undertaker beats Kane in an Inferno Match after Kane's arm is set on fire as The Undertaker knocks him back outside of the ring. During the match, Vader - who hasn't been seen in some time - attacks Kane from behind, and The Undertaker chases Paul Bearer all the way to stage where Sawyer Brown performed before putting a bass drum through Bearer's head and hitting him in the heart with a microphone stand.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin retains the WWF Championship against Dude Love. During the match, WWF owner Vince McMahon shows up with Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson, and sits down in a steel chair at ringside to watch the match, and is also seen making eye contact with timekeeper Mark Yeaton. Later on in the match, McMahon tells referee Mike Chioda not to count Austin out, but he continues to make the count. He also tells Mike Yeaton to ring the bell as Dude Love has Austin in an abdominal stretch, but Yeaton does not ring the bell. Later still, Dude Love accidentally clotheslines referee Mike Chioda, and Vince tries to revive Chioda as Dude Love has the Mandible Claw on Austin. Vince also tries to stop Austin from using a steel chair, but as Austin wrestles it from him, Dude Love pushes the steel chair into Austin's face. Dude Love tries to use the chair, but Austin elbows it into Dude Love's face as he rushes it into him. Austin then tries to hit Dude Love with the chair, but ends up hitting Vince with it. Austin then hits Dude Love with the Stone Cold Stunner, then makes the count himself. The bell never rings, Vince McMahon is tended to by medical staff, and Dude Love is declared the winner by disqualification due to Austin hitting a WWF official - in this case, Vince McMahon. However, since the WWF Championship cannot change hands on a disqualification, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin retains the WWF Championship. Pat Patterson is overheard telling Vince McMahon to strip Austin of the WWF Championship.

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